A Discussion with Dr. Scott Jensen, M.D.

  • Would it make more sense to them to cull the uncooperative unvaccinated rather than those who passed their loyalty test by getting the shots?
  • What about the Chinese and Russian vaccines? Are they lethal too?
  • What about all the unvaccinated in Africa?

One of the big questions in most of our minds, and certainly in mine, is whether the Covid Vaccines are, or are going to, eventually and substantially increase mortality. A year ago I was more concerned about Covid deaths. Once the vaccines were rolling out, many here began speculating that the Covid vaccines, themselves, needed to be monitored for excess mortality or other permanent health impacts. Six months ago, I thought the US government (or, at least, the medical establishment) could be trusted to more-or-less (adjusted for incompetency) to follow long term Vaccine side effects. Now, most of us are beginning to expect otherwise. (Yeah, I am late to the Theorist camp; I’ve been naive.)
Now, motivated in part by 1.0 listening to Cliff High 2.0 listening to episodes of “The Squid Game” and 3.0 going to look at a duplex for sale and figuring out it is for sale because someone died, and I suspect, was rotting in one side for some time), I thought it was time to check up on ALL CAUSE mortality in the US year over year, ideally by month. I can’t find that chart, and yet I figure the data must be out there – and I trust it wouldn’t be doctored (no pun intended), provided I only looked at “all cause”.
Can anyone find that data source and post it? Ideally, I think we should be following it, forward, pretty closely for, at least the FIVE years, or so, one could reasonably expect it might take before side effects of the vaccines can be pretty-much fully be expected to express themselves. Other things might be interesting to watch as well, but all cause mortality is the only thing I am particularly curious about following (mostly because almost everything else is apparently, or should sensibly be expected to be, a deceit…in a sick society under a sick government pushing for all non-sick children to Squid Gamed in order to, purportedly, keep old farts from risk…children be damned).
Seriously, I would think such graphs would be out there and easy to find. I am not finding that to be the case. Instead, I am finding all manner of crapola – mostly pushing the narrative of Covid “statistics” – even though I deliberately didn’t ask anything about Covid statistics.
It would be nice to have an internet where ads could all be silenced and questions asked would be questions answered without all the crapola. Maybe AI will eventually give us that (I won’t hold my breath).


There’s this source:


One can look at total deaths which pulls out the noise of causes adjusted for population size. You can find a chart of total adjusted deaths in the US from the CDC (you must make the chart from their data). This takes into account Covid as well as the increases in other deaths (such as suicide, OD, etc). Admittedly as someone who has dug through CDC datasets in the past, with covid a lot of statistics I would like to see to run some analysis on are hard to come by in the US.


I like the visuals of this cartoon - the very small center line and the 2 larger areas on either side. Perhaps if we got a large bucket of paint and began redrawing the small center divide so it’s two-thirds of the total picture, rather like a Bell Curve model of distribution in Nature, it would help to de-escalate the charge on both sides.
The poor “middle” has been steadily dwindling since the 1960’s in the U.S. And now it’s scarcely a line. That’s how important holding what we have left of the middle is at this time. That entails acknowledging the conflict without becoming “this or that.”
Written in 1919 after the first World War, Yeats captures the dire tone of the era. And to us currently undergoing our own dire era, we can remember this has been before. We can make different choices. We can decide peace is more preferable to chaos.

The Second Coming
William Butler Yeats
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
Source: The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats (1989)



Sorry, I’m kind of a science nerd. The story with Isaac Newton is way more complex, and actually a very good illustration of our current predicament imo. As a person I think that Fauci is kind of like Newton, sans le brains of course. Newton wasn’t liked a lot, and as a head of the British Mint, he really liked the yellow stuff, he was pretty eager to get rid of potential opponents in not so nice a way, usually by beheading them because of “counterfeiting”.
The only reason that Newton started to think about gravity and such, was that the Britisch government established the Board of Longitude in 1714. Because many a ship ran ashore on the coast of Dover after trips of years —loosing huge investments a valuable cargo— a reward was promised for the best method to determine the longitude. There were three serious contesters, Newton, who as said before really got a hard 'n from the yellow stuff. A French dude with a very impractical plan utilizing the lunar position that resulted in the well known Almanac, and John Harrison, a furniture maker. John invented an extremey accurate chronograph. And we all know that Newton wanted to use the position of the stars, but to do that, he had to come up with a theory how everything worked up there, and down here for that matter.
While the chronograph was pretty practical, it was, and still is a spectacular piece of technology. A good chronograph like “Patek Philippe” can set you down hundreds of thousands of dollars. Newtons solution was brilliant, but still impractical at the time. Only with the advent of satellites and GPS, say, 300 years later, this became a valid solution. Of course, John Harrison won, but the Board didn’t want to give a simple man like that the award —in todays currency the award was several million dollar worth. He was awarded the price posthumous though, so much for honesty, how sad this John must have been
Interestingly enough, if one would visit Greenwich, England, you could have a look at the wooden clock build by John Harrison. His knowledge of wood was so deep that the clock hardly needs maintenance due to the use of different types of wood, some oily, some not.
The interesting thing here is that we are now witnessing a similar dynamics: a highly cerebral activity called science, and related scientists believing that they are the only ones who can solve a crisis, much like Newton, while more down to earth persons come up with other solutions, pretty practical, and based on observational data. The role of the nasty power hungry, and yellow stuff hungry little MF playing nasty games behind the screen is now played by Fauci. Given what I know about Newton, I think it is highly likely that he had a hand in the refusal of the Board to acknowledge that Johan Harrison had won. And last but not least, we could liken the Board of Longitude with for example the FDA and CDC, all these entities were not driven at all by facts, or science, although they all promised fairness, honesty and rationality.
Really, we have all been here before, if we would just try to “remember” it all, and act accordingly…


„The moment we no longer have a free press, anything can happen. What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule is that people are not informed; how can you have an opinion if you are not informed? If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie — a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days — but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please.“ — Hannah Arendt 1974

"- Would it make more sense to them to cull the uncooperative unvaccinated rather than those who passed their loyalty test by getting the shots? - What about the Chinese and Russian vaccines? Are they lethal too? - What about all the unvaccinated in Africa?"
Who said the jabs are being used for a cull? However, they may be intended for control purposes & to discriminate against the out-groups who refuse them. Also, they do appear to be toxic... Incapacitating an enemy (the public in this case) is often more beneficial than killing them outright in a conflict - as the former uses more resources... Russian & Chinese jabs are different - I think I heard that China were pausing their rollout. Also, central Africans don't leave much of a carbon footprint... I believe it is feasible that a bioweapon could be deployed to specifically target either the vaccinated, or those pesky unvaccinated. Perhaps the power elites want strong individuals - not sheep, to face the new challenges of a resource-scarce future... The thing with a mass psychosis is that if it made any sense, then it wouldn't be a mass psychosis...  

OneJab said “I believe it is feasible that a bioweapon could be deployed to specifically target either the vaccinated, or those pesky unvaccinated. Perhaps the power elites want strong individuals - not sheep, to face the new challenges of a resource-scarce future…”
In moments when I need a pick-me-up, I flatter myself by thinking that when you cull the herd, you cull the weak and unproductive. You select for vigor.


I really like Neil Oliver. He always speaks sound and reasoned arguments against the great evil presently sweeping the world.
I dearly love the Anglosphere, this global community of native English speakers whose governments and laws have brought so much light to the world. Taken together, we have done more to further goodness and equity and liberty and justice and charity than any other alliance in the planet’s known history.
And that is precisely why the globalists are focused on reducing us to impotence. I fear that they will have a lot of success in their twisted campaign. They and their partners in evil are the first rider of the Apocalypse, in my understanding. It is determined that he will have, sadly, great success. He already has.
My heart breaks for Australia and New Zealand. Canada seems very far gone into totalitarian thuggery. The UK, the lion of Daniel 7, will be given the heart of a man—contrasted against the man with the heart of a lion, King Richard.
My kinfolk are being trampled, and the boot of the tyrant is raised against us in the US, damn them.
Courage, friends. We will need to hold fast and persevere in the face of a dreadful storm. I wish you all well.
Sic semper tyrannis
Come Lord Jesus


“I dearly love the Anglosphere, this global community of native English speakers whose governments and laws have brought so much light to the world. Taken together, we have done more to further goodness and equity and liberty and justice and charity than any other alliance in the planet’s known history.”
Taken as a whole there has never been a greater evil manifest on earth and responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of millions, billions even, and when the shit really starts to hit the fan, all life on earth. Yea Anglosphere! Hell King leopold alone, although borderline anglo, killed well over 10 million africans. British Empire killed untold millions and continues to. US empire has destroyed any effort of any country to live sustainably and with dignity for billions over the last 100+ years.
Sorry if I missed the sarcasm of your comment but hell man!

Taken as a whole there has never been a greater evil manifest on earth and responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of millions, billions even
So Netlej, tell me how did the Spanish do in the New World? I forget. Did that go well? And while you're at it - could you talk a little bit about Huitzilopochtli and the Gods of the Aztec Empire? If I recall correctly, they were somewhat unpleasant. But - it was a long time ago and my memory isn't so clear. But I do wonder. If the Aztecs were in command, rather than the Anglosphere, how do you think things would have turned out? Same question: re Mao. Or Stalin. "Its the worst form of government. Except for all of the others."

Sager, you said,

In moments when I need a pick-me-up, I flatter myself by thinking that when you cull the herd, you cull the weak and unproductive. You select for vigor.
That is exactly the ideology that led to the horrors of that meat-grinder, that horrifically dark period that was the First World War. Carnage and misery and a lost generation of good people, pawns in the hands of the powerful, was the outcome of that kind of thinking. It didn’t make the world better. Far from it. Please consider finding another source of hope? Also, the notion that the future will be resource-challenged is, I think, wrong. The global population is about to be drastically reduced—per the plans of the globalists—so in that future reality there will be a shortage only of people.

If you find the comparison between, say Magna Carta and that which gave rise to, oh, heck, the extermination campaigns based on Stalinist and Maoist doctrines unfavorable, then we don’t have anything further to discuss.
English law has sustained India very admirably. It has had a civilizing effect everywhere it has been taken.
Are there ugly episodes? Certainly. As with every other civilization. The world is a dirty place.
But your hatred of the Anglosphere (or any other civilization) presumably wishing for its destruction? puts you in league with the enemy. It’s that simple.
I have nothing further.


This blogger, el gato malo, is really funny and incisive. Smart as hell. And he (she?) loves cats.

Austria gets ready for house arrest for the unvaccinated

what is it with austrians and this whole "your papers please" thing?

well, THIS certainly looks ominous. we’re now going past “covid pass to go public places” and into “mass house arrest” for those not bio-credentialed.
“Schallenberg announced that if the number of Covid patients in intensive-care units reaches 500, or 25 percent of the country's total ICU capacity, entrance into businesses such as restaurants and hotels will be limited to those who are vaccinated or recovered from the virus. If the number reaches 600, or one-third of total ICU capacity, the government plans to impose restrictions on unvaccinated people. In this case, they would only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons.”
and the pretext is pitiful. “'The pandemic is not yet in the rearview mirror,' Schallenberg said. 'We are about to stumble into a pandemic of the unvaccinated.’” this seems an utterly implausible take given the clear evidence that these vaccines do not stop spread and are likely making it worse. [This is the graph from the UK data that Chris talked about last week.] there is just no way any remotely informed health agency could come up with this “solution.” fortunately, i found some meddling kids in a van to explain it to us: certain internet felines have been WARNING about this for QUITE SOME TIME. this is the inch that cannot be yielded. it leaves you completely at the mercy of the state with every liberty and life choice left contingent upon the affirmative permission of the people in power. what could they not tie to this system next? social media? bank accounts? free speech? every notch this tightens makes future resistance more difficult. you’re not going to like where it goes… ---- there is only one defense against flu d’etat:

All of those entities that you mention pale in comparison to the British and American atrocities in scope and scale not to mention that we all prided ourselves as being more modern, advanced, refined, moral and ethical than those “savages” of past history.
Good try at dodging facts and data though.


Within the narrow context of the question posed in the prior post, is the vaccine going to cull the vaccinated, or will they release some bio weapon that will kill everyone that isn’t vaccinated, I responded by saying I hope it’s the former. Nothing more, nothing less. I don’t necessarily think either is true. I think this is mostly an ad hoc nightmare that they are screwing up as they go along. I am preparing accordingly.
When I say flatter myself, I flatter myself to think that I am competent and full of vigor. I’m Certainly in the top decile of my age group, but at age 57, that may or may not be saying much. Having said that, I’m ready to go out into the jungle and make a living totally disconnected from modern civilization if it comes to that. I won’t like it necessarily, but I’m emotionally prepared for it.
May Fortune smile upon us all!
Fortuna favet fortibus!


He lost me at Newton. Chris, as the saying goes, nice guy, no cigar. Does he know the data? Does he recognize antibody dependency enhancement syndrome? What about censorship? Has he ever heard of FLCCC? What treatment protocol did he use? I’m involved in trying to expose “high level” political totalitarianism at state & federal levels. Physicians, nurses who have testified at state medical hearings on covid are highly informed, know what banned drugs have done, as well as hospital protocols implemented by Fauci. The good doctor is out of his league.


While researching Desaguliers’ early lecture series on Newton’s brand of natural philosophy, I had the joy of wrasslin’ with Newton’s Principia. I was reading the fine 1971 edition with I. Bernard Cohen’s great introduction and in Chapter III, "Steps Toward the ‘Principia’, he describes Newton’s description of the trajectory of a falling object to Halley in a 1684 conversation, as an ellipse- so proving gravity’s inverse square law. Sure the ellipse could have been asserted by Kepler long before, but the inverse-square- that’s Newton. A prickly scholar’s solution to an academic riddle among friends and rivals. Long predating the quest for longitude in 1714, as was the first edition of Principia in 1687. Newton thought of the same cosmic cause explaining the fall of an apple and the motion of the moon with a single law while whiling away the hours on the family farm sitting under a tree because school was out for…a plague. No internet or zoom or jabs- just time for a farm-bound genius to think in peace. (The “G” constant had to wait on Cavendish a century later. Strange how each piece in the gravity puzzle fell into place in steps of about 100 years. Next 100 years, Einstein, next 100 years, LIGO). (Near about page 300 there’s a charming account of the apple incident by William Stukeley told him by Newton, himself- a reader keeps waiting for Stukeley to interject “What happened then, Mr. Frodo?”). And “Newton and the Counterfeiter” by Levenson was a grand book, too.