A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

Some clips show the black line obscuring “Crooks” at the roofline going nearly through the whole screen and some show it cut off at the chick holding up the white sign. The buildings look too close. Some of the background appears to be black and white ??? Would really like to see the original.


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That cable that is almost vertical has to do with the lift holding up the speakers. I assume it’s holding the speakers steady, so they don’t go swaying around in the breeze.


240807 1 frame step
Youtube frames by frames: you can use buttons comma and period.


One image based on the position of James Copenhaver:


I am leaning towards the ceiling space myself, given a solution as to how the assassin made it able to support his weight. Here is my thought about how the flashes in the window would relate to that theory.

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@raycoffin @cmartenson

Video evidence of 2nd man clearly standing on the roof in Copenhaver film.

Copenhaver video: moving figure looks like the right hand side of a uniformed officer on the roof next to the second floor area where Greg Nicol was posted.

Movement appears next to the down spout of the combine.

Combine is stage right. Moving figure appears clearly on Copenhaver video under downspout of combine when viewed on a large screen.


looks like leafs from the tree behind to me. abt the same color and texture.

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I was told to share my perspective of this event with you and the one place was closed for comments, I am sorry I posted this here instead of the dedicated thread…


All we need is a slightly different angle photo from that area of the crowd (to the right or left of Copenhaver) which is unobscured by the arm of the combine.

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I wish everyone in the crowd with footage would send it in. Who knows what valuable audio or even visual evidence this and all the other “seemingly useless” cell phone captures could reveal?

Can we get ALL the body cam footage through FOIA?


I agree with you, too many people had cameras for it to be this quiet. Police included.


I have not seen this footage yet and I think I have seen just about everything that has been put out on the net so far. I spend 8+ hrs a day looking.

Keep putting the word out that if you have ANY footage, send it in because you have no idea what you have, you only think you do and if it’s useless……no harm done.


This is my footage, thank you for devoting your time into understanding better what happened to me and the other people attending that event for Trump.


Shooter Path by drone

Thanks for that video. It is interesting to see what the big flag was doing at the time of the shootings. The wind was on the side of Trump that day. It does look like there was some kind of wind vortex forming around the flag at the time of the shots.

Lot of strange stuff going on in the sky that day:

Flying saucer spotted during the Trump assassination attempt


All those stills are from my video, lol. I posted it to Tiktok and then someone noticed the object in my comments, I blew it up and posted those photo stills. TikTok - Make Your Day


After watching that video frame by frame I walked away attributing that moving light pattern to the branches of the trees blowing in the wind revealing the sky behind it. That same thing occurs elsewhere in that tree.


Whether you believe it or not, I think you all deserve honor that attended that event and put your lives at risk even if unknowingly you still did that and you deserve the honor such as a military member who’s committed with oath to put themselves in harms way, so my hat’s off to you and I salute you