WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

link posted below:

I hope this foolish and misguided policy ends soon too. I cannot visit the US either for training. Perhaps it will end soon enough so that Djokovic can play at the US Open. I never followed tennis before but he has become a personal hero of a sort for his public stance.
Iā€™m traveling (outside of Vietnam) for the first time in over 2.5 years. Iā€™m a bit frightened and excited at the same time. Iā€™ll be using for ā€œvaccine papersā€. Until the US policy changes, you may want to consider this app as your friend.


I wrote two people regarding Fauci. One, vaccinated and thoroughly blue-pilled thought the unvaccinated should be denied hospital care should they become ill. The other got two shots. She developed auras in her vision, then blood clots in her legs and lungs and then stage 4 liver cancer and dead in 4 months. She said regarding Fauciā€“to agree to disagree. That could be the pattern for an injection reaction, but who knows.

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By the way NO ONE has EVER isolated it on a slide or purified it, nor satisfied Kochā€™s postulates (see Dr Tom Cowanā€™s work on the ā€œContagion Mythā€ et al.), therefore it never existed.
I believe that your assertion that the virus has never been isolated is exactly that, an assertion. Nuclear Cardiologist Dr. Richard Fleming did in fact isolate the SARS CoV-2 virus and has presented data to verify this. I have posted this information several times at PP since he published his work. Please refer to the following: see item #20 in the above link I also believe that those who continue to promote the theory that viruses do not exist without providing sufficient credible data to back up those assertions do great harm to truth seeking efforts, protests and freedom rallies. It is, from my perspective, an unnecessary and harmful distraction that takes time and effort away from other more credible theories worth researching. As always, I am open to change if/when credible, verifiable data to back up any assertions is provided.
I learned about Post Viral Syndrome. I got on IVM and was able to get out of bed again for the first time in eight years. 
Congrats! That's truly wonderful to hear. Like many people here, I learned a lot about viruses and how to treat them. It turns out there are quite a number of approaches that work. Who knew? I mean besides the researchers who must have known but - for some reason(s) - decided to not share or widely publicize those results. Like the NIH discovered in 2005 that HCQ works against SARS but, for some reason, forgot all about that and then spent all its energy trying to convince us that HCQ was deadly. Weird, right?

After thinking on it overnight I have changed my opinion. Whether this is over depends where you are in the world, but vaccine mandates havenā€™t stopped for many. From that point of view itā€™s far from over - sorry Chris - I donā€™t think the assertion is right so long as they donā€™t let up on mandates. I think this was a tactical retreat.


Anthony you are much more respectful in the belief in justice. I think that will not work even if played out based on all fundamental principles most of us were brought up to believe. I would round up the the top 100 representing all the institutions ( including the media) that have failed their moral and ethical duties and go straight to public sentencing. Then conduct trials of the rest.

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I am waiting for CMS to take its cue from CDC, and drop the weekly testing requirement for unjabbed employees (who received Religious Exemption). The chemical that sanitizes these nose swabs are a known carcinogen.


I think many are more circumspect. I have always asked for the package insert, and will be doubling down on scrutinizing it going forward. I actually donā€™t think I can trust the chorus of voices from the medical field ever again.


I actually took the spit test cause when they said it was mandatory at the beginning I told them they not shoving anything up my nose, so best find another way to test me or Iā€™m just not testing. ?


So sad


My understanding is that they finally reviewed the VAERS data, which is the CDC/FDA tool for detecting signals indicating there may be a problem EARLY, as the population begins to use a new vaccine. A signal would be > 100 deaths in the first 6 mos. So now they have their proof. Thank God for the woman who put the VAERS data in readable form was available to the public. It highly influenced my decision.

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Iā€™m speculating, but based on the words chosen to represent their anger, that most are under 30, proficient in pronouns, and not certain what a woman is and men can have babies.


Itā€™s Not Over

The UK is preparing for ā€œthe biggest vaccination campaign in historyā€ this fall.

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Reason For Cdcā€™s Walking Back

Thought the walk back was bc of the Virology Journal paper:


Not Over

ā€œItā€™s over folks. Pack it up.ā€
This seems premature. There is still so much broken and the critical mass has nowhere been achieved in terms of public acknowledgement of what has happened (and continues to happen) regarding the pandemic and the disastrous pandemic response. Kids are still being encouraged or required to vaccinate. My own kids worry about being barred from jobs because of their vaccination status. People are still dying because of lack of access to effective treatments.
We are only at the beginning, I fear, because the cover up/push back/defensive maneuvering of those responsible will be fierce.


Thanks for the preprint find, good finding.  What I donā€™t understand is the following in the abstract.
ā€œCardiovascular effects in adolescents after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination included tachycardia, palpitation, and myocarditis. The clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild, with all cases fully recovering within 14 days. Hence, adolescents receiving mRNA vaccines should be monitored for side effects. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT05288231ā€
Iā€™m a Biologically uneducated Mechanical Engineer, and from what I can tell the heart has trouble or cannot repair itself? Not sure which is correct as i get conflicting info when searching. 
Similar to asking an engineer about a problem, the answer almost always starts with ā€œit dependsā€.
When the researchers say ā€œall cases fully recovering after 14 daysā€ what does that mean? How can you recover when you have inflammation of the heart which means damage no?
Damage that the body is not designed to repair?
Am I completely missing something?


Hope there is a window of opportunity for you both soon - in the fall.


Isuzuki and lemenlk1. I donā€™t know where the graphic is from or even if I found the right NPR show where the changes were discussed, but here is the NPR transcript where the substance of changes are discussed.

You And The Tribe Have Kept Me Strong.

Thank you Dr. Martenson, Evie and the tribe for presenting a wealth of information and camaraderie during this very long ordeal. During the twelve years I have been following your teachings, Iā€™ve never felt better informed and prepared. There are no doubt hard times still ahead so I will continue to make this site a daily stop. Stay strong everyone!