…And Neither Am I

I’m not sure it’s desperation. What I miss in most, if not all historical analyses is that Churchill tried to rally the Western allies to initiate a war with Russia just after WW2. What I couldn’t find is if he wanted the German military, including the SS to join them, I personally belief that this was a possibility. Plus, at that moment, US had the nuclear upperhand.
To me this sounds as insanity at is peak. It’s the only explanation I have for UK’s nefarious attitude. They want Russia destroyed, the have their radicalized, experienced battlegroups, plus, like then, they believe Russia is weak. BoJo compares himself with WiChu IMO.
I also believe that’s why the Russians threatened UK with a radioactive tsunami. One can’t reason with mentally disturbed people.
It could just be what “normal” people interpret as despair is plain and simple insanity. For the end result it doesn’t matter however. In both cases, they act like lobotomized war mongering zombies. I hope that there is some sanity left in the US because it’s completely gone in Europe IMO (apart from the Russians that is)

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Wow, that was fast. Listened to the interview linked below. It’s very likely I’m wrong, and @kiwixport is right.
The peace talks between Russia and Ukraine were supposedly boycotted because Nordstream wasn’t destroyed yet…


Seymour Hersh Wikipedia Has Now Removed “conspiracy Theorist”

I watched your video within 8 hrs of posting, checked Wikipedia and that last bit highlighted in yellow is already removed.

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Wikipedia used to be asking for donations all the time, very visibly. For a while now they seem to have stopped. This makes me suspect that they got the money from somewhere else; someone that has been exerting political influence over them.


Paraphrasing Hemingway: How did you lose the war in Ukraine? Slowly at first, then all at once.


Resilience & Interviews / Debates?

Appreciate the commitment to exploring the weaknesses in the economy and how we can be more prepared for this, instead of focusing on some oversimplified hateful analysis of why people came to be so delusional. Resilience is key. I personally live in Sweden and have been worried about the deindustrialization in Europe ever since I stated watching you. Luckily we have a fairly diversified electricity production here in Sweden, but our government seems intent in breaking down even this… I am also worried how our electricity production, even though its diversified, would function without the cheap and necessary petrol and disel for maintenance. Looking forward to reading you book and watching the updated crash course series! Hope you also do some interesting debates/conversations with people like Bjørn Lomborg, Joe Rogan, or maybe Jordan Petterson to promote the book!


Beware of a False Flag in Ukraine because the US got into WWII when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. That was our False Flag because up to that point Americans were opposed to the War taking place in Europe. Japan was used as fodder and as an excuse to enter that War.

This video was viewable yesterday, but today when I had time to watch it, I am now seeing the “No Content Found” screen.

Odysee seems to be having troubles…I just swapped it over tot the Rumble link. Should work now.

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If You Want New Infrastructure And Access To Oil There’s A Place You Could Move

New Oil Power Guyana On Pace To Surpass U.S. Norway and Mexico Offshore By 2035https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/1n289FVxXIN7dIXZWQd-3d1doI-mk-KzCNrvalAQG48veho9eVinMd-rhb0YUjsF.rRLoS2oc8craJ4-0
The new oil producing South American country of Guyana now has around 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent. These resources have been discovered by ExxonMobil in a series of unprecedented discoveries made since 2015. The existing bigger producers have 35-40 bbl up to 171 BBLS in Canada, 268 in Saudi Arabia and 298 BBLs in Venezuela
https://oilnow.gy/featured/worlds-largest-oil-reserves-by-country/ .
Guyana: 1.3 Billion Barrels in ExxonMobil Offshore Oil Fieldhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2022/07/28/new-oil-power-guyana-on-pace-to-surpass-us-offshore-by-2035/?sh=13a812556c06

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It wasn’t a false flag in that japan really did attack us. We just prodden them into it. They could have chosen not to. War is a democracy. The enemy gets a vote.

Only 1 more case and only or 9mm? Sounds a bit light to me.
Look Saudi is arming up for war. They are buying from multiple international sources as well as laying in supplies for US made hardware. I figure by the end of the year they will try and dislodge us from their country and the petro dollar will officially die. They don’t want to invite anyone else in though because they don’t want to be china’s bitch either. I see them leaning more towards russia than china. The whole BRICS thing is not without issues. There are countries in there, india and china, that really don’t care for each other. I figure the russians don’t trust the chinese any farther then they can throw them and south africa is currently a hot mess. Brazil is a wild card in all this. They just had their own stolen election so we will have to see how that plays out. Pretty much what is binding this group together is their intense hatered of how we have manipulated the system for years. Unfortunately the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. This is not the simple everyone unites into BRICS and the dollar simply goes away set up. There will be much more that has to happen before that. Watch india and brazil.

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Thanks, Chris. I can view it now.

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Depopulation Baby!

The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech “Vaccines”
“There’s soon going to be another reason to either choose vegetarian food options or get your meat from local, trusted sources: mRNA vaccines are about to be heavily implemented across the meat industry, with cattle, chickens, pigs, goats and other livestock targeted for regular mRNA injections.”


*soon = already happening


Really? You have a link? So stay away from all supermarket meats?

Memetic Warfare Updates

Book on order. In other news, some highlights from this week…
https://peakprosperity.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/surprise-1676507295.8886.png https://peakprosperity.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/winning-1676507307.7501.png https://peakprosperity.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/youdontever-1676507314.9981.png


Cdc Added Covid-19 Vaccine To Immunization Schedule For Children & Adults

From an article on the Children’s Defense Fund -
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday added COVID-19 vaccination to its routine immunization schedule for children and adults.
Although the CDC does not have the authority to set requirements itself, the agency’s immunization schedule provides formal guidance for state and local public health officials who set the rules for which vaccines are required to attend school.”
Read the rest of article here:

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War Is Hell

Yes. I think we are preparing for war.
The globalists have been waging a “cold war” for some time now. They conduct a “color revolution” to take over the government they target (ie the US, Israel, Ukraine, Brazil, etc.)
They infiltrate that country’s cultural and economic institutions - schools, media, etc. - with subversive activism (trans, CRT, DEI, etc.)
They infiltrate the political/economic institutions - government agencies, corporations etc. - with subversive ideology (i.e. Climate Change, ESG.)
Since the Covid scam they have “heated up" their aggression with physical attacks on our supply chains - food, energy, etc.
But now Russia is throwing a wrench in the works by invading Ukraine, the globalist center for money laundering, child trafficking, organ trafficking, and energy transportation.
So the globalists are making the war hotter by deploying armaments.
I see this as an act of desperation. They know Putin will persist until he wins. And they know many of the world’s political, religious and cultural leaders will resist their attempt at world tyranny for as long as it takes.
For sure, in the meantime we must protect ourselves and become as resilient as possible. We must band together and help each other avoid becoming collateral damage. Odds are it will become hellacious. But we have to remain determined to not just survive but eventuality thrive. That will come when we have achieved complete and total victory.
My God bless our efforts. 


How Much Longer Until Biden/usa/nato Involvement Become Common Knowledge?

With another reporter uncovering another source willing to give even more details to the Nordstream fiasco, Chris has been proven correct again. Mark Basham names names:
When, not if, this becomes common knowledge Putin will have to retaliate against he USA or her interests. With Norway, Sweden and Denmark having prior knowledge and/or being willing co-conspirators to the pipeline’s destruction, the prospects of averting an all out global conflict between Russia and NATO seem unlikely.
Has your DEFCON level increased? If so, what will you do differently? What would the adults living in 1940 done differently if they could go back to before WWII began?