WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!


Until those responsible for untold needless deaths and serious lifelong medical conditions are held accountable it is NOT over. Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. Trust the “government” and it’s “agents?” Not on your life…or mine.


I’m another of the very few people who understand that the virus doesn’t exist. unfortunately, the virologists have been entrained and find it near impossible to accept that their beliefs are wrong. some of them are willing to ‘debate’ the issue but none of them are willing to do the experiments to prove the issue.
Dr Robert Young’s research has found Trypanosoma Cruzi in the ‘vaccines’. Trypanosoma Cruzi is a parasite that causes myocarditis. the parasite is part of the parcel inside the lipid/graphene envelope.
it would therefore make sense that HCQ and Ivermectin work to resolve the ‘covid’ effect of the poison jabs. the CDC wanted these anti-parasite medicines banned.
World War III is far from over. they’re just getting started. while people are still arguing about the pandemic and the vaccines, all of the building blocks for global eugenic famine are being put in place. and my belief is that the chemtrails and poisoned rain are part of that plan. every time it rains where I am, our tomato and other night shade plants die.


I no longer trust any of our allopathic doctors. all trust gone !


Amen ??
Without darkness their would be no light.
Life is a struggle and it should be, we would not value the beauty of it without. If you live your life in continuous comfort you would have an empty experience not to say empty soul.
The more I learn, the less I understand but the patterns become clearer.
Life is truly about balance. I’m sure that’s in Buddhism too.


Zuby’s reaction: “well everybody should be boo’ing” ???
In fact, they should have thrown eggs or worse at this lowlife Fauzi. It’s outrageous this parasite has the hubris and vanity to appear for a crowd.


Thank You Chris

Thank You Chris. You were a big part of my decision to refuse the jab and give up my job. The career and financial price were large. The choice right. Being disabled, dead, or medically compromised in any way isn’t worth it. Your rational scientific explanation and presentation were and are awesome. It will always feel good, right, and satisfying to have stood tall and strong against such enormous pressure. Congratulations and thank you to all here who support one another. You are strong and free thinkers all.


Non-citizens CAN enter the country without vaccination by sneaking across the southern border illegally. From Texas they can also get a free bus ride to NYC or Washington, DC. I have friends whose son couldn’t re-enter the US from Europe a few months ago so he flew to Tijuana, Mexico and walked across the border without a problem. ??‍♂️


Great Susan!
These kind of oversights and timelines are what is missing from PP. My hopes were with the long overdue website rehaul to bring more accessibility and oversight, it appears just visually upgraded apart from better categorizing. Chris hired a great marketeer for sure.
No matter the shape or form Chris’ work is indispensable (and will be dearly missed over the mext coming weeks).

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Holy shot (?)! The comments in that article… psychotic! If this is not mass formation/hypnosis/hysteria then nothing is.


For whatever reason, the heart is not beating.
This clot looks like a large embolus that likely could have killed the patient. That was a common cause of death before Covid and the Vaxxes, but has become even more common now.


Gregory, no matter how often you repeat this to yourself, your no-virus/chemtrail/poison rain/genocide belief will not help us unite in our cause. I won’t deny any of your believes, it’s just so fringe that it distracts all we try to do here. You must have noticed by now this is not theory Chris and his following are subscribing to.
Again, I said it before, we appear to be on the same side, don’t push us away.


Cdc Awakening

I would imagine the sudden awakening has nothing to do with Covid and everything to do with the coming midterm elections, the raid of Trump’s house only made things worse for them so they decided to set us free from their Tyrany As a last attempt to look like some sort of a hero we. Their situation is if they are not in control they cannot continue to hide all the things they did Covid related and otherwise. They have a lot of crimes to answer for. If the Republicans don’t go soft they will start to follow the money trail and a lot of people I’ll get caught.
So for now we will be hearing “look at us we won over Covid” yay?except for a case here and there of Myo?itys. Also, I would like to know when workers in hospitals Will be able to go to work without having to take this awful vaccine I don’t just mean hospital employees but contractors that work in the hospital on construction and all sorts of other things that happen daily in the hospitals. These are not big money people they are every day people and are forced to take a vaccine at their own peril and should they suffer any harms from it they will be on their own & forgotten immediately. I am hoping that this CDC change means this particular group of people as well.

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Great list! I’ve read nearly all of them, got a few new names. One of the more foundational books for me has been Healing Developmental Trauma by Heller. It effectively synthesizes much of the works listed into a single framework.
Helped me understand myself and others better.


Whoops. I typed my comment then read yours. I concur!


Seems as long as you genuflect to the ideology/narrative, you can get away with anything. Try to counter the ideology? You get slapped into solitary for 6-months for a misdemeanor.
I think this comment found on Paul Thacker’s awesome substack article on Peter Hotez’s many obvious failings summed it up well.


Great link. Those comments from the covidians are extremely disturbing. Yup right there you know the people who would have been the camp guards for the unvaxed extermination camps.


When reading this comment my first thought was to research a bit to see if parasites such as this or other substances may have been in the vaccine can be spread to those unvaccinated since if enough of the population has the vaccine and it could be spread or replicate lets say in blood transfusions, saliva, or sex, then that would also be a reason to stop caring about actively pressuring or using coercion on people to get the jab, since most if not all will get it eventually. Since the pirates running the ship don’t associate with the ‘lesser people’ it wouldn’t get into their circle.
Though I just visited the source after seeing some of the ‘news’ pages either took the article down or had the pictures removed via copyright…
“[Figure 2a is a 0.5ml aqueous fraction image from Pfizer vaccine sample viewed under pHase contrast microscopy at 1000x, showing a symplast of graphene oxide (upper left) next to a Trypanosoma cruzi parasite (lower right). Dr. Robert O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing, September 11th, 2021[2][9][73][83]]”
It is not even confirmed, but something he saw looks like it, and he put the sample side to side WITH a “Trypanosoma cruzi parasite” This is the only spot in the entire article which even mentions that word. I’m not saying parasites can’t be in there, even if it isn’t that particular one, but please let’s get the facts straight before posing stuff. 
“Trypanosoma” by itself is used 5 times, but it’s showing possible eggs. I’d be interested with more than just one person researching this to see if it is credible, but this is something almost a year ago which didn’t pick up any steam I guess for anyone else to double check. I couldn’t find anything else based on it on DuckDuckGone or Brave. Does anyone else know who this Dr is? The about him page is very weird… starting at 1966 as an Eagle Scout to Doctor of Philosophy, to then branching off into nature medicine, to going to China, and then ending at 2019 as the International Tribunal of Natural Justice. I would need to find out more about his credibility since he has less reviews than my no named practitioner and is ranked as an author first and foremost. Not discrediting him, but I need to know more about him.
tl:dr - The community likes old school science and not the maybe, possibly, probably, Fauci Science. Might this be a hit piece or something to just get eyeballs? Who knows. Though I would like to see more about the validity of these claims from others looking into it since many of us unvaccinated probably have family or partners who are. Being a true blood might not mean anything if something like that is true, but I like to see more data of such to come out.

The current variants didn’t justify these measures, even if you believe that those policies work. Most businesses no longer followed the guidance anyway. And most people have already had Covid by now. The CDC didn’t want to look like idiots who couldn’t bother to update their recommendations.


Coercion Wasn’t Working Anymore

The discrimination against unvaccinated people (masks, weekly testing, exclusion from events) was clearly meant to coerce us into getting jabbed… but it was no longer serving its purpose. The strong-minded people were not going to comply, and a lot of us had Covid by now so fear-porn didn’t work. In fact these failed policies were fueling resentment, red-pilling people, and made swing voters lean Republican.
When the new Omicron shot comes out, we’ll see how they decide to “encourage” it. The first shot’s track record is pretty horrible, and I think they’ll need a new playbook - but never underestimate bureaucratic tyranny.


I’m personally waiting for the CDC to update their website from Aug 11.
Vaccines are still Safe and Effective so buying another 10lbs of rice for the “Drinking Game”!(in a past post) ?
Seriously though if they don’t update their main page, and reverse action that kids under 18 can’t get it anymore, it is them talking on both sides of their mouth just like they been doing since 2020.