Your Help Needed For Research

Due to their respect for our daily coverage of the covid-19 pandemic, as well as their appreciation of the high standard of thoughtful discussion exhibited by the Peak Prosperity community, a professional research organization, Azurite Consulting, has asked us to partner with them on an important survey they’re conducting.

Their opinion, which we share, is that the quality of information shared with the public about the virus and its implications is poor.

How are people being affected by covid-19, the national lockdown, and the damage to the economy it’s causing?

Azurite is interested in offering higher-fidelity answers to those questions, and getting those answers to both the public and to key decision makers.

We’d like to see that happen, so we’ve agreed to join forces with them. Later this week we’ll be asking the entire audience to consider taking their survey, which we’ve had input on developing.

But right now, we need 100-200 brave souls who’d be willing to be the first to take the survey. This vangard will help us make sure the survey works as intended and be able to provide feedback if they have ideas for improving it.

Are you willing to be one of those pioneers?

If so, click the button below and provide your email address. We’ll email you the survey link when it’s ready tomorrow. Please take it soon after you receive it (it should take ~10 minutes to complete).

Thanks in advance for being willing to be our test pilots!

Update (4.14.20 9:48pm ET): Wow! We've had over 300 volunteers sign up over the past two hours. That's plenty for this first wave. So we've removed the button.

Don't worry if you missed it. We'll ask for your help in taking the survey later this week. Once it's done, we'll report all of the key findings out here on the site for everyone to see.
Many thanks,

Adam & Chris

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

link is bogus - takes you to enter email no survey,
odd - they would have you signup and complete later

It says to enter your email and the survey will be mailed when it is ready tomorrow…

I was immediately presented with a survey to fill out.

As mentioned in the original post above:

click the button below and provide your email address. We’ll email you the survey link when it’s ready tomorrow. Please take it soon after you receive it (it should take ~10 minutes to complete):
Azurite is still finalizing the 1.0 version of the survey. It should be ready to email out to our beta testers before noon ET tomorrow (Wed)

Hi Adam,
Is this survey only for Americans? or can everyone participate?

I received a message from on my phone saying I needed to create an account and sign in with UN and PW. Weird.

Hi Adam,
For those that take the beta-test survey, are they precluded from taking the final? In the world of survey research, I don’t know if this would somehow bias or taint the results. How many people total are you planning to take the final survey? And will the same or similar survey be offered to PP participants from other platforms (e.g., YT, Twitter, PP site)?
Thanks for this opportunity to provide our perspectives on Covid-19 communications and impacts.

Can we know who they are working for? To be blunt who would we be helping? please advise

Azurite is interested in offering higher-fidelity answers to those questions, and getting those answers to both the public and to key decision makers.
Decisions for what? Like the government, deep state, CDC, Surgeon General, Gates Foundation? A wealthy influencer? Do we get the courtesy and respect of knowing who we would be giving our private and personal opinions to? Thanks AKGrannyWGrit  

…if it wasn’t ready to be released yet? It was on topic. No one else saw it?

Again I ask what “key decision makers” want our opinions and what are they going to be used for? Why the secrecy? Has not this site preached “transparency”?
Thank you.

Can we know who they are working for? To be blunt who would we be helping? please advise

We just sent the 1.0 survey link to the first 100 volunteers. The remaining 200 will receive the link later tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on how efficiently this first wave goes.
To those asking who the “client” for this survey is, it’s Peak Prosperity.
Our goal here by partnering with a professional research firm (Azurite) is to obtain higher-fidelity insights on the impacts of covid-19 than are currently being reported publicly.
Once compiled, we will first make the findings available to you – the audience – and then do our best to share them widely with the general media and with open-minded policymakers, in the hope that better information will lead to better decision-making.
Your answers will be completely anonymous to Peak Prosperity and we will only be reporting insights at the aggregate (not individual level).
These insights will be offered to the world free-of-charge.
And if you don’t want to take the survey, for whatever reason, please don’t. There’s zero pressure from us to do so.
And to all those who take the survey: Thank you for your help with this important initiative!

I got part way through and tried to go back to review a couple answers because I ended up at a question I couldn’t answer based on my circumstances. The circumstances being that in February I moved all my stock mutual funds into a money market fund. Eventually I hope to reinvest. The survey doesn’t seem to take any of this into account and it wouldn’t let me go back so I aborted. So unless I misunderstood one of the questions, I think many of us here at PP could be in that situation.
And I still would like an answer why I was dumped into a COVID-19 survey a couple nights ago when you asked us to sign up. It wasn’t this survey and no one else has indicated they encountered it.