Your "Adjustment Reaction" Will Be Your Fate

I’m guessing the video was deleted from the current Peak Prosperity YouTube channel and the source video is only visible through Wayback.
Could you share with me how you used the Wayback Machine to find the 2020 video?

Actually I found Chris’s original discussion about the Adjustment Reaction using plain old Google
-> beginning at 11:11, dated Mar 12, 2020.

The Deadliest Delta

One of the biggest problems we’ve had with our collective adjustment to COVID-19 has been this… we’ve been adjusted to an incorrect level of reaction. While quite early I noticed a few “it’s just the flu” quips, it quickly became apparent that we were stabilizing around an entirely inflated risk level that has allowed profound damage to be wrought.
The Deadliest Delta
You might recall a brief news blip about a year ago, where Bill Maher took his own party (Democrats) to task over the results of a Gallup poll where people guessed their chance of being hospitalized with COVID-19. Link below:
U.S. Adults’ Estimates of COVID-19 Hospitalization Risk (
The author is clearly in the grip of peak vaccine enthusiasm, but I would like to focus on one aspect in particular.
For unvaccinated hospitalization risk, 2% of Democrats responded correctly, compared with 16% of Republicans. In fact, 41% of Democrats replied that at least 50% of unvaccinated people have been hospitalized due to COVID-19.”
Bill Maher pointed out the difference between Democrats and Republicans in having a correct assessment of their risk, but the greater delta is the difference between reality and the average presumed risk.
Taking a look at the graph here, every political party affiliation’s most popular response was the least correct option, 50% or higher. So while we can’t assess what the “average” response would be, there are quite a few people over-estimating the risk here by a factor of 50 or more. For the sake of simplicity, let’s leave out the fact that the Gallup pollsters weren’t likely adjusting for hospitalizations with COVID vs for COVID.
This delta was our undoing, even more so than the worst variant Sars-Cov-2 could muster. Had we collectively had a more accurate understanding of our risk level, would we have:
Allowed sweeping shutdowns of society?
Accepted censorship of dissenting physicians and medical information on social media?
Taken woefully untested therapeutics and gene therapies as mandatory?
Masked ourselves in public places in defiance of all reason and evidence?
The damage, disease, and death that resulted from the collective response during this pandemic are incalculable. And all of those things were made possible by the sizable gap in what people believed their risk to be compared to the actual risk.
I have seen some commenters criticize Chris for continually covering the data and the science as it continues to roll in (more doomsaying!), but I know that I can say continued engagement with the real information is what kept me from sliding out of the leftmost category in the graph above. I think what people are feeling is some fatigue and wanting to be done with it all, but what happens on this site and at precious few other places online is a true confrontation of reality. And this confrontation of reality shouldn’t be feared or avoided, because that is what allows us to react at the appropriate level.


We should never assume an intervention has no downside. Just because we can’t imagine the adverse effects, doesn’t spare us from them.
The Foegen Effect
I will link this below, but long story short:
Droplets containing virions, be they yours or someone else’s, deposit continually on the mask. Eventually, the water evaporates leaving a much lighter weight and mobile particle. The restricted airflow creates higher pressure/speed and those virions can be re-inhaled deeper into the airways.
Aside from the epidemiological study below, I understand there was a trial done in animals on the same effect.
The Foegen effect: A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate - PubMed (
Not to mention the numerous psychological downsides associated with masks, with which I’m sure many people are already associated.

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Once again…Please…read my post. I NEVER said that mask wearing is beneficial…I was pointing out that Chris stated this in this video and it confused me. Please-no more mask “schooling”…we are on the same page, thank you, much appreciated

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Overwhelmed With Paradigm Shift

Every day the sense of panic grows that I won’t be prepared in time. I finished the crash course a couple weeks ago. Essentially, I’m ignorant of HOW to become resilient, resource-wise. Two things I must do to do: 1) Plant a garden. So I bought some books. 2) Convert cash to physical gold. Another book. I am reading for the most part because this is an abrupt transition. No green thumb here, and no interest in gardening. 40 years of investing, but never gold or silver!
I’m thinking shortcuts: Stockpile food? MREs?
Thanks for listening.

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Dude! Why Was I Not Told?

Hey Chris, I’m in Belize, one caye over from you and meeting a friend here. We are both members of peak. I just put your latest YouTube on and that’s the first I heard you’re in Belize. Wish I knew you were there, or Gammon, I’d be there already. I can never find gammon’s whereabouts until after the fact. Have near missed him twice in the states y’all need to self promote a little more aggressively so at least your actual fans know what you’re up to. I don’t know if you’re there through the weekend, if you happen to see this let me know what’s going on over there and I’ll be over to check it out. If not hope you have a great time and duck the squalls!

The wording on your post was a bit tough to parse… to be fair I didn’t say anything about what you believe concerning masks. You did infer a bit.
I was more interested in sharing another piece of evidence against mask use that I wasn’t sure anyone had seen yet, not yet covered on this channel.

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Shortcut on food is grow what wants to grow. Research wild edibles in your area by taking a walk w local expert forager.

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I agree with this, my original post makes this point. The typical cloth face diaper does nothing…it’s my understanding it should be N95 and up. The mask must also be carefully fitted to be effective. Finally, healthy people only face a downside by wearing one. Immune compromised is an entirely different story.

Got it!

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I heard what you heard, Jane and am with you. Don’t mask, by and large, do more harm than good? Could this have been because this was, as someone indicated above, an earlier broadcast?

I think so…I didn’t realize the video was 2 years old, so it didn’t make sense to me. What I heard and what I posted was confusing, which led to confusing discussion, lol. I’m just chalking it up to old information and a change in Chris’ belief system.

Great suggestion. Thx.

Sorry JF!
I do a poor job of advertising my whereabouts. That’s an historical fact.
However, we were entirely busy in our job as faculty for the Real Estate Radio Guys annual Summit. So we had no down time at all, outside of a single block of afternoon hours.
We’re right now off the caye having puddle jumped through the squalls to BZE airport where we are currently waiting for our delayed flight to get int he air. Next year, should it be back in thge same spot, we’ll be sure to let you/everyone know and to schedule a day or two before or after to do something.
I am kicking myself that I did not even get a chance to wet a fly line for a bonefish. Which makes me a bonehead.


Bonefish and Boneheads …
Well, if it’s any consolation, back at HP we had a saying,
“Everybody’s a Bozo Sometime.”
And if somebody really screwed up, they had to stand up and sing three stanzas of,
“I’m a BOZO, I’m a BOZO, I’m a BOZO right now,
Right now, I’m a BOZO, I’m a BOZO right now.”
It was humbling, but enriching at the same time.
– Chuck

Frankel And Meaning

If you are not familiar with Frankel, get his book Man’s Search for Meaning ASAP. Summary: Mind over Matter - the meaning you make of your environmental conditions drives your physical as well as mental health.
Here’s a good summary from Bret & Heather.
Go do something meaningful NOW. And go for the long-term, NOT the quick hit.

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By the way …
My comment is meant as a way of saying,
you are totally forgiven !!
Each and every one of us leaves things undone, that we wish we had done. And saying so publicly is cleansing and positive.
So, no ill will meant, in any way, shape or form.

Yes, get some wild edible books…many as you can…Then you won’t have to worry as long as you can change your food habits…most things are edible and easy to get…except in winter…unless you live in the south I guess.

What’s Behind All This Madness?

highly recommend reading this one - it explains so much in commonsense terms Strangely leaves me hopeful

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