WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

This is truly the saddest part of all: the total innocents, the babies from birth through their total childhood years; they are at the mercy of parents who are totally ignorant. The evil is unimaginable but true. Hard to imagine what a next generation will be other than trans-human that we will not recognize nor be able to communicate with. Chris has talked about being the Remnant of what is left; I will be in that camp and pray I will be in a new world for us to inhabit unmolested. Funny how the WEF says we will be the losers and left behind.


Great minds
 lol. I have even more respect for your thinking knowing you have this as an important part of your framing.
Here is my own journey into this, with some other sources which I found valuable along the way


I’ve seen this video multiple places, but it seems to me that the only people booing are right next to the video maker. The rest of the stands is cheering and clapping. And the rest of the video is pure narrative construction. Very disappointing, because I would be delighted if half of Seattle was really booing Fauci, and don’t like being lulled into a false sense of security.


Jab Never

The covid narrative, the catchy new name for the catchy new disease . . . I never bought into any of it.
At first I took the mask advice seriously.
And I took Dr. Michael Osterholm, of CIDRAP, seriously.
So I read the transcript of Osterholm’s June 2020 podcast, in which he debunked the studies cited by the CDC in their mask guidance.
Then I read that he was walking back what he had stated clearly in June.
I knew that he had come under pressure and was caving in.
Then, the control group on the “warp speed” trials were discontinued because “it wouldn’t be fair to withhold this great new ‘vaccine’ from the controls.”
I am not a scientist, but I knew that that was bollocks.
Something was very wrong with this picture.
Then somehow I heard of Dr. McCullough and Dr. Zelenko.
I watched a video of McCullough testifying before a hearing before Texas State H&H Committee in the Texas Senate.
Wow. Then I became an active foe of these shots.
I noticed which blogs that I follow were falling for the scam, and which were not.
Also, who was out there trying to explain to the public what was going on.
One of these was Dr. Chris Martenson!
And here I am!!
Survived covid19 as a Pureblood.


Love This, And
 Cannabis Use Disorder Does Cause Heart Problems

Love all of this, Chris, except the inclusion of the photo titled “Cannabis Use Disorder May Be Linked to Growing Number of Heart Attacks in Younger Adults”. Actually, very serious heart and neurological injury has been happening to many teens for over a decade from ingesting synthetic marijuana through vaping and edibles with crazy high levels of THC and toxic chemicals. Most people are still unaware just how dangerous it is, thinking marijuana is pretty benign, like the marijuana of the 70’s. Nothing could be further from the truth. I wouldn’t have known about it myself except a loved one experienced much harm - including heart injury - in 2018. Alex Berenson writes about this topic in “Tell Your Children”.


Over? Really?

You may be unaware but for those who are seeking work, many government and private sector jobs still REQURE vaccination if you’re hired. Also those who refused vaccination in our military and national guard are still being separated from the service and not allowed to fulfill their mission. Does this sound to you like it’s over?
As much as I appreciate the optimism and enthusiasm, in my opinion, the government’s desire to control us is far from over.


What Prompted The “completely Reverses Course” Assertion?

The CDC put up this garbage on the 11th, which reads like “we can be a little less insane because the jabs are winning so much”:


Sincere Or A Bit Cheeky?

Hi Chris
 been following you for a couple of years and appreciate the info and the hard work it takes to put it all together. I do have a question about this comment in your conclusion, though:
“To help heal from this disaster, we need to be as welcoming as possible to those who finally wake up and want to be re-included as good-standing members of The Remnant. Of course, they will be on probation forever as a result, but welcome they will be.”
I’m struck by the phrase ‘probation forever’. Were you sincere or being a bit cheeky? Asked another way, how welcoming do you think that sounds to someone who has woken up and how would that approach promote the kind of healing I thought you were desiring? Rather, it sounds like a permanent scarlet letter that you feel justified to give others that reinforces conformity and second-class ‘citizenry’ in The Remnant. I hope I’m wrong and simply misread it, but I was curious given how welcoming I’ve heard you in other videos and articles. Thanks again.


Ugh. That doesn’t look anything like what NPR wrote. I already shared Chris’s link; hopefully, the naysayers won’t look further, but I’m still going to send them more info to back up the CDC’s insanity.

TPTB are in control of us and the governments, and this program is far from over.


What sort of Penetrating Insight Participation Award do you propose for those who have to be dragged to the very threshold of the Great Reset slaughterhouse to notice that something is amiss?


Now The Only Question Remaining

Chris, now the only question remaining is when they will finally lift the entry restriction on non-vaccinated non-American citizens or residents to finally be able to enter the US so I may have a chance at coming to the honey badger gathering!



In the spring of 2021, I was within days of getting the jab. I was considering the one and done J&J “vaccine”. As I learned more of the risks from you, Drs. Kory and Marik at FLCCC and Dr. Malone, not only did I not take the jab but began boosting my immune system with vitamins C and D, zinc, quercetin, melatonin per the preventive protocol of FLCCC. I have been free of covid, or if I had it was asymptomatic. My thanks to all who have been brave enough to tell the truth.


What a great link! I don’t know if you are suffering from Parkinsons, but if you are, the constant reference to the Oak tree image in the write up has a profound connection to the to the flower essence Oak.
I don’t know if you are familiar with flower essences, as they are controversial to allopathic medicine? This particular essence is for those who take on way too much. Here is a link with a short description and way to purchase if it seems interesting at all. Images and metaphors such as the one in the article are messages from the greater being just waiting for the recipient. Maybe this essence can help.
FES also has a large book describing each essence in detail one can buy on the website.
Another individual who died from lymphoma and returned from death is Anita Moorjani. Her story is well documented by doctors for nearly 4 years. She has not only a very compelling story, but she has a lot to say about the current modern medical paradigm. Her book “Dying To Be Me” is from a very different perspective.
Also to mention Dr. Gabor Mate M.D. a fabulous thinker and writer. I love all his books. His book In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts - A Close Encounters With Addiction is medicine at its finest.


I sent you a reply but because I included links it went to Peak for approval. Should hopefully see it by tomorrow.



While clinging to the foundering, reef-lodged wreck of SS World We Knew, we have to hold fast as breakers of varying magnitude smash stern timbers and threaten to dislodge us.
Then we look for the next monstrous wave that may sweep us away.
So glad this one seems to have finally left us with a little peace and validation. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em—and if your matches are still dry.
But the Remnant must watch like hawks to windward, because the entities who put us here had more than grotesque pharma profits in mind. Yes, they got obscenely wealthy, but they also killed a lot of people in the process, and that butcher’s bill hasn’t been fully tallied.
So money AND mass deaths were the goals.
And the corona-and-jab-madness campaign is but the first of Four Horsemen.
I hear another breaker approaching. It sounds a lot like the hoof beats of a charger.
Hold on.


I read the CDC press release and it didn’t strike me as a big deal. That seems to be an outlier view here, so I’m sure I’m missing something? I’m guessing that Chris is noticing a shift in narrative that is bigger than it appears. Or he is referring to something other than this press release alone.
They did back down on two of their most ridiculous recommendations (testing of people with no symptoms, and quarantine after “exposure”), but probably only because compliance was near-zero. But other than that, it looks like much of the same Covid-iocy. Boosters, useless masks, etc.


Hmmm, this must be related to the syntehic stuff then. I, and most of my fellow students, friends and acquantances, were heavy marihuana and hashish users in University (Netherlands). Boy, that was a fun time. I have truly never heard of younsters dying of heart attacks due to hahshish. My advice to youngster would be: stick to the natural product.


Poetry with a purpose. Good on ya!


The only true thing Tony Fauci ever said was at the beginning when he told us not to run out & buy masks because they wouldn’t do any good. But he said it in a way that was insulting - you’re too stupid to use a mask correctly unless you’re a trained professional. Nice.
It was very obvious he was trying to keep the supply for healthcare workers, but he could have just come out & said it, and posted a link to some video showing how to make your own.
Then of course he flip-flopped and went “masks-for-everyone!” Why anyone listened to him after that is beyond me.
-Pureblood, Team Delta