A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

It’s not a narrative. Look at where David was hit. It’s not the same height. It could be vertical tubes that support the top rail. IDK

When studying the videos I have always believed he was hit twice. When he was walking out he was clearly holding both hands on wounds. Video kept referring to hit on his right side but his first reaction was to bend over toward his left. I believe it could have been the first shot that went between him and other guy and hitting railing.

You may already know most of this but this post may help someone struggling with how some of this works.

The aerial image is taken from far enough away from the subjects on the ground for the camera to be focused at infinity so each pixel will have a consistent length.

What is described below is exactly what the online tool you are using is doing. It’s just not boring you with all the babble.

In an image like the one below there is a varying depth of field.
I pasted this image in PS and using your .5m measurement at Copenhaver I get 85 pixels. In other words 85 pixels = .5m (19.68 inches) That gives each pixel a length of .23 inches. (5.84mm)

If you pick out 85 pixels at Trump’s ear, they can’t possibly represent .11m each or his ear would be huge. To correct for this you would need to know the dimension of something in the same focal plane as the ear in order to assign a different scale to that area of the image. I’m going to call it 4in just for an example. The ear measures 68 pixels. When resetting the scale to compensate, 68 pixels = 4in (.1m) Giving each pixel a length of .05in. (1.5mm)

If I understand correctly, you are only taking measurements using this method and images. You then use those measurements to place points and use those points to draw your trajectories as opposed to trying to draw trajectories in the image and or videos. Am I correct?

Wow! Dr. Chris what do you think of this? I just don’t know where that shooter could be unless it was upstairs window and Greg or someone is lying. I also just can’t get over a professional missing or getting off another shot at Trump before going down. I do agree the allowed and wanted Crooks seen and security was lax on purpose to allow this to happen.

What’s weird is we saw video of him getting up and kinda belly crawling on the opposite end of the building he shot from. So I always thought he crawled up that end and ran across. I did hear that TMZ video and picture is a fake and those ppl interviewed were lying. I did find it odd that the picture looks nothing like Crooks hair or him in that TMZ photo of him up with the gun. I keep coming back to them possibly having a training exercise of this exact situation and recording it and releasing those photos and videos to throw off the investigation.


I watched an infowars show about two days after shooting and a guy crawled right up that black piping thing in your picture. It’s like a makeshift ladder attached to roof. He was up there in seconds and another thing is no one was there. No law enforcement or anything around that building.

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In that image I’m using only dimensions in James Copenhaver position, Trump is not the subject here.

My method:

1 – I reach the conclusion that the bullet was 0.5m below James Copenhaver Camera eyepiece. See the original post.

2 – I aligned James Copenhaver size in the 2 pictures (see orange dashed lines).

3 – I traced where the camera eyepiece was (see blue dashed lines).

4 – Measure a Know dimension in James Copenhaver position, in pixels. And by proportion achieved the pixels of 0.5m. That can be done using the link or even paint brush for example.

Measure in photo online ‐ eleif.net

5 – Estimate where would be the hits in David Dutch position by comparison of other images on the rigth lower corner and see the link footages (blue dots).

6 – Estimate where the bullet possibly hit David Dutch (red dot).

7 – Compare the two.


1 – The time of the photo of James Copenhaver is not the same time of James Copenhaver footage.

2 – The time of the photo in the right David Dutch is not the exact time of the shooting.

3 – David Dutch is around 50m away from the right photo and James Copenhaver is around 47m. That from perspective can change a little the blue projection from 0.5m to 0.47m.

Footage from the North pointed to James Copenhaver recording:

James Copenhaver footage:

David Dutch leaving the bleacher:

That makes sense.

I’ve been struggling with locating Copenhaver and Dutch in my model. I found some more specs and images of the bleachers used. I plan to reposition them using this info compared to images/videos.

What are you using for stage height?

I’ll link them here. Might be helpful to others.


That film, plus the Benny YT video make me wonder:

There is 300 feet of unsecured fence line with zero security checkpoints at the AGR building.

Supposedly, the original USSS plan called for a counter sniper team on the actual roof of the AGR. In theory, that assigned post would have

A) Prevented a sniper from using the AGR roofs

B) Provided deterrence for the fenceline through visible security presence

C) Provided actual security responses to threats on the fenceline or roofs if needed

So, we should be looking at:

  1. Who decided to move the counter snipers inside? Who asked for it? Who approved it?

  2. Which two counter snipers abandoned their post?

  3. What are the details and timeline of the snipers abandoning their post?

  4. Was anyone seen entering or leaving the AGR building that was not assigned to any of the building interiors?

  5. Is there a key card access log?

  6. Is there more security footage of AGR grounds?

And of course: who at USSS sliced the pie for the AGR building to begin with?

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I don’t need the height, I’m using the projection from the footage and distances from google Earth. If I had the full video of James Copenhaver we could really use this to validate the height.

(Edit) For example:

The Trump height is “almost” aligned with the top part of that box in the building and James Copenhaver camera eye piece.
The thing here is that we are trying to estimate heights for a lot of places, doing this analyses we can eliminate at least one variable.

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Trump at the podium should be 48" plus 6’4" (whispers or maybe 6’2") plus hat minus slouch.

The bleachers will have some variability due to their leveling/slight elevation differences on that ground.

Here’s a great question: Even if the USSS or FBI assume it’s one gunman: they had a major security breach. So…did they take all these measurements??

Were they out there on the bleachers and the AGR building for photographs and measurements for confirmation? Do we know?

Do we know if the rounds were frangibles yet?


Some clips show the black line obscuring “Crooks” at the roofline going nearly through the whole screen and some show it cut off at the chick holding up the white sign. The buildings look too close. Some of the background appears to be black and white ??? Would really like to see the original.


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That cable that is almost vertical has to do with the lift holding up the speakers. I assume it’s holding the speakers steady, so they don’t go swaying around in the breeze.


240807 1 frame step
Youtube frames by frames: you can use buttons comma and period.


One image based on the position of James Copenhaver:


I am leaning towards the ceiling space myself, given a solution as to how the assassin made it able to support his weight. Here is my thought about how the flashes in the window would relate to that theory.

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@raycoffin @cmartenson

Video evidence of 2nd man clearly standing on the roof in Copenhaver film.

Copenhaver video: moving figure looks like the right hand side of a uniformed officer on the roof next to the second floor area where Greg Nicol was posted.

Movement appears next to the down spout of the combine.

Combine is stage right. Moving figure appears clearly on Copenhaver video under downspout of combine when viewed on a large screen.


looks like leafs from the tree behind to me. abt the same color and texture.

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