The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

… whether or not he was the real shoooter.

Well, it seems to me and all the prior assassinations and attempts at assassinations it’s always a “nobody” and a “lone shooter”

it depends on how you look at the events.

If you assume that the assassination attempt was something that happened by coincidence, then it is indeed unbelievable that so many things went wrong and aligned such that the attack could happen, but if you assume that the attack was carefully orchestrated, then it all starts to make sense and the holes in the Swiss cheese model line up to enable the attack:


with all the evidence we have now, it is quite obvious that the holes of at least a 17 layered cheese model were aligned to make it happen (in random order and shooting from the hip) and to make it hard to prove what happened:

  1. communication issues between various services, including secret services and local forces: no shared walkie-talkies, no shared channels, every service operated in their own silo…
  2. “not finding” crooks, even though the area is not that extended and there are many recorded sightings…
  3. not pulling Trump off the stage
  4. careful selection of the rally venue that made it extremely hard to secure a security perimeter
  5. the law enforcement officers on the ground turning a blind eye when people shouted at crooks
  6. insufficiently trained body “guards” who had no idea what to do
  7. DEI hires
  8. not securing the different locations of the crime scene
  9. cleaning up the different locations with critical evidence
  10. immediate claims of a “lone wolf” that turn out to be false later on
  11. live media coverage on site by channels that usually do not cover Trump’s events
  12. even though there were hundreds/thousands of cameras around, uninterrupted recordings of well before until well after the crucial events have not been made available!
  13. the chain of custody of the audio/video recordings that have been made available is questionable for those that do show essential details, and for those that stop just before crucial events, and those that start just after crucial events!
  14. the quick cremation of crooks’ body
  15. the simple fact that there were no eyes in the sky (drones, CCTV, guards…)
  16. the use of text messages by law enforcement spotters instead of, e.g., walkie-talkies
  17. installing assets at strategic places in the investigation to steer the outcomes and hinder progress
  18. and this list goes on and on…

and the more layers get aligned precisely to allow 3+8 bullets through, the lower the probability that the attack happened by chance…

so, not only is it “difficult to accept that all these holes aligned up such that 3+8 bullets got through”, but it comes down to who had the power to align all these cheese layers such that these bullets went through unhindered?



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I would imagine a mathematician or a statistician could place the odds of this pretty high.

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I love it! You brought James Reason’s “Swiss Cheese” Model into the discussion.

Having performed countless RCAs, and trained others on it, throughout my career, I never agreed with the “one root cause” proponents. There are always multiple immediate, proximate, and ultimate causes in the various causal chains, not to mention contributing factors. Finding those is just as beneficial.

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if an assault like this took place, it was meant to happen and allowed to happen and facilitated in every aspect to make it happen…

if you look at the flag above Trump’s podium, you will see that all extra help was enabled to blow that bullet as far as possible away from his face…
that is a million-dollar miracle…

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2 Crooks same time in 1 video:

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Chris made a note of the semi-lookalikes in a recent video. We don’t know yet if it’s just pure coincidence.

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Is this bood? (It looks like an arrow instead.)
¿bloody shot

By the way, they intentionally missed the medical aid.

“Officers at scene immediatelly gave medical aid.”
medical aid

Is this 2 Crooks in same video. 0:34 one of them walking in front of the bldg6. 0:42 camera pans to the left and we see another sitting below 2-storey bldg windows, look at that 2nd floor window. Time fits with time sniper took photos from there.

Looks like part of Grand Deception Maneuver.
2nd Crooks

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yes, many crooks are involved in this event…
I would not be surprised there are also crooks at the higher levels of the chains of command that have orchestrated this and made it happen…

the more layers in the Swiss cheese model line up such that a peculiar but precisely chosen set of cheese layer holes allow a line of sight to go through, the less likely it is that the event occurred by chance…

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I have often wondered why this image is incredibly blurry. I assume automatic focus was not able to adjust in time to take the photo? But there must be a before and after image because this was originally a video wasn’t it? I think I’ve seen the husband and wife interviewed that took this Video. I would love to actually see a clear shot of the image of his face in particular and also see if he really was aiming a rifle at the group.

I guess the other question is why he’s looking at the crowd. I had conjectured Elsewhere that he thought the 9th shot might come from his right

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because, from my point of view, there are no shots fired by this man.
if he had fired 1 single shot, we would have seen it all over the place…

instead, we see blurry pictures and shaky video fragments that are cut off right before the actual action happens…

I believe that, if he had shot any rounds, we would have seen it by now, and we have not…

he has been registered from different viewing positions while crawling and sitting up and looking at the crowd, and even aiming the rifle towards the rally area, but there is no evidence that he really fired any shots…

well, he has been shouted at for several minutes and he has been interrupted with his business by a peeping police man seconds before the first shots were fired, so I do not find it remarkable that he looks at the crowd…

as I mentioned in my previous posts, in the video of James Copenhaver, we see him run over the roofs.
the reason why he ran over the roofs is because he HAD to be at that EXACT location at the EXACT time of 18.11.33.

I have read “analysts” who claim that he should have had an ear piece in order to synchronize events, but that is BS, as a synchronized watch would do as good as any ear piece (which even may malfunction in such circumstances)…

the 9th shot was fired by the SWAT officer between the two fences between the rally area and the AGR site. this shot injured crooks with high likelihood, given the extended blood trail on the roof.

I believe the 10th shot was fired by the same SWAT officer, as the damage to crooks’ head is less pronounced than what we could expect from a .300 Winchester magnum round fired by the suppressed MK13 mod 7 sniper rifles of the snipers on the barns behind Trump…

note that you do not hear these suppressed rifles fire their shots, and certainly not when using subsonic ammunition… the .300 Winchester Magnum cartridges can be loaded with whatever powder necessary to make the bullets subsonic…


I have a book, if I can find it, about 2D FFT autofocus corrections.
(My problem was, they used rectangular coordinates to transform, but the lens ‘work’ with polar coordinates, as I remember.)

1 fact to add in: At least Crooks wasn’t at the picnic table between 18:04:40-18:04:43. We know when song ends and the time from there to first shot. This info helps when counting the time when empty picnic table is visible in this video:

This video gives the time from end of the song to the 1st shot:


What is it on the grass?

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Nice find. Nicol, however, sent his radio message at 6:02, and stated the he’s at the picnic table and moving in the direction of Sheetz. So he would have been out of that area by then. Does that camera capture that time?

Heyyy, that’s interesting. Do we have any other photo of that picnic table area to confirm there wasn’t any object making it look like there was somebody sitting there. But, for sure it could be Crooks (one of them) sitting at the table. Nice catch :+1:

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Anoncement at 18:02 when this music started.

Music stopped at 18:04.

Seconds are not presented, but we can calculate: 23778-23632=146 sec.
Approx 2 and half minutes it took.