A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

I guess the 10th shot was made for the glory of Hercules snipers only. I strongly beleive that Crooks has already collapsed at that time. By the way, someone mentioned a wound on his leg. But they perfectly cleaned up the crime scene.

I’ve wondered why all the sound analysis work ignores what is clearly a shot to the right leg, entering below the need and exiting above it. A doctor on PP said it definitely looked post-mortem, which would put it after shot 10 and after his heart stopped pumping. It must have been a very quiet shot, and most likely taken from behind him. Bottom line, I think it needs to be explained and not ignored.

Leg Shot


Even if this was minutes after cardiac arrest, the lesion looks much too clean to me.

I don’t think that’s a gunshot.

He was bear crawling on the roof.

It’s probably a combo of roof sludge smear and then blood from his head wounds. See the trail below his leg?

It might be a gunshot wound, but it doesn’t look much like one, isn’t bleeding lots, and would need way more proof then just that picture.

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The heart does not stop until oxygen is very low or so much blood is lost that the right ventricle does not get filled anymore. It beats autonomously, even when explanted and connected to some artificial circulation. The brain stem controls its parameters only to some extend.


So what you’re suggesting is he bear crawled through the blood from his head wound, and that’s why there is apparent blood above his knee? That’s the way it reads to me. How else would it get on his knee?

If it’s all the same to you, I’ll go with the doctor’s take on it. :grin:

Can you provide a reference to that doctor’s take?

So what’s that?
Did they already move the body before this picture taken?

No. I am suggesting that he bear crawled through the roof gunk and some of it smeared on his knees and legs.

Then after he was shot, when they ziptied the body, they turned him some and his knee landed in the blood river below his body.

If he had been shot in that knee, I would expect an additional blood trail, but there only seemed to be two. Most likely, one from the entry and one from the exit.

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Apparently I have a problem to click the right reply button, so again:

VegasPatriot, can you give me a hint to that post of that physician on PP?

Looking back through the closed threads I believe I’m having “blended memory” issues. A few days after Chris acknowledged the doctor’s take on the head wound, and why the heart continues to pump if the spinal cord is severed, Chris himself said the leg shot looked post mortem. I may have associated that with the doctor’s comment in my memory. It happens, and is one of the reasons human memory is fallible. So I’ll scratch that comment unless I missed it in my quick search.

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Ok, that would make sense.

If there were a leg shot, it would have to be post mortem because of the lack of blood there below it and at the entry.

Honestly though, I think it’s roof sludge and blood.

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They definitely moved it, to remove the rifle and to ziptie him.

His original death position was on his left side.

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Hi VegasPatriot,

I found that statement really strange … so thank you very much for your clarification!

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no one, that I can tell, has analyzed the last few frames of this video. Its there on all the videos, but the last few frames just get ignored It really appears that 2 people are fighting, one goes down and then a white flag or something is raised just as the video ends. I can’t

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Tony Shaffer, makes good points.
He knows how government works.

At same time, nothing is proven. But I agree the actual shooter(s) and actors are probably on video- somewhere.
I agree first 3 are actual sniper, patsy was to take his shots and take the return fire as well.

with all cell phones, we sure have scanty views.
(unless the FBI collected them all like las vegas 2017…)


i have looked and looked at this and have several questions
first if the photo is not altered what is that green patch of color below his ear? It almost looks like they cut his face out from chin up and pasted it on. Second why is the blood so dry when this is so recent? Third maybe the teeth are gone so no dental tests could be run? And last, someone said it looked more like a handgun to the head not a sniper bullet, if so when was the patsy killed and body placed on roof (right after his run across roof?–right at the end of the copenhaven video it looks like 2 people are fighting and then one drops down) and then yearick posed to block the patsy from view and let everyone see he had a gun.
I know this is all just my thoughts, but still something is not right and my thoughts won’t rest until we get the truth


I would love for everybody here on PP to listen to the part of this interview dealing with the assassination attempt. It sure makes you come away feeling like this was a conspiracy. I haven’t done any research on this guy, but he just seems to be about as knowledgeable, about how these things go. Judge Napolitano wouldn’t have him on in my opinion if he wasn’t credible and didn’t know what he was talking about.

Where is the original Jon Malis footage?

I’d like to check the shadows…

Ooooops, someone lost his shadow.
no shadow man


Yeah…cannot get blood test neither.
One video actually shows the Butler LEO who made the first shot raise up his fist after the second shot took out Crooks for good. I pretty much believe that shot was legit but it was to erase the patsy after Trump was dead. SS did not want to communicate with the Mayberry locals…dont you know everybody in Washington DC is smarter than you? I’d suggest the real story is the staging of the kid where the father had the gun and the kid was allowed to walk across the roof and the 2nd floor snipers were somehow removed from the room as if by magic or forethought.