A Special Thank You Message To My Supporters

I recently switched and used Miles Franklin. They have stock and prices were good considering. You call the order in to lock your price. Then send check and they clear it. The 2 weeks+ for product to arrive.

This may be a bit of a stretch, but here goes (please be gentle if this turns out to be utter rubbish). Ran across a study today. Study is in pre-print, so has not completed peer review. Title: “Diverse Functional Autoantibodies in Patients with COVID-19”. Implications of the study are interesting in that Covid-19 that has a large genome, and may induce the infected to produce a wide variety of auto-antibodies. The authors also suggest that Covid-19 may adapt its induction of the autoantibodies to the victim, for example to conquer the resistance of the victim that has been induced by a previous infection. All of that is interesting (and concerning), but related to the magnet discussion, there was this little snippet: “These autoantibodies were correlated with inflammatory clinical markers like ferritin, CRP, and lactate in COVID- 19 patients, and these correlations became more extreme with worsening disease progression.” (emphasis mine) So, if the virus can do it, maybe the vaccine itself is also inducing an inflammatory response near the injection site with clinical markers like ferritin strong enough to deflect a compass and cause magnets to stick to arms?
Link: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.10.20247205v5.full.pdf

I’m going with Cow Urine being safer…”Cow Urine 60” is available on Ebay for 29.50. Urine of the pregnant cow contains hormones and minerals. Maybe Robbie or Chris could do an RCT?
I want to get a milk cow, but my wife is objecting…maybe this added benefit will finally convince her.

Just got 2nd shot of Moderna yesterday. Tried a bunch of magnets and none of them stuck. So that’s one more data point.

And judging by the traffic of bots and trolls, it is getting to be a party.
I haven’t seen any behind the paywall, though.
I appreciate the resilience topics and the holistic capital concept from Prosper! Please continue this content. Encourage the community to share (my profession is one of the oldest on the planet and is a great traditional wisdom skillset. I’d love to share a tutorial, but anonymously. Steven Kelso is my stage name, had I moved to San Fernando and pursued a, ahem, different lifestyle…)
The PP talks/interviews have always been great. Invite people like Turchin and Chris Hedges. Get Heinberg back to talk about his new book Power. Maybe invite some spiritual voices like Wendell Berry? Chris Hedges can speak to that, as well.
Meta-Ish Topics that deserve the CM treatment:

  • Decentralized Monetary Systems vs Cyber Omni-Feudalism (Centralized Digital Currency/ Vax Passports) “This is the civil rights issue of the 21st century.” - Damon Vrabel
  • Cyber-Attack Hegelian Dialectic: 2021-??
    Who’s going to CyberPolygon this year? Lol.
    +Space Race 2.0: A Game Theorist’s Wet Dream
    One of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies. Also, one of these doors leads to aliens. Just, sayin’.

I’d love to have Nate Hagens back on the PP site.

Glad to see you back Chris; I started up my subscription again!
Many have posted some great suggestions on how to improve the website. I have one suggestion for everyone. If you are not already using VPNs on ALL your devices, I suggest you do so. There are many options, but a paid subscription is most likely in order.

Had that happen after a flu shot once. Never getting one of those again! The only vax I am getting from now on is tetanus.

Today I had a conversation about adverse events with a colleague. A friend took the first shot from AstraZeneca and ended up in bed for a week; he said his head felt like it was on fire! This colleague informed me that this was a good sign as it showed the jab was working! He also said it was unfortunate that this friend had told the NHS to shuv the second dose where the sun doesn’t shine. I mean, really? You feel like you’re dying for a week and it’s a good idea to repeat the process for a very small possible risk reduction.
When I informed him about Ivermectin and FLCCC he proudly said it couldn’t be true and consequently he wouldn’t look at the info I was sending.
I sent it anyway…
This is what we’re up against.

Chris, I’d really like you to simply evaluate the vaccines out there and give your opinion 0n what makes sense. My daughter has reached five and is totally vax free. However, I feel now she’s older the benefit of some vaccines likely outweighs the risk of them [such as tetanus]; would really love your thoughts.
I’m pretty sure you’ve read “dissolving illusions” and are well aware that the vast majority of risk reduction has come from hygiene and diet improvements as opposed to medical treatment, thus your very clear lense would greatly benefit my family.
Thanks for your superb work and dedication to integrity.
Sandpuppy chiming in would be a bonus ?

Make sure it is not bundled with anything else.  I don’t even know if it comes singly.  The DTaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus and attenuated pertussis) in particular must be avoided because the pertussis segment allows you to become an asymptomatic carrier.  Potentially very dangerous for any babies you may be near.

As far as the other childhood vaccines, none of them are safe, collectively they are likely to impart chronic disease in your child.

First and foremost I’d like to thank you for helping me keep safe when I had to fly for business to the US and back in June-July of 2020. I went on a regime of the same supplements you were taking for yourself and I avoided contracting Covid-19 on my way there and back.
Secondly I noticed to my horror that I hadn’t checked out the content on PP for almost a year. Sure, I logged in here and there and read a few articles - and I watched all your videos about Covid-19 on YouTube - but I was largely out of the loop in terms of what was going on in this site. This was mostly due to me moving abroad instead of living on my homestead of 7 acres. It’s actually nerve wrecking to me that it’ll be another 1-2 years before I can have chickens and a garden again, but it was a decision I had to unfortunately make.

Welome back!  Looking forward to all the upcoming changes.

I’d love to hear more from you around anything ‘Plant a Garden’ . 

I took a stab at container gardening last year to some success and starting again this year.   I live in a typical subdivision, urban setting and I’ve come accross many cool urban garden/food forest sites, vids, and articles.  I’m honing my craft and slowly designing - phase by phase and transforming my yard into food producing space.

Would love to keep ramping up my hobby and potentially transition to being a local food producer for my community, or something…would beat my currect office gig (that I’m now doing 100% from home).

Much earlier in this thread somebody questioned if HAA is still a good place to keep precious metals. I think it was once recommended by this site and since then I haven’t heard it being “un-recommended.”

I suggest you also create a site for people like me who needs help or suggestions every now and then.
Since there is no such site at the present moment, pls let me write my request here.
I am from the West Coast. I am rather willing to move to anywhere if I could buy a good piece of land near an elementary school with mandarin immersion program because I hv two 5-year-old twin boys to raise still.
Anyone with suggestion pls PM me. I am feeling the desperation that Chris is talking about.

I have similar concerns as you do, Stephanie about about the peer pressure from all angles to get vaccinated. I’ve been increasingly worried about the prospect of vaccine passports as well. This is a real problem and I am now thinking about how I will handle this as I do not intend to get any COVID 19 vaccine.
I’ve just joined this site to help me get my bearings, meet other like minded people and come up with good plans for how to handle the dystopian nightmare scenarios that seem to be unfolding around us. I’m still slightly in disbelief about this but I need to start making plans for how I am going to deal with this effectively.

hi, why is access to these being blocked even when I’m signed in as a Member? Please sort, thanks.

Interview with Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, where he worked for 16 years: His Spidey senses are going off big time!
Thank you to who posted the link to the Planet Lockdown video above.
He has come to the same conclusion, the agenda is one of depopulation.
Lockdowns don’t work.
If vaccine passports become enshrined in law it will be the end of liberal democracies.
These “vaccines” have been approved for emergency use only, and should only be offered to people at great risk, after informing them that the treatment is experimental and the longterm risks are unknown. Failure to do so is an infringement of Nurenberg law.

Interview with Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer, where he worked for 16 years.
His spidey senses are going wild too!
His conclusion: The agenda is one of depopulation.
Lockdowns don’t work and are unnecessary. Relentless focusing on antibodies is a misdirection as cellular immunity is far more relevant. Variants, are really “samients” and do not constitute a reason for repeated vaccinations.
The introduction of global vaccine passports spells the end of liberal democracy.
The “vaccines” are approved for emergency use only. They should only be considered for those elderly, very high risk individuals. Every individual receiving the jab must be informed that this is an experimental treatment whose longterm effects are unknown. Failure to do so is to break the Nurenberg code.

I work in the organic commodities biz- the conventional commodities are so subject to manipulation- on the organic side its more a supply and need situation. Our current strategy is supporting/developing more regional customers. This market is very much in flux with the ‘large privately held grain companies’ working very hard to regain the upper hand. The key for us is logistics, truck vs. rail and etc. We are growing as more grain farmers in the midwest transition to an organic system- which is a start at any rate.
However, two folks I am hoping you are able to interview before they pass:

  1. Stephen Harrod Buhner on herbal/ plant medicine. He has been an influence on framing a larger understanding of the ‘long haul covid’. He has also done a lot of work on Lyme, and where you are, tick born illness is a concern I should think.
    2nd- Wes Jackson- started the work that is continuing at the Land Institute on perennial grains- wheat, rice, sorghum and an oil seed crop. He’s a bright son of a gun and a good story teller. Has had a profound influence on my life, and I barely know the guy…
    Glad you’re back, look forward to hearing more.