Some people know that Nvidia will have a disappointing report at the end of the day after markets close.
Death cults always require the sacrifice of the children; it is proof you are a true believer and all in. In ancient times it was sacrifice to Molech and Baal by throwing living infants and children into fires to be burned alive. In modern times we do it via abortion and vaccination, and our countless ways of killing the spirit and innocence of the young via the commoditization of human life, child sexual abuse, drag queen story hour and teaching children that all their traits are modifiable and fluid (i.e. living in a fantasy land) and that their culture is bad. It was no surprise that the blasphemous Olympic opening ceremony had a child present at the last supper tableau, right next to the feminized man with his testicle hanging out. The sacrifice of children is integral: it is a feature not a bug.
Sometimes I think that covid broke us because it accelerated the rise of narcissists to the top, like pond scum. And at the same time the invisible ethical people that provide a moral structure to all aspects of society were targeted and many exited. To me it seems like the everyday moral person, as a group, was the yeast. Remove these people, and nothing rises. As a group a small percentage, but essential to the functioning of a just society. Remove them and the systems ultimately fail. To paraphrase one of the founders, our country can only really function with a moral and religious people.
When it comes to narcissists, just like granny probably told you at the kitchen table when you were tiny regarding truly bad people, they do not change. Their integrity disorder is very, very stable throughout their lifetime. Some who are less disordered may improve over their lifetime, but the more disordered deteriorate further. I think this is an ultimately hopeful thing, because it means that everyone who is involved with an actual narcissist can deduce that it it isn’t a good idea to keep investing your efforts, hope and precious life energy trying to help them. The only winning strategy is to dry your tears and and move on.
Here is a 9 minute video of Dr. Ramani discussing an article, a meta-analysis concluding that narcissists don’t change. She provides a link to the article, for those of you who want data and graphs.
Then throw some hair brained Geo-Engineering to the mix! but that’s another story!. Like you I’ve been studying up on all the possible feedback loops in play.
Personally, I believe that there must be some anthropogenic impacts given total human population, Chris has highlighted this in his Energy video & I think it was Guy McPherson that said humanity itself is a heat engine & when considering carbon, although I was able to realize it for myself, Nate Hagens refers to the last 200 years as something like “The Great Belch” where what’s taken millions of years to sequester is released back in a geologic nano-second, again there must be some effect.
But I’m with you & tend to believe there is a culmination of factors at play and I believe that our trajectory through the solar system probably plays as big a role as any. We’re barreling through the solar system at 500K mph following the Sun to who knows where which presents continual change, it is said that the Earth has one foot in, one out of the “Goldilocks Zone” & the Inuit have said the sky is different - that the Earth has wobbled, what effect does this have?
I also think the Oceans play a major role in all this as well that is little understood. I am fascinated by the AMOC, the Humboldt Current etc. We pea brained humans have almost completely disconnected from Nature & have lost touch with the ebb & flow of life, by design? more likely than not Me thinks. Since Q4 2019 I’ve had to except the fact, as many of us have, that what I believed prior to that time was skewed and that any truth can only be discovered by personal research & verification, attempting to determine who to trust & who not - the who nots have become readily apparent for the most part & they control the narrative. That aside I’m beginning to sympathized with Von Humboldt in his waning years - there’s so much to learn, to decipher yet!! In the attached chart if you overlay atmospheric carbon content all three metrics track - so, again as Chris has pointed out many times, cheap, abundant energy has allowed human population to go parabolic where species extinctions/displacement are one of the consequences.
A wowsa here!!
I agree with that and most everything else you said.
But I believe, that, at the core, all of these crises are population crises. You simply cannot have eight billion people on the planet and expect things to turn out well.
One of the reasons that I think that Climate Madness is about politics and not science is the things that they are not talking about.
They are not talking about:
the need to use nuclear energy.
that overpopulation will fuel multiple crises, e.g. fresh water depletion, energy depletion, collapse of fisheries, collapse of plankton populations, destruction and degradation of tillable soil, etc.
the fact that we are running out of the very fossil fuels that they want us to stop using.
that relying solely on windmills and solar panels will itself cause massive environmental problems.
that relying solely on windmills and solar panels will cause mass death as civilizations break down due to lack of energy.
that, despite the fact that “windmills and solar panels” cannot possibly succeed in their purpose, big Wall Street players will make a bundle on installing them.
the fact that the developing world is not going to accept “net zero” since it means “max poverty” for them. Thus,“net zero” will be imposed upon Western nations with no real overall effect except to impoverish the masses.
the fact that the energy diet that the “elite” are forcing on Western populations cause a staggering decline in the standard of living.
the amount of fossil fuels being used pursuing senseless wars.
the fact that the real problem (overpopulation) is solving itself due to decreasing fertility rates and the natural tendencies of advanced societies to have less children.
All that - and a lot more - they are just not talking about. They are just saying “slap up windmills and solar panels and everything will be fine.”
It won’t be fine.
That makes me believe that “net zero” is more politics than response to an existential threat.
And I agree that some of the warming in the past forty years is probably anthropogenic. And that - forty yeas ago till now - is the real trendline. The real warming trendline does not start with the fossil fuel age, it started forty years ago.
But my guess is that population reduction and re-wilding would solve that problem very quickly. I heard Bobby Kennedy say the other day “if we fix the soil problem, we fix the carbon problem.”
“The United States Department of Defense is one of the largest single consumers of energy in the world, responsible for 93% of all US government fuel consumption” wiki says ~12,600,000 gpd!! I believe, have to look again, but the Nation’s daily burn rate is 19-20 million gpd -That certainly is not sustainable!! But all excellent points - the collapse of the food web at the most basic levels is indeed another major worry, dire actually!
For a long time, I’ve argued on my Journal of Implausible Deniability that many Congress creatures and administration lackeys have abandoned their offices by conceding to unelected authorities their roles as representatives of the Constitution as well as the people. For instance, I no longer consider Elizabeth Warren or Ed Markey senators from Massachusetts. Moreover by remaining silent on the Nuremberg violations and aiding in the coverup of the government bioattack on the population they are straying into the shady area where mere corruption becomes tantamount to treason. And that’s just the tip of the New World Order iceberg. The border invasion, attempted Trump assassination and other crimes to which they are accomplices after the fact suggest that your vision of a “ good military” taking over may be the only way out of this techno dystopian nightmare. It’s very hard to imagine the entity in the White House conceding defeat in a fair election. Moreover the Biden administration has filled the country with an army of potentially hostile military aged men, many from foreign populations with longstanding grievances against the US. Elizabeth Nickson on Substack has pointed out that by handing out voter registrations with drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens, the Dems have added hundreds of thousands of non citizen names to voter roles. Even if these people don’t actually vote physically or by mail, their “vote” can be tabulated digitally from their bogus inclusion as non citizens on voter lists. Obviously, simple logic shows that the regime is already engaged in an internal coup intended to end US sovereignty. It’s no less real just because the perpetrators where suits and ties and not ammunition belts and grenades. That’s what they will eventually resort to however which is why your visions seem to me to be important messages.
Ditto for almost the entire Legislative Branch - I keep asking people when was the last time they were canvassed about anything happening in Congress/The Nation. We have been living under dictate for so long now & the citizenry are completely brain dead, or nearly so.
The prosperity enjoyed by the masses in the U.S. middle class was a blip on the radar that has been in the process of being clawed back for at least the last 40 years. I found this video about the concept of retirement in general and the history of pensions enlightening. Gonna suck having a large chunk of old people unable to support themselves. But it was all a ponzi scheme in the first place. Which means only the people who are in early get anything. This is probably why young people hate boomers, not realizing our parents were actually the first feeding at the troth. And later boomers are just as screwed as younger folks.
Also explains why those good paying manufacturing jobs that afforded a middle class lifestyle are never coming back.
Indeed. Two years ago I lost my temper at a meet and greet with my federal rep, Jim McGovern. He was speechless when I confronted him with the various anti coercion laws and scientific principles he and his pals had abandoned with their COVID response. It was obvious that he was a political hack who had no understanding of anything but what the party line was that kept him employed so profitably. I told him out loud in front of his gape jawed adoring happy valley constituents that he was bullshitting the audience and was being grossly irresponsible… then I got up and left saying I couldn’t listen to this crap any longer. All he could say as I walked out was “ I still believe in the CDC.” A week later my stepson died two days after taking his UMass mandated injection. Cause of death?
Crashing headfirst into the pavement on an Amherst sidewalk. Head trauma. Why did he suddenly black out to the extent that he didn’t even have basic defensive reflexes? Crickets. My son and I had argued against the jab. He didn’t want to take it again but had to to keep his job. Nice work Mass legislators. Oh by the way, the autopsy report said he had tested positive for Covid. I’ve written all these clowns but only get boilerplate bullshit thanking me for “reaching out,” and ignoring everything I said while they tell me how wonderful all their accomplishments are. I’m guessing that with all the bio tech money flowing into Eastern Mass the state has become a major profit center for Pandemics Incorporated. Maybe we’re even making more money from killing peoples than Bill Gates.
Hi Chris, I’d love your input on the childhood vaccines if it’s a rabbit hole you’ve been down. I made a thread here:
Large earthquakes can shift earth’s axis and change the length of days. There have been many.
Just one article about one: In 2011, A Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake Shifted The Planet's Axis And Shortened Earth's Days | IFLScience
Article and comments are all edifying. Thanks for your community reflections and personal stories. Re mental health issues, it is strategic to multiply the pages of the DSM, and to be a splitter not a lumper when diagnosing mental health conditions. Splitters end up with splinters and are unable to help anyone. Lumpers are able to refine their insights within some boundaries of scientific discipline. It becomes easier to explain complex behaviors when we recognise facts of origin and commonality… I don’t have answers, but am sharing observations. Where I begin is with a person’s energy, and finish with God as the healer.
My own diagnosis is 50+ yrs of ignoring that I was a kid playing sports against (bigger) adults, did not speak of my pain, but when I did I was always told to keep active: lumbar stenosis, but told I was too fit and flexible, so I went harder and (perhaps the MTHFR gene); the result is soft-tissue disorder resulting in fibrous tissue and xtrm angiolipomas on bone and entrapping nerves/vascular (redundant), burning SAT and v painful 24/7.
In the process I was put into xtrm medical conditions never noted by doctors (spastic dystonia, dementia for yrs, etc),ignored and pushed away from the surgical curtain in the last moment, too many etcs, unable to access the one simple med hope of what would help.
Life is more complex, but one day, a daughter cooked a slow cook… the next day I understood what ‘Sh.t 4 brains’ means. Been there, done that. Have not stopped learning. There is no one cure (not listing-too much harm to be done).
I have carers who have high IQ, are serious re health, top side of MMA sort of chaps, people of faith, had a wife until this time last yr., whose healthy pantry was the envy of every health conscious person - she still died (no one is perfect, except those who claim to be, but they have not died yet). My wife’s baking was gluten free and sugar free and once tasted you immediately wondered why would you want sugar.
Now I am isolated from competent foodies. Each day is living awareness of all Chris and you all are saying. Sugar is sh.(ee).r poison that coats cells to prevent nutrient absorb… I guess this is a forum where people get this. I am an imperfect writer/eater/but at what point can we say we did our best? I have failed, I have some disg… sensitivity. Joy can only be had in life, not in despair. In company I laugh more than most, by myself I cry more than most, moaning and groaning, but I get up to thank God and join the fight. I struggle to get words out due to pain, but the thinkers come because I have the time and they accept me. But, that they come is a sign of the need to talk about the Death Culture so that iron sharpens iron. Thank you.
As Chris so often points out “It didn’t have to be this way”!! I mull this topic over quite a bit as my wife & I are overly dependent on our Social Security, We’re property rich but cash poor, more or less, we do get rental income that exceeds SS from some of that property so that helps but I can’t help wondering if we are rapidly approaching a situation similar to what the Russians found themselves in in the 90’s, it certainly feels like it!
Both or our Grand Parents were born before the depression with our parents being depression era babies so really it was just our parent’s & ourselves age group that has got to enjoy any of the benefit - talk about a failed plan. But being the armchair historian that I am I can say for sure it didn’t have to be this way - many times over.
There have been many factors at play and outside influences controlling American politics, especially these past ~184 years, at the time the British were working 24/7 to regain control of the American Colonies “During the 1840s, the Bank of England’s influence in America was primarily indirect, yet significant” This period in time corresponds to the rise of the American Oligarch - the “Robber Baron” what many call the .001% these days. The American people were under control & doomed from that time. In 1859 the 1st successful American oil well was drilled - that sealed the deal. I continually think of the shoulda, coulda, wouldas - what if at that time we, as a nation, had initiated a sovereign wealth fund? a utopian thought? maybe?? but by that time the 3 Branches were already under the control of nefarious actors and all of this wealth that remains is largely in the pockets of a very few. Frank Capra’s “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” came out in 1939 highlighting the path that we were & remain on. Now we find ourselves so far in debt that a stack of physical dollars would reach the outer limits of the universe - this was all by design, sure, there were hiccups to the plan but they were dealt with.
My mantra remains “It didn’t have to be this way” and I’m angry but I know who & what my anger should be directed at. This division by design we currently find ourselves in has manifested a lot of anger but the bulk of it is misdirected with masses of clueless people thinking that an election will in some way save the day - we have to unwind the clock nearly 200 years to enact any meaningful change imo. But then we have to face the fact that the resources we had back then have been squandered - currency creation today is a complete fabrication. Bank of England query below
We are indeed all wage slaves, except for a lucky few.
“Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel , and we will hold the security interest over them forever, **by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges”
I agree. I feel like so many are beyond just immoral but part of the plan or paid off or threatened which makes them traitors and cowards. There are always a few good guys fighting an insurmountable battle. They don’t give up and neither will we. I think something drastic has to wake people up. They still diet on the old mainstream media. And we fight enemies on many sides but I pray from a battle perspective like enemies fighting against themselves and draining their many resources. Things I believe my commander is showing me. I pray the lying media will be tongue tied and choke on their own lies, wake up and get on their knees and look up. I have seen them choke at least for now. Yesterday Venezuelan gang took over an apt house in Colorado. People will start getting scared will welcome the military. It just has to be the right military. They were on our side in my dream, even saluted my Vet husband. Maybe more like God saying, your prayers matter.
I am sorry for your loss. I fought on FB to get the message out and was shut down over and over. I watched people grieve as their family members died. Neighbors hauled off for multiple things after getting the shots including instant blindness. I got shingles from a neighbor who had just got the shot and so did my DIL. But they keep getting the shots like it was some normal thing for them to fall apart but so few media people were even talking about it and some like OANN got ripped off the cable channels. I saw the mosquito stuff in Mass. I think I would find a way to move. We had a bank up there for awhile and I said, lets get out of that state.
I totally agree that we will not go back to even the Trump years. They have worked behind the scenes from before our lifetimes like you said. The Bible says where there is envy and selfish ambition there is every evil work. The only thing that could fully save us is changed hearts. I have studied Revelation for some 30 years. What many teach is just not there. We will be persecuted and have to stand until the end. Just not the vials of the wrath for that is what these evil people will face that hate God. Even the newscasters are saying there will be battles whoever wins. But my hope is in the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will be with us in peril or war.
Perhaps the worst thing about these shots, is that they are acclimating people to the very idea of genocide.
I’m always reminded of Gene Roddenberry & the original Star Trek - there was one episode where two countries/planets were at war but it was more of a computer simulation, every now & then the simulation would say this many people were killed in a simulated attack & that number would dutifully march off to be exterminated
This is astonishing. I had no idea.
The German Labor Front then created their “Strength through Joy” propaganda campaign, designed to build momentum and support for the Nazi Regime. Bill Clinton said at the DNC that Kamala will be the “President of Joy.” The Demonic Dems are pushing Nazi slogans hard. No surprise they use projection to call everyone else fascists.
The Nazis also had a “Strength through Joy” automobile they featured called the “KdF Wagen” and Hitler pushed for the mass production of a “simple car that German workers could afford” (think of the Dems pushing electric cars here to eliminate gasoline costs, even though EVs cost more to make, buy, maintain and repair). It was all propaganda. The Nazi goal was to erase class differences (think communism) and have German workers start paying for special “savings cards” they could use for a car they MIGHT someday receive in the future.