40% Surge in Working Age Adult Deaths

I do recall it… yes it is an example … if a bit dated… I a pe3rfect world he would have taken them with him I expect… as any good sheepdog would have… good thought.

Blood Flow Adipose Tissue

keep fighting… the calvery is being mustered… you brought honor on the grand jury to all <3

Blood Flow

blood flow is incredible in youth… and atheletes… older people more adipose tissue… spike protiens & fat dont correlate… inflamation is confronted with fat tissue because it isolates toxic issues… these spike protiens are rolling through the muscle tissue direct to the heart… science is not concensus

Is it Steven Jenkins?
If so, where does he publish his comments?
Hope that somebody can help me.

Vitamin D In Sweden

No, Sweden did NOT promote vitamin D to its citizens! On the contrary, there were several articles in the papers about how dangerous it could be to take supplements like Vitamin D.

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I have found “fact checkers” to be dishonest over and over again. I no longer even read stories from purported “fact checkers.” They are just attack dogs trying to maintain a narrative line.


I am completely ignorant of video games or game theory but I’m with you on type of governance.

Thanks for the nfol

Steven Jenkinson – wise man



Hi Chris - a quick tip on the audio. Shure SM7b is a great microphone, but it’s design requires you to speak very close to it, with your lip almost kissing the foam cover. When it’s like >10" away, you had to crank up the gain which introduces a lot of static noise. It’s something people need to get use to - even Joe Rogan has to often remind his guest about this.
An alternative is to use either a clip-on lav mic, or a shotgun microphone that can be mounted up high, outside of the frame that are designed to pick up directional, longer distant sound.


Thank you very much for help.

A Future Impossible To Prep For?

Given the rapid rate things may deteriorate this decade, the level of desperation among a large % of the population caught unprepared, combined w the amount of gun ownership, could result in such chaos and anarchy that being prepared makes you a primary target of angry, armed mobs.
And if that doesn’t happen, how long can self-sufficient gardens survive the exponentially increasing consequences of climate change?
Not criticizing those aware enough to prepare, but at least consider your efforts could fail and even backfire if the economy or environment fall off a cliff.
For these reasons I have decided to focus on enjoying life now as much as possible, forgoing long-term preparing.

Nihilism isn’t really a response to life’s struggle.
I suspect when the shtf you’ll suddenly discover your appreciation for your prepared neighbor and will wonder why s/he insists on selfishly denying your choice to keep on enjoying the fact of your life-not-yet-ended, even at their expense.
You might want to review the story of “The Little Red Hen,” grow a pair, and start adulting. Here, let me help.
Last help: it’s a surprising and uplifting thing to discover that action improves outlook, and developing skills and capacities instills a sense of hope. That’s why I often post here about getting one’s hands dirty. It is digging into the sweat equity of basic life-supporting labor that yields the best fruit of all: personal life-promoting energy and positive mental orientation. But you won’t know that until you get off your couch and start planting seeds, shaping metal, or turning wood.
In time, you might even reach to the ability to feed some of those neighbors who are sleepwalking into crisis. And that’s heroic. The opposite end of nihilism.
We all become what we do, nothing more and nothing less. And as far as we can prove, we each only have one go at life. So choose, consciously rather than by default - however long or short your life, and however you go out - what do you want your life to have stood for? Because one way or another, it will have stood for something.


Not sure about becoming what we do (maybe we do what we are) but really enjoyed your comment at any rate.


Map is sometimes outdated, so it pays to call ahead, but I use this to find Ethanol free gas for my small engines. Put Pri-G or Stabil in it, and rotate once a year. It’s usually higher octane than regular 87 gas, so more expensive, but worth it to keep small engines running happily.

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On a sight full of thoughtful and informed people, that has to be one of the most obnoxious, ridiculous responses ever.
My decision to forgo prepping has nothing to do w being nihilistic, lazy, apathetic, self-centered, or the need to “grow a pair”. It is the result of looking at the big picture-including what is likely to be a fairly sudden descent into ecological collapse combined w the lack of mental prep by a large % of the population -and concluding that preparing for long term survival would be fruitless (all of which I thought was clearly stated in the post).
Imo, no amount of preparation will be overcome the rapidly deteriorating climate/environment that lies ahead. And there is zero evidence we will adequately address emissions, overpopulation, or loss of species in a timely manner.
So I made the conscious decision to live for the present while minimizing my footprint and trying to be a positive influence on those I care about (and doing no harm to others).
You want to prep away, I have no problem w that. Want to criticize my analysis of the big picture, no problem w that either. But the personal attack, that is out of line.