The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept



all good thinking, but thing is how can sniper using any decent poweful rounds from a distance wouldn’t it cause a larger exit wounds. Dont know much about this, but doesn’t close shots like right behind him with a small round also cause some decent exit hole. His eyes and ears don’t look too messed up. Could he be stabbed in the neck or upper back be like that and ooze out causing that blood trail on roof. Think both sniper shots didn’t hit him.


using any decent poweful rounds from a distance wouldn’t it cause a leger exit wounds

It should as explained by videos and some gun experts here. Hence i dont think its sniper. Only the angle suggests it.

but doesn’t close shots like right behind him with a small round also cause some decent exit much

yup. but we need to see bodycam of the 1st person on rooftop to verify it. which i think we will get to see in the year 2080 or perhaps 2100


someone showed that copenhaver video where it looks like someone was next to him already on roof before leo got up there. Maybe he was the 2nd shooter and took out the patsy then went back in the windows behind up there while Greg sniper left position. Just theory at this point, no proof yet. Hope not that long for that.


Yeah I guess you are right, besides the „haha“ moments. I take extra time off work because I believe in truth like you, I also have a little panic that the truth wont come out before the trials and elections. This is such an important issue to me because I feel this has the potential to change the course of world history.
We have the same issues around the world. I admit that I was wrong on this and I will stay open to compelling evidence and drop my view accordingly. Especially with deep fake I become more desperate in telling what is true from false. I wann to apologize to you for my rude tone and am a bit ashamed of my lack of self control. Guess I wanted to be more of a help than I actually was in my contributions. I hope I did not ruin your motivation to continue your good work. Thanks for your efforts and calm replies. Kind regards!

Can you tell weather it is a incoming round or an exit wound?

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Not me. I am no expert. I am sure there are a handful of people here who been in combat and seen bodies with bullet wounds who can explain them much better.

I never touched a gun in my life nor do I live in the states.

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I expected to see his long hair, if he didnt get a very quick hair cut, the blast must have blown his hair to side or even burned it off, right?

Sure looks like the same guy to me.

But I do wish people would employ logic. The Crooks family and especially Crooks himself, if framed, would be the loudest voices crying innocence and mistaken identity. They’re facing all manner of legal problems and financial ruin and destroyed family name…


I don’t think anybody here believes he’s still alive whether he was killed on the roof or otherwise

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There was an interview with a woman in the parking lot from the day of the event. The woman was recalling how she saw the shooter on the roof and told police including yelling at the (counter) sniper in the building. I think that’s important. I can’t find the video anywhere. I’ve spent multiple hour looking for it. From memory: The reporter was Dasha Burns from NBC (I think). She had on an orange top, hair pulled back. The woman( I think) was wearing a red top and sitting in her car. Has anyone seen this video. The counter snipers were supposed to have the screen up to hide behind, how was this woman able to see him? Also, as a contractor, those screen tabs look like Anderson Windows, they have metal screening. Would a metal screen affect the bullet?

As I posted above, it’s OBVIOUSLY Crooks who was shot and killed on the roof. Who else could it be, and how/why frame Crooks (a total nobody before this event)?

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we can agree that the guy with long hair in the pics and the dead shooter is same. Is his name crooks? we dont know. Does he resemble crooks from the old pics - kinda. we assume its crooks coz thats what FBI or local Law told us based on serial number of the gun.

Why frame cooks? may be ideal background that can fit the narrative. who knows. Until FBI disclose the DNA tests and related documents, my best guess is its all cooked up carefully to fool the public.

I am sure there will be a list of facts that can determine its crooks without a shadow of doubt. But until we get to know them, i prefer to think everything we now know is carefully arranged to manipulate our understanding of the events.

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… whether or not he was the real shoooter.

Well, it seems to me and all the prior assassinations and attempts at assassinations it’s always a “nobody” and a “lone shooter”

it depends on how you look at the events.

If you assume that the assassination attempt was something that happened by coincidence, then it is indeed unbelievable that so many things went wrong and aligned such that the attack could happen, but if you assume that the attack was carefully orchestrated, then it all starts to make sense and the holes in the Swiss cheese model line up to enable the attack:


with all the evidence we have now, it is quite obvious that the holes of at least a 17 layered cheese model were aligned to make it happen (in random order and shooting from the hip) and to make it hard to prove what happened:

  1. communication issues between various services, including secret services and local forces: no shared walkie-talkies, no shared channels, every service operated in their own silo…
  2. “not finding” crooks, even though the area is not that extended and there are many recorded sightings…
  3. not pulling Trump off the stage
  4. careful selection of the rally venue that made it extremely hard to secure a security perimeter
  5. the law enforcement officers on the ground turning a blind eye when people shouted at crooks
  6. insufficiently trained body “guards” who had no idea what to do
  7. DEI hires
  8. not securing the different locations of the crime scene
  9. cleaning up the different locations with critical evidence
  10. immediate claims of a “lone wolf” that turn out to be false later on
  11. live media coverage on site by channels that usually do not cover Trump’s events
  12. even though there were hundreds/thousands of cameras around, uninterrupted recordings of well before until well after the crucial events have not been made available!
  13. the chain of custody of the audio/video recordings that have been made available is questionable for those that do show essential details, and for those that stop just before crucial events, and those that start just after crucial events!
  14. the quick cremation of crooks’ body
  15. the simple fact that there were no eyes in the sky (drones, CCTV, guards…)
  16. the use of text messages by law enforcement spotters instead of, e.g., walkie-talkies
  17. installing assets at strategic places in the investigation to steer the outcomes and hinder progress
  18. and this list goes on and on…

and the more layers get aligned precisely to allow 3+8 bullets through, the lower the probability that the attack happened by chance…

so, not only is it “difficult to accept that all these holes aligned up such that 3+8 bullets got through”, but it comes down to who had the power to align all these cheese layers such that these bullets went through unhindered?



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I would imagine a mathematician or a statistician could place the odds of this pretty high.

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I love it! You brought James Reason’s “Swiss Cheese” Model into the discussion.

Having performed countless RCAs, and trained others on it, throughout my career, I never agreed with the “one root cause” proponents. There are always multiple immediate, proximate, and ultimate causes in the various causal chains, not to mention contributing factors. Finding those is just as beneficial.

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if an assault like this took place, it was meant to happen and allowed to happen and facilitated in every aspect to make it happen…

if you look at the flag above Trump’s podium, you will see that all extra help was enabled to blow that bullet as far as possible away from his face…
that is a million-dollar miracle…

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