WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

I can find no evidence of an approved, combined flu + Covid-19 “vaccine” in the US… although there appear to be trials. Can you provide any evidence of this kind of shot being used somewhere, anywhere Outerah? Thank you

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Suggested Correction

Great piece - but I offer a minor quibble as follows. Paragraph two of your conclusion refers derisively to “bureaucratic minarets.” I think you meant “martinets” (tinpot dictators); minarets are the steeple equivalents for mosques. Thought you might wish to clean that up - I always prefer to circulate well edited copy, and think this one will deserve widespread distribution in final form. Your insights continue to provide a welcome breath of sanity - much appreciated!


Following The Data

Thank you Chris for following the data wherever it lead you. I imagine it was not always easy and that it may have exacted a cost in your personal and professional life. Hats off for staying the course and remaining a beacon of sanity in a Western world going increasingly mad. We aren’t there yet and I am sure the beatings will continue until morale improves but a beachhead has been established.


100%. Alex is to the Weed Industry what RFK Jr. is to Big Pharma. They are accurate in their reporting, and courageous guys.


The above correction refers to the newly posted “It’s Over” commentary on the new CDC guideline revisions.

Without going into details, if smoking weed caused heart attacks I would definitely have known about that given the length of time, the amounts and the numbers of people involved. Not one. Never heard of it.
Must be something brand new if it’s a thing…


When I go to the market again I will double check at the pharmacy and get back to you in a couple days. Maybe they meant 2 shots at the same time? It seems like if they are doing that it would need to be under trial as per picture. I know the economic form meeting mentioned it for compliance but seems like that is a full next year rollout by searching “flu + Covid-19 vaccine”.

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Alex Berenson has written about the link between cannabis use and severe mental illness (namely, psychosis and schizophrenia). He believes there is strong evidence of causation. He testified in Congress about it a few weeks ago.
I haven’t read anything about heart issues.

Thank you. And Godspeed.

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I Think Chris Missed The Significance Of The Times Piece On Anti-vaxxers

Of course it was propaganda–I would expect nothing less. I sought out the article (I studiously avoid the Times) because it acknowledged:

  • the humanness of pissed-off parents--it didn't turn them into cardboard cartoon figures. (I suspect this is class bias...)
  • these people could be part of a massive wave throwing out the Dems.
  • the real political costs of the mandates to Dems.
I thought it highly significant to see all this in such an ideological medium, because it doesn't fit the narrative.
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Cdc Completely Reverses Course Article

Greetings Chris!
This is my first time commenting… so much to say and so little time! I’ve been watching you on YouTube since the very beginning of your Covid videos. I was bed bound at the time so was watching a lot of TV.
In Sept or Oct (I think) I watched the series about pandemics that had just come out (on Netflix or some other streaming service I had at the time) and then I watched videos about the 1917 one, AND THEN I watched the “pandemic trial run” that was done (I forget the official name of what that was, sorry people about my memory but I’ve been really ill, I think Bill Gates had something to do with it?) AND THEN I started to think “maybe something was up”.
Right after high school, I became interested in the psychology behind advertising and then the news. I concluded that most of the news we were getting was mostly to shape our opinions and to prepare us for what they wanted to shape next. So, thirty years later, when I saw all these shows about the pandemic I had a pretty good hunch that we were about to have one. I searched out sources of info and found you (actually, I found a few, but stuck with just you).
For nine years, during my twenties, I traveled the world. During my last year, while on an isolated Island in Thailand, I contracted something that left me unconscious for ten days with a 104 fever. I never fully recovered so returned home to Berkeley, California (yes, I’m an actual native). After several years of seeing doctors, I was diagnosed with ME/CFS - without ever having been referred to an infectious disease specialist and without much testing.
It’s been a very long thirty year journey into physical hell and being tortured by our medical system. I learned serious things about our healthcare system that most people had no awareness of. I wanted to warn people but no one was interested in listening. And then Covid happened. Covid changed my world in so many different ways - and most of them GREAT. I could see doctors again due to tele-medicine. I learned about Post Viral Syndrome. I got on IVM and was able to get out of bed again for the first time in eight years. And, most important, the whole world learned how bad it really is here. The illusion was bursting.
I agree with your conclusion, Chris - they don’t care about the people and it’s all about the money. Thank you for speaking up back then and for continuing to do so!
With Much Love,


The Netherlands must be full of psychotics and schizophrenics then:
This seems correlate as cannabis use is not uncommon under youngsters (it’s just a phase for most of them).
I could not find any ww data about psychosis. Maybe a good indicator is this:
Anyway. This is interesting enough to study further. Still I suspect that there are other confounders: vaping, synthetics, other drugs etc.


Thank you for the suggestion. Have you read “Dragon Rises Red Bird Flies” by Dr. Leon Hammer, M.D.? He is a child psychiatrist, Chinese Medicine doctor and NLP practitioner. This book takes one down to an energetic healing level. One which many western doctors evade and are ignorant of. He discusses the yin/yang and intelligences within each organ as well as the flow of Chi through each portion of the overall system. It is a fascinating and enlightening read.


I found the following articles:
(2013) The relationship between cannabis exposure and schizophrenia fulfills some, but not all, of the usual criteria for causality. However, most people who use cannabis do not develop schizophrenia, and many people diagnosed with schizophrenia have never used cannabis. Therefore, it is likely that cannabis exposure is a “component cause” that interacts with other factors to “cause” schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, but is neither necessary nor sufficient to do so alone.
This is kind of an overview article with links in it from April 2022. I found this statement interesting:
There’s been a few in-depth studies on how CIP happens and who is most at risk. The majority of these studies fall in line with frequent cannabis users. Still, a key takeaway is how these studies fail to mention if the patient has pre-existing mental health conditions or a family history of mental illness.
Finally, this article from 2018:
In it a paper is referenced:
The relationship between marijuana use and psychosis is not completely clear.
The association between marijuana and psychosis is likely influenced by tobacco use; tobacco use may increase the risk of psychosis.
Risk from marijuana depends on the genes, the age of use initiation, and how much is consumed.
Last but not least, I check Ourworldindata. One can find the incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia in it. The US. Is worldleader, the Netherlands in the top 5.
The only other relevant data I could find was about drug victims. There the Netherlands is in the middle, while the US is pretty high up there.
I strongly suspect that there are at least certain confounders. Btw, it is a accepted “fact” in the Netherlands that many longer time cannabis users are basically self-medicating.
An n=1 anecdote: I have one close friend who had his first psychotic episode after smoking cannabis. However, schizophrenia runs in his family. It goes two or three generations back. He tried to smoke again after he recovered from his first psychosis, and presto.
Anyway. The increase seen in the US must be explained. And vaping + crazy amounts of THC could most definitely be involved.


Those Who Think The Worst Is Over Better Think Again

Just as the CDC pretends to have backed off, the NHS reveals (to just a few) what’s really coming at us in the fall: “The biggest vaccination drive in history”


Yep it is not over as long as they can put MRNA in a needle.
Also the Red Cross is mixing all the blood together.
Then there is the shedding and sexual fluid exchange of between vaxxed and unvaxxed that we have no clue as to how serious a problem it is.


P.S. I just bought this book and was excited to see Dr. Alexander Lowen in the mix as well as Wilhelm Reich. I had a chance to speak with Dr. Lowen in the 1990’s. And his other books such as “Fear of Life” are a great read. In the 1950’s the government threw Wilhelm Reich into jail where he died and they confiscated all of his work. Sound familiar?


Just In From The Australian Senate

Senator explains the Jab.
This is now on record in the system!


How lucky the world is to have a CM of Uttar Pradesh who had integrity and could not be bought. He did what he thought was right and he was successful. I’m sure he fought against very powerful interests and took personal risk for this achievement.
There are very few other government heads and governments that pushed back. Some other notables might be Denmark, Sweden, Uruguay, Mexico?, El Salvador?, perhaps several leaders in African countries. The Indian FDA asked for their own independent trials. I should add Ron deSantis from Florida, Texas, S Dakota and several governors in certain other states pushed back to some degree.
Nearly all other governments were corrupted and didn’t ask questions.


I wish these vaccines would be withdrawn but it may be too juch to ask. That’s quite a huge admission and fall for the FDA and CDC to accept. The vascists who pushed and promoted these things, in some places more than 50% of the population would have a very hard time acd3pting they were fooled.
Its a massive culture shock. There needs to be trials of those in charge, if this happens.