A Discussion with Dr. Scott Jensen, M.D.

Why do people running for professional political office always end up talking like a professional politician? Mealy-mouthed nonsense.


This is one of the best big picture videos that I have ever seen. Not spooky, not mystical, not conspiratorial. No aliens. No secret societies. Just humans organized to take over the world using the magic of money printing.
They show how many many common food brands have been purchased by a few mega-corporations. GM, PepsiCo, etc. Then they show which financial funds own those mega-corporations. (Blackrock and Vanguard).
Then they show how many other food brands were purchases by DIFFERENT mega-corporations. But when we look behind the scenes at who owns this second group of mega-corporations–lo and behold, it is Blackrock and Vanguard.
Then there is the consolidation of independent media into the famous “6 major corporations.” But when ownership of these 6 major corporations is investigated it is found to be Blackrock and Vanguard.
And the role of the 3 big NGOs–taking anonymous donations (secretly) from Blackrock and Vanguard and passing these funds to politicians who commit to the goals of Blackrock and Vanguard.
Damn. I recommend this movie.
The producer:


I enjoyed the interview.
One thing that was concerning is that I didn’t think he had the shark like personality of a politician, but would give opponents a fiesty run for their money which explains the hit piece.
Teams of people will no doubt be trawling through any information they can to find dirt on him. That takes guts to step out and face.


You are probably entirely correct in your assertion that the coming changes will include a lot of gunfire.
The violence you predict will be, in my understanding anyway, the Second Rider of the Apocalypse (we are experiencing the effects of the First Rider now—again, in my understanding).
That rider is called forward riding a red horse and armed with a sword of a type used by western armies in John’s day. A “machaira”. (The Fourth wields a “romphaia”, a curved sword—like a scimitar).
The Second rider has the power to “take away peace from the earth, that men should slay/slaughter one another”. Either war or simple mayhem. Or both.
No way to know exactly how his campaign will play out or where it be the fiercest. But it’s coming. Sooner than anyone wants.
On the lighter side, you seem like a gun enthusiast. You might like a song from the ‘80s by Jethro Tull, “I’m Your Gun”.


I just watched that documentary. Astounding. Thank you for posting it.




I call attention to my comment #44 in which I found support for the idea that over the past 20 months there have been as many as 500K non-covid excess deaths in the USA. Will someone, anyone please take it to the next step. If I’m onto something, this is big. If I’m mistaken, I want to know.


I would not assume that the covid deaths are excess deaths at all. They are deaths, but since they occurred at an average age of 77 years plus 2 comorbidities, they may not be excess deaths at all. I don’t know what to trust on excess deaths, unless you are sure that is reliable. I recall that according the CDC excess deaths, there were zero excess deaths for 2020. so it is hard to trust data. But it is possible there were no more deaths at all. Sick old people will fall from regular flu or cold and other minor infections. However, there are cases of young people dying from covid ( rare healthy people ) that died in 2020. But the numbers would be exceedingly low. And I personally know of people who died from a cold while young, and another who required a heart transplant , that were fit and healthy dating back between the years of 1989 - and 2013. So, healthy young people dying from colds is not novel. never has been, rare yes.
I am sure 2021 will show a much greater excess deaths of ordinary and young people in comparison to 2020… I would make sure you separate data by year. If not you cannot see the vaccine effect.

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I would follow Steve Kirsch on Twitter on this topic and see where that leads you. This is his project right now.

When science and it’s aftermath is politicized and bastardized it brings forth only illegitimate children. In God there are no illegitimate. We all are one, united through a common Faith. When the “law” can be created, bought, and sold, what good becomes of it? Until there is a change of heart, man’s “law” is in vain. The underlying illness must first be cured.
" 14 For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:14 We live in perilous times. There is an answer. God’s Word brings clarity, wisdom, and salvation to those willing.


I almost busted my gut laughing at the idea that India has benefited from the Anglosphere. I lived in India, I work in India. The Anglosphere raped and pillaged the country and reduced it to one of the poorest places on the planet.
Gandhi led one of the most successful, peaceful campaigns to throw off the yoke of the Anglosphere empire. He is the greatest human off the 20th century.
A quick read of "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee " would disabuse anyone with one functional brain cell that the Anglosphere didn’t wipe out millions of indigenous people. The survivors and their descendants are now relegated to live in gulags. Try visiting Pine Ridge and then wax poetic about the Anglosphere.
The sole goal of the Anglosphere empire is to extract as much wealth from the planet for the benefit of a very few. If the indigenous people or anyone else should happen to get in the way well …


Alot of ignorant people attribute racial identity to human nature. The bottom line is, people can suck sometimes. The more successful they are, the more power they accumulate and the greater their transgressions [ and also the greater their contributions ].
The “Anglosphere” is like most other empires in their time. How were the Romans on human rights? How about the Spanish? The Ottomans?
They all did terrible things, and great things. In fact the "Anglosphere’’ was probably decidedly less brutal than some of the aforementioned. So why all the hate? Well its become very en vogue to hate on white people in general and to exaggerate their ills while suppressing, negating, or revising their historical contributions. No other reason.
Frankly, its become tiresome. The novelty has worn off. Like all generations, the themes that come to define them become old long before they realize it. They become a caricature of themselves, like the grey haired hippie still espousing his old mantras about “squares” and tripping out on acid.
The modern equivalent will be the white hating social justice warrior still clinging to his offended sentimentality, moral relativism, revisionist history, and safe spaces. The rest of the world is already moving on.


…“Topol: What else besides these immune-mediated or facilitated mechanisms are you concerned about, regarding safety?

Offit: With the mRNA vaccines, mRNA itself is a safe molecule. We all have mRNA in our body; it breaks down very quickly. But because it’s such a labile molecule, it is encapsulated in this complex lipid delivery system, which is reactogenic. When you inoculate people with lipids, they get fever, including occasionally high fever. And when you’re giving a fever-inducing agent, you could either trigger or exacerbate any sort of immunologic disease. So that’s one issue.
Then there are the replication-defective virus vaccines, like the replication-defective simian adenoviruses being produced by AstraZeneca. Also, there is the replication-defective Ad26, which is being pursued by Johnson & Johnson, and the replication-defective Ad5, which is being pursued by both the Russian and Chinese groups.
Here, the good news is that each of these is replication defective, which means that the virus can’t reproduce itself and cause harm. The bad news is, you really just get one cell per virus particle to make the protein you’re interested in, which is the coronavirus spike protein. So you give a lot of virus. I think the Russian paper that just came out on September 4 gave 100 billion virus particles.
You know, it was a replication-defective adenovirus that was given to Jesse Gelsinger, whose death was the first directly related to gene therapy.”…

Topol: So the highest-risk people, or among the highest-risk people, are those over age 65, and we aren’t going to have data that are sufficient to address that group at the end of phase 3?
Offit: If we don’t have adequate data in the greater-than-65-year-old group, then the greater-than-65-year-old person shouldn’t get this vaccine, which would be a shame because they’re the ones who are most likely to die from this infection. We have to generate those data.
I can’t see how anybody — the DSMB or the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee, or FDA decision-makers — would ever allow a vaccine to be recommended for that group without having adequate data.
I feel the same way about minorities. I mean, you can’t convince minority populations to get this vaccine unless they are represented in these trials. Otherwise, they’re going to feel like they’re guinea pigs, and understandably so.
…“Topol: So the highest-risk people, or among the highest-risk people, are those over age 65, and we aren’t going to have data that are sufficient to address that group at the end of phase 3?
Offit: If we don’t have adequate data in the greater-than-65-year-old group, then the greater-than-65-year-old person shouldn’t get this vaccine, which would be a shame because they’re the ones who are most likely to die from this infection. We have to generate those data.
I can’t see how anybody — the DSMB or the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee, or FDA decision-makers — would ever allow a vaccine to be recommended for that group without having adequate data.
I feel the same way about minorities. I mean, you can’t convince minority populations to get this vaccine unless they are represented in these trials. Otherwise, they’re going to feel like they’re guinea pigs, and understandably so.”…


That is a good informative vid. What isn’t explained very well is how as these entities buy up companies and corporations they seriously down size and consolidate them until they have the lions share of an industry. This creates scarcity which then allows them to increase prices significantly while reducing overhead as well.
This is manifesting itself tragically in the healthcare industry during this “pandemic”, and now is a definite factor in the general shortages of everything globally.
But then again that is how the game is played. They are just the winners. Its a waste of time to hate the winners, we need to hate the game and change the rules.


Unless it’s an article I read about election fraud? Isn’t that a bit disingenuous? What article did he read about election fraud? source please, for verification purposes. [giggles]
Have you guys hear about that new fangled blockchain? [aaaah, its just a fad.]



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And I’ve mentioned it elsewhere. I’m being generous. If some portion covid deaths are not actually excess deaths, then there are even more unexplained excess deaths that could be attributed to the vaccine. I would estimate that 20-30% of covid deaths are not actually covid deaths as they were deaths in which the covid diagnosis was incidental to the process that resulted in death or they occurred in people with a few months of life expectancy or less.

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the overlap of causes for mortality are probably impossible to discern since that are the same for the virus s-protein and the vax induced s-protein ex. cytokine storms and blood clotting. media are even using that argument now to say get vaxxed because the virus does the same thing the vax might (“rarely” [sic]) do.

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By the way, there is a neat Newtonian footnote of relevance to the Covidverse, a sane reaction to mad science - David Gregory of Kinnairdie discovered an impressive gain-of-function for artillery and sent it to his son, also David Gregory, a famed astronomer and mathematician, to present to the latter’s friend, Sir Isaac Newton. Newton studied the proposal, but instead of recommending it to Queen Anne, asked that the idea be destroyed, saying, “Any invention of that kind, if it even were effectual, would soon become known to the enemy, so that it would only increase the horrors of war.” I don’t think Sir Isaac would have made many friends in a modern military nightmare factory, even if it pretended it were only perfecting plagues for profit and prizes. (By the way, I love the family coat of arms Newton displayed after being knighted by Queen Anne- perhaps it would be an appropriate trademark to display on shots by our vax merchants…)

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Just as expected: the 2nd of November new measures will be made public. As it is a good habit in the Netherlands that the plans are leaked one or two weeks in advance to soften the blow: most likely the vaxxed will get all their privileges back, while the unvaxxed will loose theirs. The details of the plans were not made public yet, but I fear the worst, sneaky sneaky fascist MF’s.
Additionally, a Dutch European Union madam lied through her teeths that the vaxxines are proven safe, and that people can sue the pharma companies in the case of side effects; luckily a poll under voters for her political party showed that 100% is vaxxed: good riddance sneaky little fascist bastards.