Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Is your Toni line suggesting that there is “evidence”, it just speculation that he parked at Sheetz and that he flew his drone from there? Is that evidence from the FBI ?

Just trying to understand the basis/evidence for your conclusions

[quote=“VegasPatriot, post:123, topic:41855, username:vegaspatriot”]
s for my comment about Nicol’s “late Freudian slip,” I was having a little fun introducing the location.

Thank you.

The ammo - I don’t have a thought one way or another, except perhaps that early in I wondered if he wasn’t going there to commit a mass shooting. Keep in mind that he went to the shooting range the day before and probably spent all he had.

I initially had misinformation on times of arrival, and expected Crooks would need to use his car to get places in order for the timeline to fit. Once that resolved, I saw no need for Crooks to move his car, I was analyzing one sighting at a time ensuring no conflicts, and along with that I decided to track sightings of the various objects. In short, every sighting shows his car at Sheetz because he didn’t need to use it.

As for Nicol usibg Sheetz, here is a post where I gave my take on it.

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all this stuff about crooks’ background and these explosives and his car or cars, etc, etc are very unreliable…

they are looking for a motive and do whatever they can to obfuscate as much as possible…

I believe it is best to focus on what we know with high confidence:

  • the man who was found dead on the roof of AGR building 6 was crooks
  • the first 3 shots were fired from the AGR site towards Trump
  • the next 5 shots were fired in quick succession, but firing 5 shots in less than a second is highly challenging, certainly for someone who did not train this skill (the people at the ranges where he practiced would have noticed such rapid fire)
  • the 9th shot was fired by a SWAT officer and likely injured crooks
  • the 10th shot finished crooks off, but it is uncertain whether that same SWAT officer or a barn sniper took that 10th shot
  • crooks’ body was released for cremation way too early
  • there are several registrations of crooks taking aim, but no unquestionable recordings of crooks really shooting, not even a single bullet

as far as I am concerned, that is about it which we know…

all the rest about what was found next to his body and in whatever vehicle and what he could have done with all that stuff is pure speculation and I believe we should not focus on any questionable inputs and simply stick to the facts


I think it’s all interesting to try to figure out his movements before he got on the roof. But the real issue is where did he get the backpack. All the rest of it is interesting but unnecessary although the work patriot has done is incredibly detailed.

I think that’s all that’s really critical; namely, Where did he get his backpack—- because it helps determine perhaps whether law enforcement, someone like GN, was involved.

So, as I mentioned in prior posts, theoretically I could see how he might be able to walk to Sheets and back in 20 minutes to get his backpack and rifle, I just find it hard to believe that after all that chatter on the radio, no one would see him walk towards Sheetz and come back on the west side of the AGR with the backpack. I just find that too hard to believe unless law enforcement are all involved.

The implications of your conclusion (if I understand it) that crooks left the west side of the AGR complex at about 5:45 PM to retrieve his rifle in his car at Sheetz (at least 1/3 of a mile away) and climb on the roof at 6:06 PM, (having been seen at the picnic table on the west side at 6:02 PM) are enormous in my opinion.

I believe we have video of many people standing on the west side of the AGR complex while the shooter is on the roof and the 608/6:09 pm timeframe and I believe Chris has pointed out at least four law enforcement officers (and probably as many as six) are on that side of the building at that time.

At least two of them are positioned closer to the northern side of the western part of the AGR complex. If we assume that all those law enforcement individuals were there between 5:45 PM and 6:09 PM, was it possible that crooks could leave the AGR complex on the west side, walk all the way to Sheetz and come back with a backpack , right in front of these law enforcement officers?!?!

Two of these LEO’s were towards the northern side of the west side AGR complex where there was almost nobody else. Crooks would’ve walked right in front of them. That’s the issue. I’m having.

The implication would be that everyone of those law enforcement officers simply were derelict in their duty, or were part of the conspiracy

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they do not need to have been in on it…

police officers follow orders.

Gray Hughues Investigates documented in his video of almost two weeks ago ( that crooks threw his backpack over the passage between AGR buildings while he was walking/jogging to his resting place…

it is perfectly possible that he deposited his backpack out of sight near or behind the air conditioner which gave him access to the roofs.

the fact is that he was swinging his backpack across the roofs on his path from that air conditioner to the low roof on AGR building 6…

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Well documented and visualised, thanks for your great work!

I still have an issue with him parking the car for such a long time at Sheetz. Their video surveillance seems to reach every corner of the property (maybe I even missed some) and for sure they have more in the shop. That said I would be 100% certain that he was captured on camera if he was there at some point.

Surveillance cam @parking facing property entrance south

Surveillance cam @parking facing shop main entrance and property entrance north

Surveillance cam @drive-in

Surveillance cam @main building facing west

Surveillance cam @main building facing south

Surveillance cam @main building facing east

Surveillance cam @main building facing north

Surveillance cam @parking north-east

Surveillance cam @facing pump station

In slide 7 you state it would have been higher risk to be seen/captured by sec cam when parking in commercial areas. Here I don’t agree with you, we have to keep in mind how many visitors drove in this relatively small village (~4’000 inhabitants) that day and parking their cars all over the place. I don’t think anybody would feel it is suspicious if a guy gets a backpack out of his car and walks towards the rally. I mean the people around that fence line came in with camping chairs, picnic mats and bags (probably food/drinks)


He for sure didn’t go with the rifle in a backpack even close to the security area with the magnetometers. As far as I understand, he was quite intelligent and not at all a dumbster. So why should he do that. Maybe he had a rangefinder along when he was there but for sure not a rifle.
I rather think Sen Barasso meant it in a retrospective way when he said he was identified as a character of suspicion because he had a rangefinder as well as a backpack. From what we know at the moment: Yes he was identified as a suspicious person and yes he was reported by GN to have a rangefinder at one point and to have a backpack at another point. But this has nothing to do with the magnetometer situation (where I believe he didn’t have a backpack along, rangefinder maybe).

Just to show how details and understanding can get mixed up.
FBI investigation continues into Trump assassination attempt | Live Updates from Fox News Digital
Sen. Markwayne Mullin for example told Fox News that Senators were told (in this FBI/USSS briefing cal with Senators): “The shooter was identified as a person of interest around 5:07 or 5:08 because he had a backpack and a range finder. Shots rang out more than an hour later, at around 6:11”
Since Crooks was filmed at exact that time, but without a backpack along “A video, released by WTAE, catches Thomas Crooks moving and looking around at the south side of the AGR Building 6. According to WTAE this happened at 5:06pm”. Maybe he had a backpack just before or just after this video sequence but would that be plausible?


Exactly this.
He wasn’t prepared well, didn’t memorise the site plan and so on and so on. Best he knew was Sheetz what was about in the same direction, so he said that what he said.

By the way: Did you find out already from which window GN spoted Crooks (allegedly with his backpack along) just before he went up the roof?

I originally wrote my article on the radicalization on 7/24 (but didn’t post it). But I had this weird-ass dream back then that there were 2 shooters. Woke up at 3am and couldn’t stop thinking about it.

In the dream the 2nd shooter was quite a distance back from Crooks with a slightly different angle than Crooks. He was part of the group that radicalized Crooks (through the methods listed on my article) and his job was to take out Trump if Crook’s failed, and then to take out Crooks to get rid of the radicalization evidence. (I also thought him trying to take out Crooks would account for the angle on the shooting of Cory Comperatore, and would give away the location of the 2nd shooter).

I don’t put any stock in dreams, but sometimes the relaxed state of good sleep helps us to see the forest.

At any rate, I think the evidence mostly diminishes my overall (dream) view, but I think it reinforces the actual radicalization. Especially, that they would have had multiple young men they were fishing to radicalize, but Crooks was the most responsive candidate.

But it makes me wonder if the other candidates are being “disappeared” before they can come forward as whistleblowers.

Here is the single bullet you were looking for. But can we be 100% sure it was a bullet shot by Crooks?

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As long as we don’t assume these items were placed by his dead body by somebody else, there is photo proof for a remote control (containing a 9V block battery) and a smartphone (exact model unclear).


Well, the orders were they were looking for someone that looked just like crooks. They were supposed to be looking for him. Are you saying that they were expressly told even if you see him don’t stop him?

VegasPatriot’s slides can straight up be used as the script when Hollywood is doing the TMC vs DJT movie.

As for the question where did he retrieve the backpack and more importantly the rifle from. I still see the possibility that he went there the night before (night-owl operation) and placed the rifle and/or the backpack (with the rifle inside) somewhere. Keep in mind that the USSS (and probably the locals as well) didn’t sweep the AGR buildings prior to the event. Somewhere could be here for example:


If he flew his drone from Sheetz, I guess that’s possible-Although I don’t believe anything, me fraudulent bureau of investigation says.

If he did fly it there, I think he then may have moved his vehicle closer to the other side of the complex where all the parking was beyond where the vendors were and where he was spotted at 4:26 PM. I still don’t think, his backpack was retrieved from the car at Sheetz

yeah right…

that photo is counterfeit.

first, that path is way too low to match Trump’s right ear, and second, if you watch bullets flying around even at, e.g., 100.000 frames per second, you will NEVER see such a trail…

have a look at and you will see that that photo is completely impossible…

and the fact that Trump’s ear got grazed by a bullet still does not imply that it was crooks who fired that shot…

there is really no footage that I have seen that conclusively proves that crooks shot any bullets…
all recordings stop right before the second bullet is shot and there is quite some debate about the shell casing that is claimed to have been ejected, but I simply do not see it…

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the only thing I am ready to take for granted is that he had a rangefinder, but apart from that, there is no guarantee that the chain of custody of the crime scene was guaranteed:

  • how many people walked on that roof before the bodycam people arrived?
  • what did they do before the first bodycam officer arrived?
  • it took them 2 counts of the number of shell casings that were lying around until they counted to 8… I do not remember whether the first count was 3 or 5, but it was not 8…

I assume you mean the HVAC were he got up the roof. From my point of view it isn’t possible there. I think so because GN seeing him from a northwest facing window and reported through radio at 6:02pm “All right, subject is in between the AGR building. He has a backpack,”
Since there is no LOS any of the northwest facing windows to the area where the HVAC is, GN couldn’t have seen him with the backpack unless he was already climbing up to the roof. But if so, why should he suggest Crooks was headed in the direction of Sheetz and not Crooks makes his way up to the roof?

It could be he took the backpack there and walked out of the secluded space towards the parking lot again, but is that plausible?
So if he hid his equipment somewhere in this area, I rather think it might be in other sectors.

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I don’t know…
I mainly focus on figuring out where the shots may have come from, and as soon as we know that, we get to the question about how the shooter got there.
As I said, I take very few things for granted…

Well, I’ve got a theory. I’ve wondered what made crooks‘s parents so concerned about his whereabouts. How about, that he went shooting with the AR 15 the day before, stashed the rifle in the backpack and hid it night before the rally. All of this stuff from the parents about oh he borrowed the rifle in the morning; maybe it was just a lie because the parents couldn’t figure out why the rifle didn’t get returned from the shooting day the night before. Maybe the parents just simply made it up to protect themselves for not having reported him to the police when he didn’t return with the rifle the night before the rally .