…And Neither Am I

I’m vegetarian again as of this second. Seems like eggs should be added to the list. They’re ovum, essentially.

State Surgeon General Of Florida Can Count. Can Other States?

Dear friends,
The state surgeon general of Florida just published the VAERS data for his state in a news statement, in which he also cited the literature to support the causal association between the mRNA COVID vaccines and those serious adverse events. Please see below:
I am eagerly waiting to see if any of the other 49 states has enough math skills to similarly analyze their data. Or, alternatively, whether the administration will send the army or foment terrorist activities in order to bring regime change in Florida and topple the current state government?


2 Comments On Youtube Today That Caught My Eye…

A brief summary of what Russia did to Germany:
(1) Russia gave back the eastern part of Germany (GDR).
(2) Russia completely withdraw its troops from Germany (GDR).
(3) Russia delivered cheap energy to Germany which helped German economy to thrive and boom.
A brief summary of what the USA did to Germany:
(1) US troops remain in Germany until today.
(2) The US maintain military bases in Germany.
(3) The US blew up the Nordstream pipelines i.e. important German infrastructure.
(4) The US inflicted high inflation, high energy costs through (3), high debt for military expenses on Germany, and last but not least a possible death blow to German economy.
(5) US enticing German companies to go to the US with subsidies from the inflation reduction act.
Please guess who is Germany's friend and who is not?
a list of states that were bombed by the United States after World War II:
- Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
- Guatemala 1954
- Indonesia (1958)
- Cuba (1959-1961)
- Guatemala (1960)
- Congo (1964)
- Laos (1964-1973)
- Vietnam (1961-1973)
- Cambodia (1969-1970)
- Guatemala (1967-1969)
- Grenada (1983)
- Lebanon (1983, 1984) (hitting targets in Lebanese and Syrian territory)
- Libya (1986)
- El Salvador (1980)
- Nicaragua (1980)
- Iran (1987)
- Panama (1989)
- Iraq (1991) (Gulf War)
- Kuwait (1991)
- Somalia (1993)
- Bosnia (1994, 1995)
- Sudan (1998)
- Afghanistan (1998)
- Yugoslavia (1999)
- Yemen (2002)
- Iraq (1991-2003) (U.S. and British troops together)
- Iraq (2003-2015)
- Afghanistan (2001-2015)
- Pakistan (2007-2015)
- Somalia (2007-2008, 2011)
- Yemen (2009, 2011)
- Libya (2011, 2015)
- Syria (2014-2015)
There are more than 20 states on the list. I urge us to never forget who the real threat to peace is.

My DEFCON level has increased. I have elevated my detailed knowledge of how to survive nuclear fallout and have a list of needed items. The moment the first tactical nuke goes off anywhere in the world for any reason I will spring into action to bolster my fallout preparations. My usually on-board wife is not on-board yet with these steps otherwise I would’ve done them by now. (Yes, I know: a sudden strategic exchange will catch me less prepared, but there’s not much I can do about that now. Besides, I think we’ll get more warnings before a full strategic exchange.) I’m counting on not being anywhere near a nuclear explosion because there are no reasonable targets within 50 miles of me which is one reason we retired here. So that is why I’m focusing only on fallout survival from distant explosions.
I don’t believe the propaganda that nuclear war will mean the end of most human life on earth. Many will survive. I will be one.
”Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor.”


East Palestine Ohio

This chemical spill has your name all over it. Please tell me what I need to know about this. I actually live in Columbus, just to the west (thankfully).

Common Knowledge Must Be Near, When Even Uk Captcha’s Get It…



I’m an idiot. I must have missed the video you did on this.

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the Russians are going after Norway and Poland . They are not mentioned by Hersch? But first Norway that supplied the divers and the buoy launcher. And the Russians are at war against the old money defended by MI6. After the 2008 crisis, we are headed for the next 15-year crisis.

But the US and UK stayed in Germany. 35K+20K troops.

US is a dynamic society, but the mess there? Russia and China do have a culture. US? UK? EU?
The ancestors of today’s americans are fleeing europeans. They left the old continent for a reason. Unfortunately, Europe is important to the military industrial complex.

“united States Is Corrupted!” - The Russian-ukrainian War Explained


Fbi Surveillance Of Trad Catholics

Sorry if this is off-topic, but I know many in these circles are anti-Catholic. The FBI attack on Latin Mass Catholics proves faithful Catholics are the enemy of the System. This is exactly why they have felt the need to infiltrate the Church. Also, trad Catholics are absolutely not white supremacists. We are a very diverse community. None of this surprises me. I have been waiting for this for a long time.
FBI retracts leaked document orchestrating investigation of Catholics

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The Only Way To Save Ourselves

Is to lose ourselves. It is becoming increasingly clear that the USA needs to die and be reborn. Any hope of positive incremental change seems to be disappearing. The degree to which the government has turned against not only its own citizens but global humanity is startling. Economic collapse is our friend!