A Nation in Decline: The Death Cult’s Impact on the U.S.

Originally published at: https://peakprosperity.com/a-nation-in-decline-the-death-cults-impact-on-the-u-s/

For a long time, I avoided what seemed like a hyperbolic claim – that the and many other Western nations were under the spell of a death cult.

Now I see that as the best fit for the data we have.

I define a cult as an organized system of thinking that works against the best interests of the majority of the followers. A cult will make you unhappy, poorer, and/or unhealthier. Participating in one won’t make your life better, it will make it measurably worse.

What we call the ‘dominant culture’ of the U.S. fits every definition of a cult, and one that specifically has an anti-life, pro-death orientation.

Eating, breathing, and drinking the water of such a cult will deliver a list that looks like this:

Or this:

More than a third of workers say they’re living paycheck to paycheck
Published July 15, 2024

They’re known as the “working poor.” They have little to no money leftover to save for future goals after covering their monthly expenses, and if they were to lose their primary share of income, they likely would struggle to make ends meet.

They’re the Americans living paycheck to paycheck, and according to new data from Bankrate, more than 1 in 3 workers (34 percent) currently feel like they are living this way. Those numbers might be even higher when factoring in all U.S. adults, considering that 6 in 10 Americans (60.1 percent) are in the labor force, Labor Department figures show.

Americans have long found it hard to save for the future. Back in 2018, less than 2 in 5 (39 percent) indicated they would pay for an unexpected $1,000 expense with their savings. Those figures have barely budged over the years, most recently hitting 44 percent in data from 2024, Bankrate’s 2024 Emergency Savings Report showed.

(Source – Bankrate)

People are getting poorer and sicker and dying earlier and, worse, many were forced/coerced to take an experimental medical treatment that led to an explosion of death & disease.

Of course, the damage was denied and the people afflicted were lied to and gaslit by the very people they had entrusted to ‘be the experts.’ They turned out to be callous cult leaders who made money and gathered power off of the sickness they had caused.

It’s pretty sick stuff, no question about it.

The antidote is to leave the cult. Refuse to participate in their strange rituals and harmful advice. Seek to create more life and more abundance wherever and however you can.

That’s what we’re doing here in Chester MA.

Let’s work to Make American Healthy Again. MAHA!

It’s time to reject the death cult. Call them out and let them know we see them for what they are; cynical, destructive people who espouse nihilism as demoralize each other and ruin children’s lives and our collective future.

Enough is enough.


What is not common knowledge is that the diagnostic criteria for autism diagnosis changed drastically, allowing far more to get that label. This may have easily doubled the number diagnosed with many on the mild end misdiagnosed.

Old: Pervasive developmental disorder umbrella
→ Autism, most severe often with retardation/intellectual disability
->NOS, not otherwise specified, some features, significant impairment
–>Apergers, mostly normal function and normal or above intelligence, social impairments and potentially sensor processing problems, less social more attention to details
→ Other more rare conditions

New: All autism, level 1, 2 and 3 on severity.

So it annoys me when quoting stats and it is not differentiated.

I still admit, rate of truly autistic has increased dramatically so it doesn’t take away from the argument.



I’ve heard Dr Casey Means interviewed by, I believe, Dr Shawn Baker?

From what I have come to understand, and believe too be likely, is that we have become more and more sick due to a completely misguided understanding of human nutrition.

We are not able to use vegetable proteins well in order to build the healthy bodies we need and desire. It is animal proteins that work best for us and if available ,ruminant animal proteins.

We have been poisoned for years, with the push to eat more fruits and vegetables and grains. Look at the seventh day adveitists and their belief that eating meat is immoral and etc. who has been spearheading the RDA and food pyramid and my plate,etc. ?

With the increased grain and seed oil consumption, we have become incredibly sick with metabolic disease.

People never before ate such ultra processed and adulterated foods.

I personally try only to eat animal based, unprocessed foods now. At the least, whole foods, real foods and emphasizing animal proteins and fats would possibly cure a multitude of what we now see as epidemic “diseases” in our families.

One in many to reference is Dr (psychiatry) Georgia Édes. Author of “Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind”.

“Food” for thought.
In good health, take care!


I never got sick from Covid during 2020-2022. I’ve never been tested because I’ve never been sick. Regardless I finally acquired a small nagging cough . I would cough once or twice a day. That’s it. But it was still nagging and it lasted all of 2022. I went to the doctor and they x rayed me. Said I had blood clots from long covid. Then they said i had had a heart attack. When it was all said and done I was terrified and on 8 different medications. All of it was bogus. I took my medical file which at this point was about 50 pages long, to a trusted doctor. He looked and said it was all a hoax. No clots and no heart attack. The medical industrial complex can chew you up. I’ve never been vaxed and I told all these doctors I was playing soccer with high school age kids. All the doctors just scoffed and tried to trap me. I got out of the complex after abt 6 mo and thousands of dollars and lots of stress.


I had a similar thing almost happen with my thyroid. After years of low energy, I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. They sent me to get my thyroid biopsied (twice), and wanted to remove my thyroid and put me on medication for t he rest of my life. I asked, “Is it cancerous?” and they said no. They just wanted to “be safe” “just in case” it later became cancerous. I asked about diet and lifestyle changes and the doctor scoffed, said they don’t work. Thankfully I had enough skepticism to NOT let them remove my thyroid, did some research on my own, and discovered that certain foods (such as seed oils and soy), as well as too high of a carbohydrate/sugar diet, makes things worse. I get an annual T-level blood test and ultrasound to make sure the nodules haven’t grown, but they have stayed the same, but my T3 and T4 thyroid levels have returned to normal. This was BEFORE covid-19 happened, but I think the skepticism from THAT near-miss with the medical-death-cult complex primed me to be suspicious of the Holy Death Jab propaganda.


Chris you’ve inspired another emotional as well as intellectual response. I loved the hopeful finish w/ raw footage of turkeys that didn’t used to be there - habitat w/ food = nice place to raise family. Showing a frog that magically found your pond – working with God’s perfectly designed and balanced natural system produces amazing results.
Y’all are seeing the fruits of your labors - and inspiring us with life-sustaining examples. Thank you!

Kermit the Frog, is one of my favorites, and I hope one of you and Evie’s too.
A Special Performance of “Rainbow Connection” from Kermit the Frog …


Dr. Means draws much from Dr. Robert Lustig. His book Metabolic supports much of what you say with regards to the influence of the Seventh Day Adventists. Definitely in the category of “who’da thunk?”

Dr. Means often has him on her Levels site as an expert, particularly as it relates to the cholesterol/stating scam that is finally beginning to unravel.

Finally, to your point as well, ever since stumbling across Calley Means a couple of years ago, we try our best to eat real food. We live in strange times when trying to eat nutritious food is an act of defiance against the establishment.

What ever happened to the crunchy granola moms that insisted on feeding their kids organic food? Come back! You had it right!


These people/ doctors genuinly care about nurturing us (back) to health (phonetically with a silent th at the end).

To mean what we think it means, spoken, the word health would sound differently, more like heal plus the th which would sound more like the word healed with a softer end sound.

The most reliable autism prevalence numbers, are the ones ascertained by The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. In the network, the New Jersey site is directed by Walter Zahorodny. The ADDM network use strict diagnostic and methodological criteria.

Walter Zahorodny could not scream loud enough about the Autism Epedemic. He was ignored. It was always and continues to be blown off by the all too familiar, better recognition, diagnostic substitution, broader definitions.

The link has an interview with Dr. Zahorodny and some of the summary points from the interview. I disagree on the claim that vaccines are not a risk for autism but the other information is accurate.


Chris wrote:

People are getting poorer and sicker and dying earlier and, worse, many were forced/coerced to take an experimental medical treatment that led to an explosion of death and disease.

Of course, the damage was denied and the people afflicted were lied to and gaslit by the very people they had entrusted to ‘be the experts.’ They turned out to be callous cult leaders who made money and gathered power off of the sickness they had caused.

I have been wondering about the Climate Madness cult and what is behind it. Last night, I started listening to Tucker Carlson’s latest interview of RFK, Jr.

RFK, Jr., noted that a mega-investment company has a huge investment in installing windmills (I think he mentioned Blackrock,)

So maybe Climate Madness is the same thing as Vaccine Madness. It will provide huge government/taxpayer subsidized profits for a venture of dubious efficacy which will, in the long term, cause more damage than good.

If the analogy holds true one can expect 1) asset transfers to the global “elite” which are “necessary to counter the existential threat”; 2) censorship of rational discussions on the extent of the real threat and about wisdom of the courses being mandated to counter the threat (this is already happening); 3) government grants being withheld from “dissenters from the orthodoxy” (this also is already happening); 4) political power-grabbing “necessitated by the existential threat” (this, also, is already happening), and, 5) attacks on personal liberty “necessitated by the emergency” (15 minute cities.)

In other words, “climate madness” appears to be using the same playbook and probably has the same goals as “vaccine madness.”

There was indeed a reality behind the pandemic fear-mongering but it was grossly exaggerated and misrepresented for political ends. I would not be surprised if the exact same thing is true with “climate madness.”


Only problem with this argument is that they are the current world’s record “blue zone” for heathspan and lifespan.

My husband’s strictly adherent SDA grandfather died at age 103 from injuries he sustained in a bicycling accident. He worked as a chaplain in a nursing home up until his injury. He was offered surgery to repair his internal trauma but decided that wasn’t for him and passed a few weeks later.

Edited to add: SDAs usually don’t advocate eating processed foods, including seed oils and sugars.


Thank you, I’ll have to take a look.

Redefining autism still increased numbers - almost anyone socially awkward can get a diagnosis, level 3 is like the new ADD that at best is grossly over-diagnosed.

What matters is how many are actually very significantly impaired - level 2 and 3.

Not doubting at all there is a developmental disability epidemic.


There is a relatively old TV show that I keep flashing back to, over and over because it is very prescient: Babylon 5. In one scene, the main protagonist is captured, interrogated and mistreated. Then, the following exchange takes place:


I am thrilled to pieces to hear you call these people what they are: a cult of death.
I have beembsaying since 2020…your government wants you dead. And since our government is a facist blob consisting of big corps and big bureaucrats that own our so called representatives…we have been liv8ng under the rule of a death cult.
I do not understand how after 4 years of this…people just cannot see it.


Both my sister and my niece have had their thyroids rem9ved for hasimotos and so called cancer…on meds the rest of thrir life.
You did the smart thing.
I won’t let them do it to me…ive got same thyroid nodules…covered with them…but still have enough to function…
Diet is key i think. Well done you!


B5 is prophetic and insightful, and still quite relevant on many levels, and about many things.
The show got pulled unexpectedly because of the original background story of the Crusades story line. Seems it was a bit too close to the truth.
It’s easily my most favourite show on TV.

Malignant entities like “the death cult,” or “the blob,” or “the bodysnatchers” cannot endure indefinitely because they are both parasitic and destructive.

They are also very stupid because unchecked, they will kill the host, a losing endgame even for the parasite.

A more restrained parasite respects the limits of bloodsucking, but this breed of hubristic human apparently knows no limits (transhuman, remember?) but will know those limits soon enough – just as reckless drag racers finally get a millisecond of religion when introduced to the hard truths of (A) cliff + gravity; or (B) brick wall + extreme sudden deceleration.

As a species, homo sapiens has proven itself to be more clever than wise.

In the end, the positive forces of life will have to prevail – because Nature always has the last word – but before then, there will continue to be much pain. The tragedy is how much of this disaster is avoidable.


It is interesting though, that seventh day adventists live much longer and more healthy lives than almost every other definable population. They have the US record for centenarians, for example. And there are places in the mediterranean as well as Japan with largely veggie diets and similar longevity. But in keeping with your idea, I myself feel much better on a largely animal-based diet.

One thing about all of the places I’ve mentioned above, though, is that communities are very strong. People continue working into old age at gardening, hiking, taking care of the littles, and food is quite unprocessed. Meals are often communal and celebratory. The elders are not sequestered and the community is tight knit. It makes me wonder if the social factors and avoidance of processed food are also key.


Ordinary citizens frantically waving their arms, pointing to COVID vaccine, saying, “this is bad!”. The Authorities seem not to notice.

Ordinary citizens frantically waving their arms, pointing to Ultra processed foods, saying, “this is bad!”. The Authorities seem not to notice.

Ordinary citizens frantically waving their arms, pointing to a man on the roof with a gun, saying, “this is bad!” The Authorities seem not to notice.

Seems like a trend to me. But then, I’m just an ordinary citizen, so what the heck do I know?