A Nation in Decline: The Death Cult’s Impact on the U.S.

A tyrannical takeover confident with their grip on power doesn’t need to campaign and offer policies for the people for an “election” they control.


You’re incredibly right-on :dart: with your analysis.

Just listened to Chris’ LIVE whilst soaking-up the fresh, salty shoreside ocean air, after hours of soaking-up vitamin D. Listen to your intuition, bodies & hearts. Urged on by Chris, RFK Jr. & several others, I listened to the Dr. Casey Means interview on Tucker, and it confirmed so much I’ve been feeling & feeling. We always KNOW what we KNOW. The biggest mistake we ever made as a humanity was heeding & listening to those outside of ourselves

First time poster here, after joining some weeks ago, but life has been too chaotic to get involved here, as was my intent. Looking forward to hopefully dialoguing with likeminded ppl.


Wow, great video! What you said about life returning to your property is very true. I recently bought 80 acres in the upper peninsula of Michigan, because I love it there. Lake Superior area is incredible! When I bought this property, which is off-grid, I noticed that there wasn’t much wildlife around. Even birds seemed to be scarce. I put a few bird feeders out and now I have many diffierent species arriving. When I put out a hummingbird feeder, it was crazy. A lot of hummingbirds started showing up around my cabin. I thought this is amazing! So I partially buried a big washtub and filled it with fresh well water. It was fun to watch as first the squirrels came, then the groundhogs and deer started to come to this water. I even started to notice bear scat close to my cabin. It is amazing to me how easily nature can find resources and immediately adapt. Hoping a fox will arrive soon )



The knowing is the key, isn’t it? I’ve started to think of it in my head as gnowing as in gnosis.

It is a deep knowing without being able to trace the path from source to insight.

I usually know before I know.


The data you presented is sobering

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DocG–you’re doing an excellent job of being ordinary, which makes you exceptional.

Unprocessed/highly processed foods are best left alone.

I am only mentioning what I have heard reported, but have not done the research myself regarding the SDAs.

Correlation is not causation, but it doesn’t mean we should not look further at the data .
And I’m sure that SDAs have not hoped to destroy mankind, as ,in fact, they seem to have very high moral values towards life and caring for humanity.

However, manipulation of ideals is, I think, a very common tactic in warfare.

I’m excited to hear of a 103 year old family member…wow! My great grandmothers lived into mid 90s. The processed food were definitely not a big part of their lives. But animal based foods certainly were.

I think it’s worth being open to this way of eating if some find it improves their health outcomes.

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Studies must have been done with the Amish regarding the consumption of unprocessed food. I would suspect they have fewer health problems than the bulk of the population.


Good for you! As I tell my husband, a gimpy thyroid is better than no thyroid at all!!!

I’m lucky that a female bushcrafter that I follow on YouTube, “Survival Lily”, did a video admitting that she’d been sick, and then she recommended THIS book had really helped her get her symptoms under control:

Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back” by Izabella Wentz, PharmD

Amazon link: Amazon.com

A friend had the same problem and I passed along that book. She actually SHRANK her nodules, though she is a lot more disciplined about eating than I am. She did FODMAPS for a year. I tried it, but at some point you’ve got to balance quality of life with diet :wink:




Surprisingly, typical Amish food is not that great. Lots of white flour products, sugar, and vegetable oils. Probably on par with the standard American diet of the 1960s? So definitely a step up from the current typical non-cooking American household of today. But not as pure as might be expected.


But are the products generally fresh? Eg, fresh milled flower, fresh oil, etc?


As with any & all effective propaganda it must be based around a kernel of truth


A lot of research is done here and a forum you can share on. I believe Satan’s job according to the Bible is to destroy mankind and all God’s creation. I honestly believe that autism is caused by shots but it’s deeper. They have experimented with us all but in that case— our children. I believe that they put animal DNA into the shots. That is why some of these kids can climb fences, run off into the woods and not be scared, don’t want anyone touching them, sound like birds, etc. That’s horrible to think of but if you watch an older movie called “Temple Grandin” about an autistic woman who seems to know what cows feel like…well it’s a real possibility. Grand Temple what does that make you think of? They have played with our weather since the 50’s. The list goes on. 3 summers ago, out of nowhere there were no birds, in our area, no squirrels, no bunnies. We had lots! There were dead bugs all over our sidewalk and driveway. They didn’t come back until the next year. For some reason I have been on the research edge of a lot of things. God shows me stuff. I don’t ignore it. Never did figure out that one but a lot of other stuff. He also gives me dreams, like when the housing crisis happened and the banking crisis, I saw drones flying around my windows before any of us knew what they were. It’s a wild ride being in this time. If I interpreted my dreams in the past couple of years, Ron Johnson will be the head of the Senate and the good military will be in control in early October.


When I suspected that the Covid narrative was a power/money grab, I educated myself in immunology. It turned out that the narrative was, indeed, a power/money grab. Now, I am slowly educating myself in Climate science.

I am less enthusiastic about this latest educational endeavor since I found that the normies wouldn’t believe me about immunology. They preferred to believe television talking heads who had a long history of lying through their teeth. And even when most of the things that I said turned out to be true, I received no apologies at all. So educating oneself has limited upside. You can more easily spot bullshit, but most people won’t change their opinions.

Anyway, so far I have only found two kernals of truth behind climate madness.

One, radiative forcing is a real phenomenon. That means that carbon dioxide absorbs and then re-emits long wave electormagnetic radiation. That is the equivalent of finding that there was, indeed, a mutated coronavirus. And radiative forcing is a key crutch supporting climate madness.

Two, there has, indeed, been an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide measured in parts per million in the past 100 years. That appears to also being true. That is crutch number two.

But statements like “this was the hottest year in the past 100,000 years” are total and complete bullshit. That statement is not remotely close to being true.

The rest of it is just like Covid 19. Climate is an incredibly complex landscape dealing with things like cloud formation, ocean currents, air currents, the effect of water vapor on temperatures, planetary albedo, mechanisms of heat dissipation, solar cycles and many, many other things. Their is even evidence that fluctuations in the amount of cosmic rays received by earth at any given time can affect the amount of cloud formation and, in turn, change the amount of reflected sunlight.

In any event, the notion that we can thermostatically set a specific global temperature by regulating the carbon dioxide level is childishly naive.


Mike, if you have not yet watched this video, please do. The climate hoax is all about the green grift. As with covid, when countless people’s livelihoods depend on the narrative, they turn a blind eye to take their piece of the pie. It is all one big giant grift.

And also get & read a copy of this :arrow_heading_down:



Yes, I have watched it. But that movie deals with the low hanging fruit - the climate madness stuff that is easily debunked. But I want to go deeper. I especially want to go into the issue of Radiative Forcing. Radiative forcing occurs but some people are arguing that the effect is only partial due to other principles of thermodynamics. I don’t know enough to speak on it but I hope to get around to exploring the issue.

One positive thing about living in a kakistocracy is that it forces you to continually educate yourself.

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No. There’s a horse and buggy area of the parking lot at the Giant supermarket in Kutztown. They buy the same stuff as everyone.

Edit: It’s kind of quirky. You can see the shed roof and the horse parking spots on Google maps. Hope this link works.


Many many thanks.

stocks aren’t going up and to the right today :chart_with_downwards_trend: