A Serious Message From Chris Martenson

Remington is pictured jumping a 4’ hedge. He wears a #5 shoe (think dinner plate).
He is a gentile giant weighing about 1500 lbs. transitioning him to farm work is on my wish list, but pretty far down, since life seems like triage every day trying to keep all the essentials together.

I’m only a recent follower of peak prosperity but I think Chris sometimes gets carried away with the doom and gloom. Chris himself will say when one feels their belief structure is being attacked - they become very defensive. I sensed his defensiveness whenever he would address topics like negative results regarding hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) or MMT/Powell. The strength if his language and some biases would seem come out on these topics for him. Otherwise, a very likeable, hardworking and thought-provoking individual with good intentions. Some of his advice I’ve applied to my own life, and for that I’m grateful. That being said we should acknowledge that HCQ may or may not have limited efficiency in early phase symptomatic disease OR prophylactic scenarios. Trust me it is no panacea but nor is it a conspiracy by big pharma. It is the absence of big pharma that has prevented a well conducted trial. Regarding Powell, look at Wolf Rictors site (a Chris’s go to). He indicated yesterday FED may be overall selling over the last few weeks, so I think the Money printing has definitally cooled off (for now). My main point is not to critique Chris but encourage the discouraged to be hopeful. The nation, and humanity, has endured much pain in generations past- wars, famine, pandemics and depressions. It doesn’t have to be run away inflation or social upheaval. Maybe it can be the final nail in the coffin of big oil, people moving towards plant based foods, the defeat of Trump and rise of solar and EV that could curb climate change? Let us all hope for peace, resilience and a just down economy for the next few years. And, yes, plant a garden!

As someone who has watched the info on HCQ come in to Peak Prosperity over 5 months now I would suggest that you study what has been offered on 100’s of technical posts. The evidence clearly points to efficacy in prophylactic and early viral onset stages.
That said…I welcome you as a new contributor, and hope you are capable of learning in this environment.

Good evening -
After reading Chris’s message this morning, I have become even more determined to fight. So today I spent six hours I didnt have and found new evidence regarding my work on child protection.
The elite rings involved are going down. Alot of action today on the Wayfair issue. It appears someone is talking, not sure.
This “breakthrough/awakening” -when public- will denounce many of the elite and their corrupted structures.
Let their fake markets of Babylon crash - their false idol worship go to blazes, let them reveal themselves so that others stop looking up to material gross hoarding of surplus, which is actually against nature anyhow. My old Mom controls the family’s wealth and if the market crashes I will lose about 500K also but I will gladly give that up. I have no pension and little savings but that is OK.
I feel awful for all the small and medium businesses going down and suffering but mostly - not always - people who have stocks - are not going to go hungry as are so many in the world already, normally and now even moreso.
Chris and Adam have been so generous and have led us and have made leaders of us.
I will give up maybe when I am dead. Not a minute before.
Walk with me into the storm and shine the lights that an eternal universe of darkness shall never extinguish.
For failure is not an option, and it matters that we don’t just give up.

We here in western new york are living in a bubble, the corona virus is filling the state map from west to east. How long before the virus is back? I do not know but I happy for every day I can get. We all know that honey badger virus don’t care. When the wealthy start to die in big numbers, America will do the right thing. It didn’t have to be this way but it is.

Dedicated to Chris and Adam
1929 French Bronze Plaque by Raoul Lamourdedieu entitled Sauvetage en mer - Rescue at Sea
Chris and Adam lead the rescue team to the ship in distress, braving rough seas all around them in the darkness of the storm.

I have been here(on PP) a long time. Won’t write and essay, my apologies are sincere. I think OOG has met two of my Suffolks. There is a third now
when my agrarian family entered the depression, my grandfather, who had recently started using tractors, told my father to “settle the mare,” her pregnancy and offspring would insure the future. The rest is up to you.

Chris has very good reason to give the warnings he is giving. One can heed the advice or not. I suggest reviewing the entire Crash Course. Try not to get lost in minutia like HCQ or how much or little you think the Fed is printing this month. CV-19 is now a huge problem itself, but also happens to be an accelerator of many major problems that have been brewing in this world for many years. Society today is highly interrelated and when things start going haywire it’s going to occur at light speed. Choose wisely.


As near as I can tell, the idea that good always triumphs over evil is tied with religion. It may be coupled with the idea that God will insure that good triumphs.

Well, given enough time the tide always turns…but that works in both directions, hey?
I do tend to the conviction that evil ultimately defeats itself because it is, by its nature, self-contradictory. That is, chaotic, nihilistic. The big “but” hidden in plain view is, however, that nihilism in all its great and little forms inflicts a lot of harm on the way to its own demise - and it can take a long time to die. Only to be resurrected by some new generation of fools who have forgotten what happens when you touch the stove.
We live in a time and culture that no longer believes its own stories, therefore no longer believes in its own raison d’etre. Not just in the US, but throughout Western culture and increasingly across the integrated and syncopated globe. And these days too many think justice is found at the sharp end of the guillotine, because no one reads history any longer and everyone is certain “this time will be different.”
Old man Kipling seems more and more sage the further down this well-trod road we lurch, zombified:

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul; But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy, And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "If you don't work you die." Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more. As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man There are only four things certain since Social Progress began. That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire, And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire; And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins, As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn, The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

Chicken Little likes to walk in the woods. She likes to look at the trees. She likes to smell the flowers. She likes to listen to the birds singing.
One day while she is walking an acorn falls from a tree, and hits the top of her little head.

  • My, oh, my, the sky is falling. I must run and tell the lion about it, - says Chicken Little and begins to run.
    She runs and runs. By and by she meets the hen.
  • Where are you going? - asks the hen.
  • Oh, Henny Penny, the sky is falling and I am going to the lion to tell him about it.
  • How do you know it? - asks Henny Penny.
  • It hit me on the head, so I know it must be so, - says Chicken Little.
  • Let me go with you! - says Henny Penny. - Run, run.
    So the two run and run until they meet Ducky Lucky.
  • The sky is falling, - says Henny Penny. - We are going to the lion to tell him about it.
  • How do you know that? - asks Ducky Lucky.
  • It hit Chicken Little on the head, - says Henny Penny.
  • May I come with you? - asks Ducky Lucky.
  • Come, - says Henny Penny.
    So all three of them run on and on until they meet Foxey Loxey.
  • Where are you going? - asks Foxey Loxey.
  • The sky is falling and we are going to the lion to tell him about it, - says Ducky Lucky.
  • Do you know where he lives? - asks the fox.
  • I don’t, - says Chicken Little.
  • I don’t, - says Henny Penny.
  • I don’t, - says Ducky Lucky.
  • I do, - says Foxey Loxey. - Come with me and I can show you the way.
    He walks on and on until he comes to his den.
  • Come right in, - says Foxey Loxey.
    They all go in, but they never, never come out again.

I’m a communitarian living in a libertarian country. While trying to do what I can to prep, I keep bumping up against this central fact. I do not want to live in a world/country that requires I have a gun to shoot people to keep me and mine safe. I won’t do it. I can’t. To do so would be cutting out my own heart.
Until now I just ignored this fact, kept living my life and doing my prepping. After this summer watching my city become a war zone of the citizens versus a heavily militarized police (Minneapolis) in 2 days, I see this is something I can no longer ignore. I need to face this issue straight on and make some decisions by making an active choice.
Mind you, I don’t plan to rewire my brain, purchase a few murder guns and move on to the libertarian mindset. I will stick to my values. But I wonder if there are others in this community similarly struggling. I’m new to the PP online community though not new to CM/AT’s teachings. Anyone interested in a convo about this or direct me to those who are?

The elites have not won. They aren’t even elites, they’re elitists (scumbags who believe themselves above the masses). Some of them may not even be humans.
We are the elite. We’re just mind-controlled to believe we don’t have any power. But many of us are taking back control over our own consciousness/life/reality/experience.
As the denser lower-dimensional service-to-self energies become ever-increasingly polarized toward darkness (negative energy, i.e. that which separates, segregates, pulls apart), the ascending humans who remain in balanced dharma, while we may continue witnessing the destructive parallel world of the service-to-self entities and their mind-controlled NPCs, as we build parallel systems of creative destruction (such as decentralized cryptocurrencies i.e. the separation of money and state), the reality we create will increasingly polarize toward the light (positive energy, i.e. that which constructs, builds up, unites; preserves novelty). Yes, there are two parallel timeline types. As incarnated souls each one of us already chose what type of reality we’d experience. Coronavirus is a major awakening permission slip – most of the ones that don’t wake up now aren’t gonna wake up at all (to the corruption in politics, medicine, science, all institutions, but even more importantly, even in the false perception/model of reality we’re given as QM discoveries or the meaning thereof has been covered up for 90 years, as shown most eloquently by such pioneering scientists as Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Dr. Tom Campbell).
Hell, much of the “educated” population still believes there is no evidence of life beyond the Earth. As our whispering interdimensional ET scientist neighbor Bashar put it:

"They have one real, and only one real, tactic. And that is manipulating information to the degree where they allow others to believe they're more powerful than they are. So if people buy into the idea that they have more influence than they do, that they're more powerful than they actually are, then suddenly they're perceived and experienced to be more powerful than they are. But that's what they actually do -- they manipulate information to make themselves seem more in control and more powerful than they actually are. But they're not really in control of anything at all; in fact they're panicked that they're not in control, which is why they cover a lot of stuff up." -- Bashar
And now they're so panicked that they're covering up all contrary information itself, i.e. they are engaged in full-on censorship (and of course election rigging). As to the causal mechanism/path by which we may gain control over economics, there is a phenomenal economic reset idea codified as NESARA/GESARA that has been floating around the Internet for some time. Here's some hyperdimensional intel on how this might come about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFMQEO-eq5o

I have been having that conversation for over 50 years. My community would get together and discuss preps and best practices. The conversation would always come to self defense and guns. That was pretty much the end of the conversation.
One of my best friends is a Vietnam vet who was on a PBR (the boat featured in Apocalypse Now. (btw I protested the war and told the draft board face to face I was not going). It took him 20 years before he could bring himself to watch the movie. He told me it was a pretty good description of what it was like. He has told me what it was like to look someone in the eye and kill them. He has not had one full nights sleep w/o nightmares in over 50 years. I have and do own guns. I own them mostly for varmints like copperheads and rattlesnakes. I do not like to take any form of life.
I think it is very easy for people to get guns and weapons training and sit behind a keyboard and talk about killing someone. I think the reality is something quite different. We all have a “lizard brain” and when it kicks in rational action becomes a distant reality. Self preservation is basic. To be honest I cannot say what I would do in a violent confrontation, but I do acknowledge I may not have complete control rationally. Though some would say to act violently is rational. That would make “turn the other cheek” completely irrational.
I can not say either what the long term psychological damage it would cause to take a life. The following video gives a pretty good indication on its effects on people trained to be killers. https://www.rt.com/shows/on-contact/488241-marines-veteran-suicides-high-rates/. I have spoken with a lot of vets from Iraq and Vietghanistan. The stories are pretty much the same as my Viet. friends.
I grew up in a rather violent part of the world so I am not ignorant about the subject. I have studiously avoided violence most of my life, but you do raise some deep issues worthy of exploring. My thought as I look at the world is " we can’t do better than this?"
I think there is a spiritual component which is very important. That is something not available for discussion here unfortunately. If you would wish to converse further feel free to PM me. Thanks for your post.

I took a look at the broad range of meanings:
From the free dictionary:

1. Philosophy The doctrine that nothing actually exists or that existence or values are meaningless.
2. Relentless negativity or cynicism suggesting an absence of values or beliefs: nihilism in postwar art.
a. Political belief or action that advocates or commits violence or terrorism without discernible constructive goals.
b. also Nihilism A diffuse, revolutionary movement of mid-19th-century Russia that scorned authority and tradition and believed in reason, materialism, and radical change in society and government through terrorism and assassination.
4. Psychiatry A delusion, experienced in some mental disorders, that the world or one's mind, body, or self does not exist.
From Wikipedia:
Nihilism (/ˈn(h)ɪlɪzəm, ˈn-/; from Latin: nihil, lit.'nothing')[1] is the philosophical view that all knowledge and values are baseless; that is, all knowledge lacks a certain basis and all values are subjective.[2] Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, in which life is believed to be without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.[3] Moral nihilists assert that morality does not exist at all. Nihilism may also take epistemological, ontological, or metaphysical forms, whereby, respectively, knowledge is not possible, or reality does not actually exist. The term is sometimes used in association with anomie to explain the general mood of despair at a perceived pointlessness of existence that one may develop upon realising there are no necessary norms, rules, or laws.
Kind of like nothing matters, nothing from the current social order has any weight or relevance, so do whatever you want. It's interesting that it likely stems from the same kind of "Emperor has no clothes" realization where one gets that the current social norms aren't written in stone and that's good because they don't work anymore. But rather than leading to questions like "How do we live in a better way?" or "How do we reorganize society to be more relevant to our current situation?", nihilists conclude something like, it's all a bunch of B.S. and nothing matters, so just do whatever you want. Act on your greed with no restraint. Hurt or kill if it serves you.
  • How do you know it? - asks Henny Penny.
  • It hit me on the head, so I know it must be so, - says Chicken Little.
  • How do you know it was the sky that hit you on the head? - says Henny Penny
  • It had to be the sky. What else could it be? - says Chicken Little.
  • Where were you when it hit? - Says Henny Penny
  • Under an oak tree. Says Chicken Little.
  • It was probably an acorn, especially since I still see the sky up there. - says Henny Penny.
    Chicken Little then has the choice of letting the data inform her. Of course if chicken little is invested in her belief, the backfire effect could prompt her to continue on the path to Foxy Loxy’s lair, especially if Ducky Lucky agrees with her.

“Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” - Marshall McLuhan

I am aware of 2 general belief structures that consciously decide to avoid violence.

  1. People who believe that violence will not be necessary. (Several slight variations: A) Others will not enslave, beat, rape, kill, kidnap me or my family. B) Things won’t get that bad. C) The inherent goodness in people will prevent others from behaving in those terrible ways. D) God, or spiritual factors, will protect me. E) Believing that they have excellent skills at situational awareness, street smarts --conflict resolution, escape and evasion and will be able to skate out of dangerous situations.)
  2. Choice to not meet violence with violence. This is a decision to die, be kidnapped, raped, bludgeoned or beaten and see the same done to family and friends without violent response, for spiritual reasons.
    Are there others?

MMast said,

I think there is a spiritual component which is very important. That is something not available for discussion here unfortunately.
I take a broader view of what we can and can't discuss. I consider arguing religious dogma both uninteresting as well as outside of the guidelines. Discussion of a more general, "spirituality", including the question of whether we are in fact spiritual, or rather merely biological beings, is both nuanced, and important. tbp said,
As the denser lower-dimensional service-to-self energies become ever-increasingly polarized toward darkness (negative energy, i.e. that which separates, segregates, pulls apart), the ascending humans who remain in balanced dharma, while we may continue witnessing the destructive parallel world of the service-to-self entities and their mind-controlled NPCs, as we build parallel systems of creative destruction (such as decentralized cryptocurrencies i.e. the separation of money and state), the reality we create will increasingly polarize toward the light (positive energy, i.e. that which constructs, builds up, unites; preserves novelty).
This is absolutely fascinating and thought provoking analysis to me. Is this against the guidelines? I don't think so, but then again I have not taken my junior moderator training yet. I don't have to agree with every concept tbp throws out to appreciate his or her efforts at enlightenment. I have said for years that we are in a war that is spiritual in nature. I have family members that will not allow my speech in their presence and tbp's use of the term, "NPC's" exactly describes them. It's sad but true. If you don't know the term look it up please. So are we biological or are we more than that? I have been interested in this question since my youth. There is a whole genre of accounts of NDE's, and there are many examples of people who are clinically dead and seem to be able to leave their bodies and see things happening around them from a third party view. What is that about? Like any investigation... these accounts are only one kind of data that can be used in dot connecting. What about people who feel like they have received communications from the deceased? 5-6 years ago one of the best friends of an old high school friend of mine died tragically at home while pulling a shotgun out of a barrel of guns - it was in a, "sock" and the guy should have known better as he was an ex-marine and a huge gun owner/range instructor. The gun was loaded and it went off right into his chest. His wife found him that way and immediately called my friend to help secure the house as there was all kinds of ATF near-contraband there. One lesson here is to never let your guard down on gun safety, no matter how experienced you are.. treat every gun as if it's loaded. But there's another message that came through. The deceased ran a heating/cooling business and he had in the past told my friend that the electronics controller unit on his furnace was a type that is prone to failure. After the death, the hot water at my friend's house went out - he went out to investigate (the basement was only accessible from outside) and he found that the electronics unit was flashing some kind of fault. He reset the unit and it worked again. Later on the unit faulted a second time... he reset it again and the issue resolved and did not occur again. My friend felt that this was so very specific that it could have only been a communication. Is there evidence that our consciousness has extended interaction with the universe, at least while we are living? Absolutely - you just have to know where to find it. I have always been attracted to the intersection between science (quantum physics) and spirituality. Dean Radin has been a pioneer working for many years at this intersection and what he has documented is really astounding. He has shown over and over again, through differing experiments, that the human mind/consciousness does in fact have the ability to interact with the fabric of the universe at the quantum level, much as the earliest commentators on the double slit experiment thought (i.e. that the observer was collapsing the wave function). While most materialist physicists of today adhere to convoluted multiverse theories to make the math work and take our consciousness out of the equation, Radin has shown time and time again that "modern" physics is wrong on this account. So the question is, if the human consciousness can affect the entanglement of photons, can the soul of a deceased person signal a friend that their soul is now flying free through a tiny electrical signal induced into a physical device like a furnace controller? Can we talk about that here? I think we can. The video link below is set to begin where Dean Radin reviews experiments showing how the human mind can affect external quantum events; https://youtu.be/2sc0vlDmris?t=493