WOW!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. IT'S OVER!

“When scientific debate is settled it is known as politics” Prof. Ian Plimer (geologist and climatologist)


The paragraph on the CM of Uttar Pradesh explains a lot. How lucky for Uttar Pradesh to have a leader who has genuine integrity and is prepared to do what is right.
Here is the UK, our next PM is going to be some one who has served for a long time in the Johnson cabinet and not a squeak against from either of the remaining candidates about what has been going on. The opposition labour party is just as corrupt. Say what you like about the previous leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, as an old style ‘leftie’ (with some nutty ideas), at least he could not be bought. Which he was why he had to go.


Whether this is completely over depends on who was involved and the motives behind it. If it was just for profit, perhaps this is over, but I doubt it. If the globalists planned it decades ago, I’d be wondering what’s next. Perhaps enough doses of vaccine have been administered to achieve their goals be they reduced fertility, population-wide long term cardiovascular risk, or “just” achieving new levels of compliance and control. Perhaps there have simply been diminishing returns with time and an increased risk of defiance from the masses.
It certainly looks like supply chains and hunger are the new focus of our corporate dictators. In the mean time it’s about building resilience for whatever happens.
If this was strategic retreat, the lesson is that public perception and defiance are everything. There are so few of them and billions of us. They are absolutely dependent on the compliance afforded by mass psychosis and without it they are powerless.


I agree with this analysis and I always recommend Laurence Heller’s book “Healing Development Trauma” as a key text for understanding what we are seeing in the world. It also shows us clearly that the people who are trying to control everything are themselves highly damaged children.


Just Another Brick In The Wall

So just as they made declarations of a pandemic, without proof; they are now making declarations that the danger is over, without proof. They are now “allowing” us to get on with our forever changed lives.
“The current conditions of this pandemic are very different from those of the last two years,” Greta Massetti, a senior epidemiologist with the CDC, told media outlets on on Aug. 11.
Current conditions is a point in time. Who is to say that future conditions won`t dictate another lockdown, more mandates, and more hysteria?
The answer is THEY say what is and what is not. We are still not free.


My prediction: nothing.
I think it is fair to say that the US is currently ran by the biggest crime family in its history. While Trumped only bragged about what he could do. Members of this family are proven to be involved in corruption, whitewashing, pedo activities, drug abuse. Nothing happens. Nothing.
I wish Alex good luck, but I’m afraid he will be mentally and financially ruined. I’m afraid however, that time will prove I wasn’t cynical enough…


Cdc Guidelines

NPR got it wrong. Here are the CDC’s guidelines as of August 11, 2022:

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Karl, I am so sorry that your family is separated by this unscientific and barbaric policy!!! We are in a similar predicament here in Istanbul.
My partner is a UK citizen. İ am American. Neither of us is vaccinated.
Although I can enter the US even though I am unvaccinated, he cannot because he is a non-citizen. So unless i am willing to leave him alone here in Türkiye (we are here getting cancer treatment for him), we cannot see my family in the US until this order is rescinded.
Per Presidential Proclamation of October 25, 2021:


My Spidey Sense Is Nagging At Me ….

Although this news , on the surface , seems good and I would really like to celebrate a win I am just not able to trust this move by the powers that be .
It is hard to explain but it feels more strategic to a bigger plan than it does an end …
I am trying very hard to see the positive as I keep looking over my shoulder for who knows what ?
This may take time to process .


I would love to see a brainscan of Fraudci, I think he is more than a villain…


Those Covid Cult comments are really frightening


Indeed indeed. Some of the great battles were won by “retreats”. Basically bringing the enemy off-balance, and luring them into a position where they could be slaughtered.
I fear this is such a tactical retreat. Imagine what would happen this winter if extra harsh measures would be instituted? It will crush the fighting spirit of most of the people here.
Enjoy this small victory, and use the time to become more resilient. Relax, soak up the sun, listen to music, read some lighthearted books, meet friends. But prep. Walk, sing, work in your garden. But be aware, if anything, this is a battle won, not the war…


Not Over

Non citizens are still required to be vaccinated to enter the US. It’s not over until they lift this ban. My fiancé lives in Germany and we’ve been separated for two long years, waiting for this vaccine passport BS to end so he can finally move here.


I’m in the same boat. My fiancée and I have been separated for two years waiting for this madness to end.


The Jab

I’m from Perth, Western Australia and unvaxxed. Refused to be jabbed by our government hell bent on inoculating everyone. The propaganda was horrific and continuous day in and day out. I was very, very wary of what was being said on msm and what I had been researching since this “plandemic” started. Have been researching since the ‪9/11‬ debacle. Got to the stage where I nearly caved in as I was getting depressed at the stupidity of people and how they did not realise it was all bullshit they were spreading on msm. I felt like some condemned criminal. Why was our Premier of our state and other states going all out to bully every single person on the planet to have all these shots, close down businesses etc, I knew then that these politicians were being paid off to keep their mouths shut and only talk about how critical it is to get the vaccine. All politicians worldwide I believe were paid off to mind control the population and keep them in a state of fear and hysteria and afraid of their own shadow. Many months of putting up information and emailing people - family & friends to no avail. All of them got jabbed including my husband, some because they had NO choice job wise, others because they had compromised immune systems and were frighted of getting Covid, when in actual fact it was the vaccine that was causing all the problems to their immune system not Covid19. By the way NO ONE has EVER isolated it on a slide or purified it, nor satisfied Koch’s postulates (see Dr Tom Cowan’s work on the “Contagion Myth” et al.), therefore it never existed. Covid19 was just another flu like system that everyone in the world has conaviruses like colds, influenza A & B, pneumonia. Influenza A & B have been rebranded and remarketed as Covid19. Remember it was so deadly that a 60 year old over the counter medication called Hydroxychloroquine easily combats Covid19 (and now the anti-parasite drug Invermectin). All of the research at the Wuhan lab was instead focused on the Covid19 vaccine. The virus was a cover story for the creation of a undetectably deadly vaccine- a biologically poisonous and toxic weapon of mass murder and an instrument of genocide. They (the Elite/Deep State) had the vaccine already on hand and then invented a reason to use it. The short term goal is wrecking economies and the long term goal is taking what population is left into a new world of technocratic control


I’m afraid you’ll be right Dave, but I refuse to accept it. Dismantling all the corrupted/infected institutions will be a hell of a job especially when the majority of the herd is still confused/hypnotized and supporting “the narrative”.
Time will tell what we made out of it. As long as there are people that are not willing to sell their soul for short term gains, that choose the unbeaten path and are resilient enough to endure some pain, I’m confident there will be a better future for us. Personally I’m ok with letting perpetrators off the hook (literally), I mean we would need awfully big machinery to cull the elitists and their following. We really should not go there (unless they proof to be a good source of energy…). If there needs to be a fight, bring it on! But no revenge crimes please! Life’s too short for that. We already lost a decade or so when this BS is over.
Make sure to support those who are/were on the front of the battle, they need it. And please let us not go into all the fringes of possible “conspiracies” and stay the course!
It’s not over yet, but this CDC move is good for morale!


Peterborough, Canada

Was at Pierre Poilievre’s meet and greet yesterday and was amazed a) how many people showed up, and b) how anti mandate centric his speech was and c) how many people cheered
Hope for all our sakes he wins the Conservative leadership and then displaces Trudeau asap


It’s Not Over.

just wait…


that was their goal. the childhood schedule. full immunity now. say goodbye to the next generation of the U.S.A.


Oh btw don’t get me wrong, some heads may roll, I won’t defend awful deplorables like Turdeau, Fauzi and the Auzzi/NZ crew when the crowd happen to tear those down.
I’m usually the peaceforce kind of guy. But for some I would allow myself some letting off steam… let me phrase it like this, I wish upon them all they had in mind for their less obedient fellow men while they had their infuriating speeches.