A Simple Way To Combat Coronavirus: Everyone Should Wear A Mask!

The plan is to prevent themselves from being caught up in any civil unrest, unless they desire to be another, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, and leap onto a tank to give rousing speeches, after downing a bottle of good vodka.
Local police, mayors, governors, guard commanders, and military elements will attempt to contain the violence as best they can, but will keep to the fringes, until the ashes cool down. Martial law will naturally be declared and drones will be used to suppress insurgents.
Power will go bye-bye, phones and internet turned off, water shut off, and various drone delivered gases will be used. We have quite a selection of those…by the way.
Not just tear gas. We expect the gangs will not have very good chemical warfare gear…

The Flame Thrower.
You can SEE the flames. You can FEEL the heat of the flames. You do not hang tough and brave the flames. You can smell the flames. You run away as fast as you can.

Just bought 5. Hopefully in stock and ship soon since I know persons I will give one too. This company needs to advertise more!

My grandmother told me that wearing a necklace of onions is what saved her during the 1917 pandemic. Wonder if there’s a connection.

I never said shut up if you dont have a plan, let alone cursed.
I read all of what you wrote. The only part addressing the issue of how we could visit quarantined family from you were 2 points (1) ppe (2) private rooms. Which I then discussed why that would not solve the issue.
I explained why they would have an issue even if there were more ppe and then said if you had an answer to that, how it could possibley work to have the general public go into a quarantine space, even with ppe available to let us know. In other words, I am very open to your ideas or opinions on how this would work.
What I disagree with is railing against hospitals and doctors who are working very hard without considering the issues
Too bad you like to take everything so personally without even considering the points I made about the general public going in and out of a quarantine space, even in ppe, would be a large vector to spread the illness. If you see that they wouldnt be, please explain. Otherwise continue to play the victim when I am not picking on you personally, I just would like to discuss it with concrete ideas not just feelings about it not being ideal. Of course it is not ideal. It is a tragedy. And I still have not seen any thoughts about how this is the hospitals fault.

https://diymask.site/ [I love this Hong Kong Mask (HK Mask) site! scroll down for science and pattern. There is also a tutorial. I it tried using fabric, ribbon and made ties.
Uses paper towel, facial tissue, or could use coffee filter=> he gives the science midway down. OR
NO SEW–>I also tried making a paper towel-lined with facial tissue, twist tie, staples/stapler, rubber bands for a disposable mask making it ~N70. I had double sided tape left from present wrapping for a tighter seal, adapted from->
So with all the sources accumulated here- Everyone can model safe behavior. Wear your glasses or make a shield–>
How to make your own mask with a shield:

Ask a question and then explain why the answer is wrong. I am NOT a victim and it is disingenuous of you to call me one. Did I call myself one? No, never thats your interpretation. I simply stated your response was rude. You asked a question and I tried my best to answer it and your response was rude. I am entitled to interpret your respond as it appears to me.
Not sure why you are so hostile. I did try to be polite and explain my thoughts. Let’s be done. Yikes, reminder to self not to discuss topics with you.

Chris, it’d be great if you could briefly report on the importance of increased testing (either polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antibody), particularly for use at home. This is important for many reasons, obviously, including reducing the stress of not knowing if one is or isn’t COVID-19 infectious. I am still forced to work at my office – either test will allow me to know if I have the virus, haven’t had it, or had it and recovered. I’m certain that millions of others feel the same burden of uncertainty. Thank you for all of your crucial reporting on COVID-19 the past two months!

United Biomedical is now working with San Miguel County, which includes the famous Rocky Mountain ski destination, to test all 8,000 residents for COVID-19 antibodies -- making it the first community in the country to do widespread antibody testing. The idea, officials said, is to learn from an individual’s blood whether there is evidence the person has already been exposed. With that information, officials can then make decisions about whether quarantines and restrictions would need to continue and whether they need to be as widespread as they are in states and cities across the country right now. "The goal of this is to show you can predictably get an entire county back to its new normal as quickly as possible by using testing," said Lou Reese, co-CEO of United Biomedical and its COVAXX subsidiary. Reese stressed that, if successful, the testing program could be expanded, "starting at the hot-spot areas right now to solve this problem, stop the panic and get people to their lives and back to work."


An evangelical Christian relief organization on Sunday began setting up a massive field hospital in Central Park to help New York City cope with the crush of patients sickened by the deadly coronavirus. Samaritan’s Purse — which is led by Franklin Graham, son of the late televangelist Billy Graham — trucked in four trailers of gear, including tents, beds, personal protective equipment and 10 ventilators for the most seriously ill. A team of 70 health care workers from around the US will be led by Dr. Elliott Tenpenny, who’s previously treated Ebola patients in West Africa, Syrian refugees in Iraq and earthquake victims in Ecuador. “This is honestly the most improbable place we’ve ever been,” he told The Post.
Also See:
76,000 Healthcare Workers Have Volunteered To Help NY Hospitals Fight Coronavirus

(hope the gif plays - if it doesn’t, click on pic for larger ones)
[caption id=“attachment_547622” align=“aligncenter” width=“300”] Recommended while on the mend[/caption]



It appears homemade masks should primarily be for personal use
And yet every time I log into FB and view the group I'm a member of making masks, there are 2-3 messages from HCWs asking for masks. My guess is somebody in Island Health's legal department told them "We could get sued!!!".

Some of the hospitals that I have heard of are putting them in waiting rooms to let the patients use them, as they are out of the throw away ones to pass out. Others have hospital workers wearing them over the hospital provided ones to keep the actual medical masks cleaner. I have not heard of any, not saying there aren’t or wont be in the future, but right now none are using them for protection for hospital workers, as that would not meet the standard. The standard says to only use cloth as a last ditch once the others are totally gone. At least out here in this part of California.
The public shaming of mask wearers is worrying, and while it has not happened to me, I could totally see someone doing it, telling another " that should be saved for a hospital worker ! " But the thing is, they cannot use opened or expired masks, so I have a small number of masks that I bought in 2014, expired in 2017. That is 3 years ago. That is ok for me to wear as I am not in a quarantined, totally contagious environment so my risk if themask breaks is low. I guess the issue is that the elastic could break while in use at the hospital, so there is a reason they cannot use old masks. Of course, if they ever cam upon a real large stash in a warehouse, I hope they let volunteers get in there with strap material and a staple gun ! As we do need masks

While Canada does not have the same litigious nature as the USA does, I have no doubt that is a factor in this case.
We may also get to a point where, irrespective of legal crap, beggars can’t be choosers… I hope not, but it remains to be seen how this will go. The next few weeks are key. In the meantime, I hope people keep producing the masks.
PS: the absolute last thing we need right now are the liars to get more active - oops sorry, lawyers. Apologies to any readers who are lawyers who act with integrity.

Japanese have this tradition of hanging their futons every day or so over balconies and what not. The thinking goes that UV light from the sun kills germs found not only on the surface but also the ones deep inside mattresses. So, it’s believed that doing the same for masks is bound to work just as well for any viruses, but I haven’t found any studies on that yet (either proving that it does work, or disproving it), which is weird because if it does work that would be one of the simplest thing to do…

So, it’s believed that doing the same for masks is bound to work just as well for any viruses, but I haven’t found any studies on that yet (either proving that it does work, or disproving it), which is weird because if it does work that would be one of the simplest thing to do…
You know scientist, never go the low cost route if you can add something to run up the cost, lol. I don't have any studies handy that show how long to leave a mask in sunlight so I can't make any recommendation. I do know that window glass, either in home of in car will filter out UV light, so you can't just put them in the window. Also no putting them in a glass jar. You can put them in a ziplock bag and then put them outside. Might be something a DIY could make, a solar powered mask sterilizer, like a solar oven only with plastic or a screen. A small one that would hold 5-6 masks would be good, though it would then be heat and not UV. Have to really watch the temp though, too hot and it would melt any plastic values or the elastic.  

Appreciate your post re:coronavirus protection. However, in p.#62 you recommend putting the masks into ziplock and then expose to sun. Please, don’t do that. The germicidal wavelength range is maybe 200- 300 nm , and ziplock, like many plastics, does NOT TRANSMIT this wavelength range. The germicidal effect is TOTALLY lost.

(I have PhD in Optical Physics for those who question posters’ credibility). So , if you want to use sunrays to kills germs, please expose the masks to the sun w/o any barrier like window, plastic bag, etc. between mask and the sun. You may end up with the same viral load on the mask as before treatment (Dangerous!).