A Simple Way To Combat Coronavirus: Everyone Should Wear A Mask!

An excellent fact based lecture on Nutritionfacts.org and youtube called Pandemics: History and Prevention. This lecture was presented over 10 years ago… We have ignored the tragedy of factory farming and the proverbial chicken has come home to roost!

Joanna840: Hohhot had one sentence out of a long and useful post that you object to on ideological grounds. That is hardly a rant.
You don’t know enough about Hohhot to stigmatize him/her on those grounds, or to apply that emotionally-charged label. We need to assume good intent on the part of our fellow beings until we know differently–otherwise we assume too many people are “deplorable” when the only supporting evidence for that is that they hold different opinions.

It is being reported that a lot of people hooked up to respirators are dying alone. If approximately 80% of those on respirators don’t make it, would it be better to die in the arms of a loved one than isolated and alone? Our healthcare system has failed us. You won’t be allowed to hold their hand, provide love and comfort. Have you considered this?
My opinion, no one should have to die alone. But then I was there for my Mom, my Dad and my Brother. Are you willing to shove a loved one into an overworked, perhaps understaffed hospital and know if they die, they will die alone?
Something to think about. What would you want?

If you want to make a DIY mask but don’t have craft fabric on hand, consider your dish towels as a source for finely woven fabric.
Also, check your closet for a long sleeved shirt that you could convert to short sleeves. Cut off part of the sleeves, then cut the sleeve material to shape, according to your mask pattern. Go back later to hem the cut-off sleeves.
Also consider: socks. A sock can be cut into a flat piece of knit material useful for one of your mask layers. At last, a use for orphan socks!
You could make a fabric mask without a sewing machine, as long as you have a needle and thread. If you don’t have elastic, create fabric straps that could be tied around your ears or your head.

The problem is it is a pandemic and they are infectious. The medical system is not failing us. It is always our choice on what treatment we want or where to die. Except in a disease outbreak like this it is necessary to have quarantine. this is not the fault of our medical system ! And I am no fan of many practices in general, but in this, there is no choice once you go to the hospital there is then no way to safely leave while you are still infectuous.
So, you have a choice for yourself and your loved ones, where do you want to be to ride out this illness ? This is your choice. You will need to stay in one spot and be quarantined while you have it. You choose based on your own risk assessment, stay at home or go to the hospital. I would think that what you choose would vary based on current conditions in your areas hospital and your age and health. If you or your loved one is 80 years old and already ill, you may both choose to have this ill person stay at home where you provide the care and the household stays quarantined ( with neighbors dropping food on the doorstop) for the duration and 14 days after the ill person either gets better or passes away. But, how is this choice the fault of the medical system ? It is just a hard choice, but it is your choice. I would likely choose to keep my ill parent at home to die if it were possible, most likely for most of us people live far apart, but that again is a choice, when retired they could have chosen to move by family.

Seems simple enough, want to leave the home , wear a mask.

It’s an adjustment, but not too bad.

The patchy use of the PCR testing makes analysis of the numbers of cases grossly inaccurate. It is so easy to “Don’t Test, Don’t Tell” and happily point out the fall in new diagnoses and explain that this means we have “passed the peak.”
It is MUCH harder to hide the dead bodies, the numbers of 911 calls, and the exodus of people from NYC, the numbers of cremation urns, the closure of airports, collapse of container traffic and factories, traffic on streets.
NYC COVID deaths today were 700+. Yesterday 519. The day before 370. We are on a major upswing.

h/t Quercus. Thanks.
Given the many factions downplaying this pandemic, it only makes sense to watch the body counts.

# Deaths Today = ~1% x #cases 14 days ago
So for NYC
700 = 1% x 70,000 And the 70,000 cases 10 days ago grows 10 fold in 14 days to 700,000 cases today. This predicts 7,000 deaths in NYC 14 days from now.
This is a prediction. Lets test its accuracy. We really really wish that it was not so. But it is. Stay frosty. ----- "Frosty" here means STFH and Wear A Mask  

Been reading lots about quercetin. Could not find any studies on its ability to fight the flu, corona virus’s. It does seem that it can aid as a Zinc transporter, similar to chloroquine. Here is a article talking about the effects on HIV. Would love to know your thoughts Chris, seems like a potentially helpful not harmful supplement.

I learned about Quercetin back around 2006 from MD/PhD Darrell Tanelian (boy genius that entered Stanford at age 15). It opens gap junctions (Connexins) in cells so nutrients can enter and be shared among other cells on needs basis. Very complex interactions. Life Extension makes Bio-Quercetin https://www.lifeextension.com/Vitamins-Supplements/item02302/Bio-Quercetin

The medical system is not failing us.
I disagree.
  • There are not enough masks
  • There isn’t enough equipment
  • There aren’t enough tests
  • There are not adequate procedures for donning and doffing protective suits and equipment
  • There are not showers, washing machines etc for the ppe and clothing of staff
  • There are few adequate procedures for intake and transferring of infected individuals
  • There is not a national procedural guide for each and every hospital to follow
  • There us not a specific “here is what you do” for the public
  • There is no humane way for families to be involved.
  • Medical professionals can provide copious more examples, no doubt
The above reflects a failure of a world class state-of-the art healthcare system! I believe we could do better and this crises reflects a monumental failure.
So, you have a choice for yourself and your loved ones, where do you want to be to ride out this illness ? This is your choice.
Yes, it is. But it’s not like we didn’t know about pandemics. It was a choice not to plan for them. The question is, do we accept the status quo or demand better for future generations?

The virus can only be stopped by a herd immunity or vaccin. Putting on masks will just slow it down. So we just stop the business for a year ?

is naturally found in Raspberry leaves. (as well as red fruits, grapes etc) Save your money and eat a natural plant source of this!

This isn’t really the place for it. I didn’t once here any animosity towards those that choose to change themselves aesthetically to look like the opposite biological sex. What I heard was concern about the wisdom and practices in this area; and I share them especially in relation to children. If that was the intention, the commenter has company. I and many others are angry that we are expected, in our Orwellian world, to ignore biological reality in favour of your fiat in the language we use. I won’t…

On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%.4 In another article in the Journal, Guan et al.5 report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%

Whether the CFR ends up being 1% of 2% or 0.6% … the real issue is the rate of transmission and the resultant overwhelming of our systems, medical and otherwise. It’s really just that simple. We have to buy time. I agree that we need to balance buying time with keeping our economy from completely imploding… and indeed, the idea of, “everybody wear a mask” would be a really good step in that regard. Stay healthy, Jim

I think there has been well enough studies to give a “real” and accurate CFR on Covid 19.
I know many can and will argue that many more may be infected. But, there have been several cohort studies that follow a group. The CDC and even WHO have concluded openly that 15% become serious and another 5% critical. for a total of 20% serious enough to require medical intervention. But looking at additional studies, it is clear that hospital mortality rate over-all for Covid is 30%. That should give a very defined CFR. My original thought was that 50% make it out of the ICU. This is a statistical average , for all causes. However, after studying the success of ventilation in the hospital setting, it appears that 85-90% of these people will die. Meaning, once you are on vent - damage is too far done. And the couple % that do survive it , will likely be seriously disabled.
My best guess the real CFR is 5-6%. And based on age and health of population there is wiggle room there.
The one thing that does not follow is the DP. Which looks to achieve about 1.5 %. But it is obvious that most of these people were hospitalized as a precaution and were given treatment. I would like to know what. As early treatment before the body decompensates and cannot recover, may increase survival. My question now is obvious, what treatment did they receive? did they get antiviral? did they get hydration? did they get supplemental oxygen? or where they just cared so they managed to avoid secondary exposures or infections, including viral and bacterial ?pneumonias?

German secretary of finance of the state Hessen killed himself being “deeply worried about to deal with the economical impact of the virus”
A visibly shaken Bouffier recalled that Schaefer, who was Hesse’s finance chief for 10 years, had been working “day and night” to help companies and workers deal with the economic impact of the pandemic

Here’s a link that is both enlightening and humorous. There are 34 entries, so far, with more on the way.

Seen in the personals: single man with toilet paper wishes to meet single woman with hand sanitizer for some good clean fun.
What’s the difference between covid19 and Romeo and Juliet? Covid19 is a corona virus–Romeo and Juliet were a Verona crisis.