40% Surge in Working Age Adult Deaths

Youtube Video Removed?

I couldn’t find the video on your YouTube channel. has it been removed by YouTube?

You should just share it here

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If a guy drank himself into oblivion because of the lockdowns, it could be “attributed” to Covid.

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All of our YouTube videos are automatically copied over to Odysee. We could manually do this ourselves, although we would lose the benefit of all the different encoding permutations YouTube creates, which is what allows so many different Internet speeds to watch without buffering. Odysee simply doesn’t do as good of a job as YouTube, so when you upload directly then you lose this. That being said, there is nothing to say we can’t upload another copy after the fact if it gets taken down on YouTube. We have done this in the past when censored. In this case, I’d have to talk with our team given it was an accidental copyright violation.
All that aside, I can say we WILL be looking to make a formal migration to a 100% censor-proof, free speech platform (more on that in the future), but we want to make sure the tech is good enough for you before we pull that trigger. Right now, we simply run into too many issues for our followers with slower connection speeds.



I posted a few month ago that I didn’t believe the idea of a concerted effort to reduce population, at least in the west. The arguments I presented were that the west is about 10-15% or world population and it is more advantageous to cull in countries with the highest rate of population increase.
If we link population, economy and environment, then it makes sense to reduce western population as well: We are consuming over 25% of all resources and we are the biggest polluters. So, 1 westerner dead amounts for about 4 dead in a poorer country.
Still I have no solid data that demonstrate this is the goal. All I have is plenty of evidence that different groups of interests are at work maximizing their gains without bothering themselves with ethical consideration. The combined (concerted? may be a few, but not all) actions of these groups create a lot of pain, but is not sufficient to prove there is a plot.

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Devil’s Advocate

I’m a believer that it’s probably vax damage for many reasons, not least the timing of the onset of these issues. But is it not possible that it is due to COVID itself, even for people who were asymptomatic and never knew they had it? Not able to watch the full video unfortunately so I’m not sure if this was addressed.

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Thanks. I think you are a wonderful couple, and wonderful people.

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Simply Astounding…

Clear information presented as softly as possible. Overwhelming in scope and vital to future planing. Yet… still taking the back seat to peripheral issues. 5th. generation counter move. Thanks to you both for your courage. Watch your six.

Vitamin D

In Canada the health minister at the time, Patty Hajdu, actively discouraged vitamin D for Covid-19. She called it “fake news.” It’s no longer an omission here, but outright malice.


Link here…

On Missionary And Knowledge

A missionary can be either one exception person associated with an event ( liek Musk and Twitter), or it can be thousands of small responses with the weight of the final response overflowing the glass or starting the avalanche. Peter Drucker, had something he wrote about called critical mass. (marketing of course). In an uphill Landau shaped curve the initial resistance to any product information of topic is very large. In his writing it was said that "critical mass) was attained at 10-15 common/public (in your terms) knowledge. Critical mass then is when the topic begin to produce energy of it’s own and is self sustaining until it saturates the “market” at somewhere between 85%-90%, then begin to fall of in positive growth. A corollary I suppose is that Critical Mass does not take a rabid or fanatical following, but a consistent one. We and people in general simply do not provide a consistent pressure… hence the 24 news cycle (distractions vs movements). We as a like minded group lack organization. Censorship has seen to that I’m afraid. Republic ? nah… Oligarchy. IMO… enjoyed the show.

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I own a farm in W TN … small homestead. Grew up on one and got away from it, now I’m back. I store ethanol free fuel, and stabilize it with Pri-G seems to work fairly well, but I have to admit I burn it and replace it cycling often enough that i I don’t stress the expire date at all. Usually at about @15-20% premium over ETHOL Gas. (Dees Oil if interested - they have a map of whre they are located) Do the same with Red (Off Road Diesel), only with a biocide. I have killed at least 10 small engines even with the "anti-ETHOL additives applied). Never again.

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One of those topics we don’t discuss but is public knowledge… Caucasoid births are less than half of Hispanic in rate and even less of a percentage than middle eastern births. I wont’ speculate on WHY … you can’t without appearing to be an -ist or some flavor , guilty of some -ism… or other. You can do the math though right? If a generation is 30 years, then they will have to pick another group to punish in one more generation… all they have to do is wait and have babies statistically. so what’s the rush… Because someone has to be on fire for anyone to come watch and it spread. It’s a good news bad news deal though… at 9 plus billion people we may run out of stuff before the next generation is fully grown… Something WILL happen… we just don’t know what… IMO

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Well as he said… it brought a premium to the medical community in REAL revenue if it was determined to be COVID… the early and up to present test ANY SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndromeidentified late 2002 ) protein signature or symptoms was identified as COVID19. 19 is only one of many and not the most severe, just a member for the family …

Very Good

Great episode :slight_smile:

Where Can I Find Works Of Mentioned Philosopher?

Chris, close to the end of recording you were talking about philosopher and his works/speeches.
I did not get his name.
Could you kindly give me some details, how to find it?

I burn the cheap fuel but never let it stand any time. (burn it out until it dies then add ethanol free to tank).

Western world falling sperm count for 15 years,chem-trails (not condensate from exhaust), covid deaths, 40% increase in all-cause deaths in working age Americans that ramped up inexplicably in 2021 and massive aborted infants. We may not know all the facets of their plan but we can assume that the nation is being purposely destroyed. Wholesale importation and distribution of aliens into a nation already running out of resources is not simply a bad policy. Our leaders are not, nor have they ever been, incompetent enough to make all the wrong judgements for years and years.

Logical explanations fail if the vaccine is not put at the top of the list of suspects for a 10 sigma event.

Evolution Of Private Knowledge To Common

Do you recall the book or film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by author Ken Kesey and his bohemian world which included the Merry Pranksters? The story is set in a mental institution with a tyrannical nurse Ratched, who dominates all the inmates in the asylum in the most insidious ways, including Bromden, a 6’ 7" half Native American man, who fears 'the Combine," A conglomeration of social forces which force people into conformity. Bromden is symbolic of the strength and force of the natural being, subdued, injured and domesticated by force of this external mob mentality, which reaches the very core of an individual.
The story is a good comparison for what common knowledge is up against at every turn these days regarding the truth of vaccine injury and death and the extremely corrupt entities responsible…
In the story all the levels of knowledge - private, public and common knowledge are present. The private level of knowledge is prevalent in each patient and its slow movement to common knowledge includes challenging the “rules” and absolute authority enforced by a Nurse Ratched. Naturally there is a lot of fear within each patient, as any deviation of the rules will bring severe consequences of torture of electro-shock therapy and isolation with no help or any higher authority to appeal.
Bad-boy criminal Randle McMurphy arrives as a new patient who sees very clearly what Nurse Ratched is: a “ball cutter.” He educates the other patients about what is going on and sets an intention to change the rules. It is a conflict of authority and the insubordination of McMurphy gives courage to the other patients to act out defiance. He is symbolic of the wild self archetype who will not be domesticated. He is the needed medicine to break the hold of the mental/emotional prison the patients are in.
Tensions escalate, tragedy and suicide, yet through the force of McMurphy, Bromden will reunite with his inner wild man, as poet Robert Bly speaks about in his book Iron John, and he will break free from his fears and oppression. He literally and symbolically breaks out of the horrible, industrial mental hospital and leaves the “hole” for others to escape.
It is a vivid process for liberation of the truth from within. As the tyrants and tyranny must first be removed from within the mind.

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