A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film


How Crooks got on the roof according to FBI

Excerpt from the linked article.

FBI officials told reporters during a press call on Monday that Crooks gained access to the roof of the AGR building by climbing HVAC equipment and piping. He then traversed multiple rooftops before he found his position on top of the AGR building, where he had a direct line of sight to the former president.

Also the article said both injured victims, Copenhavet & Dutch were shot twice each!

Edit to add this pic. This was taken when Grassley & gang visited the 2 storey building where this is the window where pic of Crooks was taken.

The black piping? Something similar?


My theory of Shooter path:

In the first appearance he is walking on building 4. he walks 5.2meters in 2.5 seconds and his second appearance he walks 14 meters in 6 seconds.

The white pole is circled in blue in both photos, and the shooter head is below the white pole. The pole is shorter than Crooks height in my estimations, therefore if he was standing up he is probably behind the white pole. Also, when he disappears, is probably because he got on the lower and flat part of the connection of the buildings 4 and 3.


Here is the model i used in google earth. With top view and perspective view. The 3 lines in red are the positions from the video where shooter appears. The lines project from the spot of James Copenhaver where the camera was.


First: kudos on the traffic light (RYG) coding on the components here. I wish I could get more engineers to do that. Not all data is created equal.

Second: Blaming systems and processes is 100% a cop out. Complete cowardice and lack of accountability. Who owns the process? Who owns the system?

We saw this too when Zuckerberg was “grilled” by Congress and he threw blame on his AI algorithms. Complete BS.

I think the AI bubble is intentionally pushed by WEF and others to market their computers running everything. And they’re laying the groundwork for plausible deniability. “It wasn’t us… it was the algorithm!”


There is an earlier video, taken from someone who under the trees on the far west side of the AGR Bldg #6. The focused on Crooks movements when Crooks was crawling into his final prone shooting position. This is the video where you can hear the people screaming “he’s got a gun”. It would be appropriate, from that video, to measure the amount of time Crooks was crawling around on the side of the roof where he couldn’t be seen from Trump’s stage - and compare that to this new video which shows Crooks disappearing for a short period of time - just to see if the time intervals match. If they do, then perhaps I could believe Crooks didn’t access the roof by the ladder behind the trees. But if he didn’t use the ladder, why was it placed there?


@cmartenson I would argue that your most likely access point is wrong, Benny Johnson visited the site with two Congressmen and provided key information about the access point location. Go to the 1:02:10 mark.

https://www.youtube.com/live/l7A8SpVWsLM?si=NhZt_mpG5-Zedc5C 3

Dr. Martenson,
you could call it a “catwalk” instead of causeway.


12:00-15:00 mark is fascinating but expected for people who have knowledge of these things.


If you listen to Lt. Col. he says that what the “deep state” was doing is in plain sight. I was trying to articulate this last night. The reason for Hercules 1 and 2 is not a mistake. It’s redundant to place both snipers in essentially the same spot. It is not redundant, however, to have both groups of snipers aiming at the Patsy. Because the Patsy cannot get off the roof alice etc.


Shapiro will be Kamala’s pick. Gov of the state of Penn. Do they have state police?


Professional snipers have said the Hercules 1 and 2 are normally out on the perimeter of the area with a sniper team or police on the roof of that building because it’s so close. Chris has already had several discussions on the layers of coverage, undercover plain clothes imbedded in the crowd, and overlapping areas of coverage. Sniper teams are normally to reach out further then this close in distance. This configuration of Hercules 1 and 2 is not normal.


Shot 9 induced in Crooks what John Correa from Active Self Protection calls the FIBSA response…Fudge I’ve Been Shot At.


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There is no need of GE and to estimate the bleachers, NYT aerial here:

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Now that I recall Rowe’s testimony, it was full of deflections. It’s not a person who decides, it’s a conversation; we have a process and it failed; we are reviewing the Mission Assurance to understand it; I don’t want to focus on an individual but want to understand the process, etc. For the SS organization it’s natural to have emphasis on processes and roles as personnel turnover is high, but it does allow responsibility to blamed on processes and away from people … very convenient for CYA. But it’s a bunch of distraction anyway, the security vulnerabilities transparently planned by SS were too numerous and gaping.


It’s been a couple of weeks of snooping down every possible rabbit trail, but now this is beginning to make sense. And yet, so many questions still.

Thanks for the hard work, Chris and everyone at PP.


Hi Chris,
I have been waiting to hear for an account of where the second five shots landed. I know that the middle one hit the bystander, but I don’t recall hearing where the others hit.


I think you are exactly right VT. To me, he seems to be still running down the south roof face of building 3 when the clip is cut. That’s before the building 6 connection corridor. If that’s the case, he will come much closer and be much more visible by the time he gets to the crest of the building 6 roof. All that said, those are some very basic pixels to animate onto a suspiciously edited clip, three weeks later.

He might only just be going down the south of building 2 roof when the clip cuts.