WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

Also, the graphic simplified what Dr. Greta Massetti, a top CDC official and Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials said in the NPR interview

ditto ï»ż?ï»ż

Just Got It For The First Time

58 yr old smoker. Trim, in good shape, physically active. Chills day 1-2. Nothing advil couldn’t knock back. Congestion in head and chest days 3-8. Nothing but remnant cold conditions now (day 10).
That we shut down the entire western world over THIS could only have been done by the malevolent Statist and cohorts in Big Pharma.


I did the same as I caught on to the C-19 fraud before Chris did. He was still in the “honey badger virus” and R-Naught mindset. I was disappointed and stopped watching for a short while. Coming back later, I happily found that he had “come to” and realized the scam (Russell Brand was the same). His work has been so solid and so helpful to me, I can’t explain.

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Berenson. A very sophisticated, subtle, refined joke.
Griefing that the NYT, his former employer, has not deigned to take note of his plight, warrior for Free Speech.
Get it?
The joke is based on the premise that the NYT and USA USA actually cares about their ostensible “Values” taught to the gullible in 4th grade.
he’s got himself a “settlement”, turns out the System Works ©!
What a fractionated Limited Hangout he is.

The Big Picture - Depopulation

While sifting through the grizzly details of the pandemic, the government’s and medical industry’s criminal response, the death jab, the mass murder, the mayhem, the economic ruin, etc, etc, I believe it’s time we need to be focused on the big picture - the elimination of the perpetrators of depopulation starting at the highest levels, the WEF (Claus Schwab) and its members, the CCP, the international Deep State as lackeys of the WEF and the Khazarian Mafia, all who are trying to kill us and are continuing to kill as many as they can to depopulate Earth down to a level that suits them, whatever that number is. All the BS you see going on is part of that bigger plan. What can we do, now that we know? This is war. There are many casualties in war as we see. Ultimately the leaders need to be taken down.

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Advil, or anything else that reduces fever, increases the duration. Your body raises its temperature in an effort to become less hospitable to the virus. If you force the temperature back down you are sabotaging your immune system.


Never Again

To ensure that this never happens again for generations we must have Nuremberg style trials and Nuremberg type punishments for the perps in this mass murder. Fauci should be the first and ANY LEADER In the FDA/CDC.


Thank you, Allan. I will check it out as i do not know what is used for.

I am so sorry to hear that, Mississippi Mama!
Like i said, a barbaric policy besides being completely unscientific!

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Thank you for your well-wishes, mirroredname!
I was really hoping to be at the peak prosperity event this year. I will plan on being at the next one!


And it is not over for unvaccinated health care workers. I cannot even file an application to work in a California hospital. I will need to stay at my hospital in Virginia where I have a religious exemption already approved.


Catherine Austin Fitts is traveling unvaccinated between the Netherlands (Frisian) and Tennesee. How is she doing that? Contact her.

The City (wef) is going to be bankrupt via Putin. Desperate old money.


Yes, I have a PD diagnosis. I know a health coach who is very into the flower essences, but haven’t tried them yet. I will look into the oak one.


Neurenberg didn’t have it’s last train in 1945/46. Why not in 1950? Instant revenge. Mass formation.
It’s not generations ago.

I can say this. My family has not been very forgiving of my choices. I still love them dearly and forgive them. I know however there will always be the broken link. I am guessing that is where the comment comes from.


Sure. They said the same thing before and during the Nuremberg trials. How did that work out for us?
Just understand human nature. This will happen again and again and again. Nothing is permanent.


Scrambled Minds And Scrambled News / Observations From India / Vandana Shiva

Thanks Chris. The CDC reversal appears to be good news, and it is, but when official policy changes every five minutes, and the MSM blithely ignores key policy reversals (that would make all their fearmongering and dishonesty plainly apparent to even the amnesiac and brain-battered masses), then we have to wonder what will be the impact of this news. What will be the penetration of this news in the public mind?
Some people have become (via mass formation) very ritualistically attached to their masks and vax cards and boosters–for these true believers to be suddenly told that they are in the same tub as the dreaded unvaxxed will be a cause for a stroke indeed. Whiplash, menticide, the whole brain-scrambling nine yards.
I just spent several weeks in India–in Mumbai and Ladahk (in the Himilayas); casual discussion with many Indians suggest that most know little to nothing about Uttar Pradesh’s track record with COVID, HCQ, and IVM. Indian media also bombarded the population with positive news about the vaccines, and India is a huge producer of pharmaceuticals, so IVM and HCQ, while widely available (and selling well) in corner chemists, did not have as huge a popular uptake as they might have had–because UP and Bihar took an independent course that most other Indian states did not. Pro-vaccine billboards and advertisements remain up everywhere, some peeling off in the monsoon rain. (In a couple pharmacies, other HCQ/IVM buyers included Europeans and American nurses.)
[Billboard appx 50 ft long, Ladakh, India, Aug 2022; the June 21 in billboard may refer to 2021.]
Indian pharmacists I spoke to said that in their opinion and experience, both IVM and HCQ worked. Delta was by far the worst wave in India; Omicron is more or less accepted as minor and passing; the current advice is to rest and take Vitamin C, D, zinc, and paracetamol/acetaminophen.
On the way back I passed through Germany, which perversely appears to be digging in for increased irrationality and stringency regarding masks and vaccinations–in short, if you’re unvaxxed in the fall, you will need to wear a mask (the new sign of the Other). See CJ Hopkins on this point.
Apropos of the wider problems (Big Ag, Big Tech, Big Mindf*ck), here’s a link to a video that might appear elsewhere; a very good one with Russell Brand interviewing longtime Indian eco-activist Vandana Shiva, who has been a champion of sustainable natural farming since the 1980s or earlier. The woman gets right to the heart of the matter. 35 mins. Very fine stuff.


Red Wave This November

I suspect that the shrieking Covid-hysteria of the Very Online Left (of which I used to be a part) is contributing to the intensity of the coming Red Wave this November, so the Democrats are just trying to stanch the bleeding.