The full report is too long to fit in our discussion platform!! Click below to read it at the blog:
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The full report is too long to fit in our discussion platform!! Click below to read it at the blog:
You can also download and read the PDF be clicking here:
Time to bust out a good bourbon and spend the next few hours reading Dave’s annual diatribe! Thanks Dave!
If you got a perfect CCTS of either zero or 60, get professional help. You have an unstable personality. A CCTS above 50 suggests you only spotted the explicit sanity checks; you are a loon but not necessarily at risk of harm to yourself or others. A score of 40–49 tags you as a World-class rabbit chaser. A CCTS of 20–39 places you in the Zerohedge bell curve. Below 20 means you are not a die-hard conspiracy theorist but occasionally spot oddities.
I scored a 41 on the CCTS. Curious how other PP members score.
How did you score on the CCT? (If you don’t know what the CCT is yet then you need to finish reading!)
Take the poll:
What is CCT?
Edit: I figured it out. Was searching google before reading the YIR lol.
40 or 41. It is in the paragraph below it.
Sorry, it wasn’t a question directed at you. It’s a poll for anybody who reads the Year in Review.
Dave’s YiR is here!!! Yay! Break out the whisky and curl up on the sofa for a good read!
ps: I scored 31. That’s just too darned normal. I’ll have to work on that in 2025.
Thank you for your service. I haven’t laughed this much in a while.
Note typo: Jay Bhattacharya (not Ray)
Wow, I scored 39! It’s been a productive year apparently. I’ll have to bone up in 2025 on Stalin controlling US policy in WWII, that’s a new one on me. Thank you Dave, looking forward to parts 2 & 3.
Thank you Dave. It took me about 10 minutes to get past the Tiger pic. I kept saying, go ahead, I dare you.
I read the whole thing in one sitting (with a couple of potty breaks and a glass of chardonnay), David Collum never disappoints.
Started reading, spent the next four hours having a side convo with an AI after Dave showed his Grok Twitter post summary. Maybe some alcohol would help me make some more headway. The podcast list of his appearances is epic. Downloading some from a few months ago I missed.
42 for me. But I could wobble plus or minus a bit depending on question clarification for a few.
48 for me. Thank you Dave.
“We became unburdened by what could have been.” A magnificent quote thank you Dave.
I got 39 score on the CCTS test - pretty happy with that.
My gold portfolio weight is 38% - happy with that given the massive inflation risks down the line.
Hedonic adjustments … "Home construction has decayed from sheathing the exterior with wide planks in previous centuries to plywood, particle board, and now “T-Ply”. T-Ply is a fancy word for “cardboard.”
In Australia, homes are now erected on top of polystyrene foam in the slab, in the past they used 100% concrete/cement.
Hanging for part 3 Dave - pls don’t disappoint, I am saving a special comment for that piece.
I scored an 8 overall.
One of the more challenging questions was about climate change. I scored myself a “1” because we have lots of data that supports the idea of “global warming”. The main question for me is what or who is responsible for it. We have lost a lot of ice mass based on satellite data taken over several decades. We have the Keeling curve from Hawaii.
There is also the aspect that the Sun is a G2V star that increases in power/luminosity as it ages. Every 100 million years the Sun’s power output increases by about 10%. We also have the Milankovitch cycles due to slow changes in the Earth’s orbit over long time scales.
The Earth’s atmosphere had more radical changes during the great oxygenation event. The O2 created by photosynthesis was highly toxic and killed lots of the early life on the planet. This event did however lead to the emergence of complex life.
I came in at an even 40. Thanks Dave… great read.