The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

work for the government, see how they operate.

So Crooks isn’t Crooks because you work for the government. Amazing.

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Yes it is Amazing.

Your command of the basic facts of this case, and other details, and insulting people who are CORRECT is repeatedly appalling and counter-productive.

Early on, the news reported Crooks did not carry a Drivers License, so the ATF ran the serial number of the rifle, tracked to Crooks father who bought it a decade ago, and learned he had phoned police to alert that his son and rifle were missing. Please contain comments to things you know and enough with the rude insults towards others conveying good info.

“Law enforcement agents initially ran into roadblocks as they attempted to name the shooter,…Crooks was not carrying any ID when he was shot by Secret Service agents. But what he did have was an AR-style rifle used to carry out the deadly shooting. ATF analysts at a facility in West Virginia search through millions of documents by hand every day to try to identify the provenance of guns used in crimes. Typically, the bureau takes around eight days to track a weapon… In situations where we have high profile shootings and where firearms are recovered, the local ATF offices can request an emergency trace…”

I personally believe they knew exactly who he was because they groomed him MK Ultra style, but the urgent trace is the plausible answer we are given.

First, it wasn’t apparently the US SWAT in that overwatch, but a rural police officer sniper team. Very likely they’d have small budgets and maintain older weapon systems as first or even second line tools. The M14 is extremely plausible and likely to have been in their inventory. Notice, he’s the 3rd guy and is leaving early too…

Not going to bother looking for images because finding such images would prove a waste of time. At some time, probably 1990s forward, probably every police department had these M14s in various configurations. Everyone is familiar with them, they last forever, are rugged and accurate and reliable. Armorers know how to maintain them, as well.

The facts remain that it has a profile consistent with a Springfield M14 SOCOM chambered in .308, and is consistent with a rifle that would fill such a role in a short range counter sniper and anti-personnel and anti-vehicle role.

Such rifles are as relevant today as they were in the 1960s, they’re not milk, they don’t spoil. Not only relevant, but sensible and affordable for a small rural county that has these in inventory as a weapon system on the rack that everyone was trained on in the military or elsewhere. Provides acceptable accuracy, firepower, and reliability. No need to upgrade to new higher priced systems when a M14 will fill the role just fine. There’s really not many other compatible choices for semi-autos in this budget range, nor would there be any need to upgrade or get something different for a rural police force.

Same reason police forces still use trusty old Remington 870s in many regions when others have switched to AR15s. Not much of a demand and resources need to be spent elsewhere.


Your command of the basic facts of this case,

I like how you have an issue with me just trying to offer the option that there might have been an easy solution to finding out his identity and that’s why it was released so quickly, instead of making some wild claim that Crooks was being some sort of a CIA plant, and presenting that as if it’s some type of fact lol

and other details,

It took three different people to confirm the measurements of the rifle on the roof having a 16" barrel, and you still couldn’t accept that fact.

and insulting people who are CORRECT is repeatedly appalling and counter-productive.

Where are they correct? And calling them condescending is pretty accurate, if I wanted to insult them there are at least 200 different things I could’ve said.

Early on, the news reported Crooks did not carry a Drivers License, so the ATF ran the serial number of the rifle, tracked to Crooks father who bought it a decade ago, and learned he had phoned police to alert that his son and rifle were missing.

Cool, thanks for clearing it up

Please contain comments to things you know and enough with the rude insults towards others conveying good info.

I’m not sure why others had to create such a hostile environment constantly insulting me for just not agreeing with their opinions and theories. It’s hard to be friendly to people who are so hostile all the time.

I personally believe they knew exactly who he was because they groomed him MK Ultra style, but the urgent trace is the plausible answer we are given.

The Feds knew who he was? Yeah…that’s kinda how that works, isn’t it?

First, it wasn’t apparently the US SWAT in that overwatch, but a rural police officer sniper team. Very likely they’d have small budgets and maintain older weapon systems as first or even second line tools. The M14 is extremely plausible and likely to have been in their inventory.

If they wanted a semi-automatic weapon for their sniper team they could’ve easily just got AR-10’s, they’re cheaper or as expensive as the M14.

Notice, he’s the 3rd guy and is leaving early too…

Can you explain the significance behind that? You seem to have an infatuation with the number 3.

Not going to bother looking for images because finding such images would prove a waste of time. At some time, probably 1990s forward, probably every police department had these M14s in various configurations. Everyone is familiar with them, they last forever, are rugged and accurate and reliable. Armorers know how to maintain them, as well.

So just making more assumptions. Gotcha.

The facts remain that it has a profile consistent with a Springfield M14 SOCOM chambered in .308, and is consistent with a rifle that would fill such a role in a short range counter sniper and anti-personnel and anti-vehicle role.

And I can find examples of Ruger and AX rifles on tripods that match that same gun lol

Such rifles are as relevant today as they were in the 1960s, they’re not milk, they don’t spoil. Not only relevant, but sensible and affordable for a small rural county that has these in inventory as a weapon system on the rack that everyone was trained on in the military or elsewhere. Provides acceptable accuracy, firepower, and reliability. No need to upgrade to new higher priced systems when a M14 will fill the role just fine. There’s really not many other compatible choices for semi-autos in this budget range, nor would there be any need to upgrade or get something different for a rural police force.

Again, how expensive do you think AR-10 platform’s are??

Same reason police forces still use trusty old Remington 870s in many regions when others have switched to AR15s. Not much of a demand and resources need to be spent elsewhere.

Brother their budget is $2.7million. They can afford like 2-3 AX or Ruger bolt-action rifles, or some AR-10’s LMAO come on man you’ve got to be fucking with me

Information that we know (has been reported) now for weeks that Crooks wasn’t carrying an ID but was identified thru his rifle serial number tracking and following that trail. So, you’re weeks behind the curve on fundamental information and insulting others about it and presenting WRONG information that is so easily verifiable with a quick search.

  1. red herring
  2. I said it was my belief
  3. the bulk of folks here including the owner CM likely hold a similar belief.

So why really are you here, to just run bad info and interference?

  1. total mischaracterization
  2. wrong info
  3. Probably not 16" but 16.5" + a muzzle device so around 17 to 18 inches. A 16" including unpinned muzzle device is probably illegal and wouldn’t have been sold by DPMS. Most likely 16.5" + muzzle device, by far.

Also I said I’d gladly admit I was wrong if it proves to be so, due to the difficulty with angles and poor picture quality. Nobody but you seem to demand to be right here.

A reasonable assumption based on high % of the M14, small departments not wanting or needing to do a pointless lateral expenditure for a niche item rarely put to actual use. How can a human not understand strained budgets and the needs to buy other gear or training?? On what planet do you reside? Not every person or unit or company can just immediately throw out perfectly good items (in this case the M14) for something newer and more trendy. The M14 is certainly as good as an AR10 so what would they gain?? For a medium range overwatch rifle, what do they gain? Nothing. Personally I’d probably opt for the M14 over an AR10 for this role due to a number of objective reasons.

If it’s $2.7 million for their budget, did you even look at the line items? A paltry $4,000 for weapons and ammo. I spend more on guns and ammo per year. So, no, they’re not likely to have the latest/greatest sniper overwatch. I’m more convinced they’re making due with an M14 SOCOM they’ve had in inventory for decades.

Gee, I cannot imagine the reason.

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Information that we know (has been reported) now for weeks that Crooks wasn’t carrying an ID but was identified thru his rifle serial number tracking and following that trail. So, you’re weeks behind the curve on fundamental information and insulting others about it and presenting WRONG information that is so easily verifiable with a quick search.

So again, why don’t you have an issue with the other person pushing clear misinformation about this case? He was identified through his rifle and not his ID, so I got one piece of that wrong and you’re roasting me over the coals for it, but the other person is just cool to keep posting their nonsense?

  1. red herring

How? People were talking about accurately measuring the velocity of 5.56 ammunition. If they kept plugging in results for bullets having over 3000 FPS then the rifle used would’ve had to have had a barrel length of over 16". If it was 16" and under, then people would have to plug in smaller numbers as low as 2500 and as high as 2900 imo. Sure 16" barrels can hit 3000FPS, but it’s been shown that it’s more consistently around 2700+FPS

  1. I said it was my belief

Your beliefs don’t matter, you were intentionally spreading misinformation that would’ve helped people who are trying to plug in data…

  1. the bulk of folks here including the owner CM likely hold a similar belief.

That the rifle isn’t 16"?? Okay, and what do we do with your beliefs? Pray to them?

So why really are you here, to just run bad info and interference?

I thought people here were trying to find out how Crooks managed to pull off what he did. Then I get people arguing with me that the guy on the roof isn’t even Crooks, or that the shots didn’t come from the rooftop.

  1. total mischaracterization

People can look at your comment history lol

  1. wrong info


  1. Probably not 16" but 16.5" + a muzzle device so around 17 to 18 inches. A 16" including unpinned muzzle device is probably illegal and wouldn’t have been sold by DPMS. Most likely 16.5" + muzzle device, by far.

And I explained why only you’d call it that. Everyone else refers it to a 16" AR-15. Can you find me DPMS rifles that sell in 16.5", 17", or 18"?

Also I said I’d gladly admit I was wrong if it proves to be so, due to the difficulty with angles and poor picture quality.

You can just download the HD camera footage, you don’t have to keep using blurry screenshots for reference.

Nobody but you seem to demand to be right here.

Because it’s a pretty easily verifiable fact that you continue to deny, and you continuously pushing misinformation aka “your beliefs” onto these comment threads where people are trying to use the information to plug it into very important calculations. If you can’t see that your behavior is doing harm, then idk what to tell you lol

I think we all know the cause.

Not being capable of having other people disagree with you when you say things like “Crooks didn’t fire all 8 shots”?? Then replying to every comment I made for like 2 days straight telling me about a 2nd shooter that you still can’t fit into the timeline of events lol

A reasonable assumption based on high % of the M14, small departments not wanting or needing to do a pointless lateral expenditure for a niche item rarely put to actual use. How can a human not understand strained budgets and the needs to buy other gear or training?? On what planet do you reside? Not every person or unit or company can just immediately throw out perfectly good items (in this case the M14) for something newer and more trendy.

They don’t just throw guns out what are you talking about lol

The M14 is certainly as good as an AR10 so what would they gain?? For a medium range overwatch rifle, what do they gain? Nothing. Personally I’d probably opt for the M14 over an AR10 for this role due to a number of objective reasons.

This isn’t what you’d personally do, it’s about changing with the times. Why would they do it? Because everyone eventually integrates the newer weapon systems lol

If it’s $2.7 million for their budget, did you even look at the line items? A paltry $4,000 for weapons and ammo. I spend more on guns and ammo per year. So, no, they’re not likely to have the latest/greatest sniper overwatch.

Then how did they afford all of those AR-15’s with silencers just having $4000? Do you understand how much that many rifles and silencers cost? Nevermind the rest of the attachments and equipment lol

I’m more convinced they’re making due with an M14 SOCOM they’ve had in inventory for decades.

You’ve yet to offer a single sherd of proof they ever used the M14 lol


You make valid points.



Here’s a good frontal comparison:

Here’s a lot more info on Yearick, including the fact that his family has issued a missing person report for him.

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If you think the AGR#6 first floor windows were opened at any relevant time immediately before, during, or after the shooting, you’re weeks behind the curve and way out in left field. It’s been examined and debunked by every serious person involved in looking at evidence.

What you see is simply light and color (e.g. red barn, car lights, trees, etc.) reflections and glass imperfections from moving videos taking images from many different angles. Please continue to waste your life looking at the windows but everyone has moved on because it’s obviously not the location of a 2nd shooter.


Did Chris Martensen debunk it?

Where do you think the 2nd shooter was?

~>As long as their is no evidence for another location window 1 remains prime, Independent from reflections yes or no.

~>No other spot has that much evidence.
Do you agree?

I hope you are not referring to john cullen as the „serious person“

Which video are you referring to?

So you want to give up the most likely location of all just because of the yet unprooven theory it were reflections.
Again where do you think the 2nd shooter was?

Even if the Body cam (Not the Dave stew) showed reflections this was no proof the shots did Not come from that window.
Do you follow the basic principles of logic strictly here?

Who analysed the window 1 from the body cam 122110?
I have Seen only people analyzing the dave stew video.

Man! Are you for real? Who would be the person coming out the Building saying: hey guys I think it smells like gunpowder in here!
Has anyone shot at Trump from im here?

Again! Your logic has flaws! You have not disprooven the 1st window hypothesis. You are guessing. Just as me! Still most of the evidence (from Chris) points at the area of window1.

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Man! Are you for real?

Yes. Freshly burnt gunpowder has a very distinct smell. It would be very noticeable in a clean room/building.

Who would be the person coming out the Building saying: hey guys I think it smells like gunpowder in here!
Has anyone shot at Trump from im here?

Who would be the person coming out the Building saying someone snuck in:

Oh right, a local LEO…weird. They throw out a warning over some dude in the parking lot, but no one would raise a fuss over fresh gunpowder burn inside of the building? lol

Again! Your logic has flaws!

And you can point them out, that’s perfectly fine.

You have not disprooven the 1st window hypothesis.

What window hypothesis? That someone was inside with a flashlight or something? What would it take to disprove it since you seem to refuse to look at the HD video footage of all the available bodycameras and see that the shit you’re seeing is just reflections on the windows.

You are guessing. Just as me! Still most of the evidence (from Chris) points at the area of window1.

Why are you treating this like a team sport? I thought you guys wanted to find out the truth, but all you seem to want to do is go around this forum and just get into random arguments to have a “haha gotcha” moment.


Okay guys. Thanks for being so Patient.
Finally I admit that the windows must have been closed as I saw that the glass reflects the sunlight according to the camera position.

I just could imagine some magic Trick or cgi Manipulation of the body cam which would be impossible to proof. I just dont understand how so much evidence points there but nothing that could lead us further. I wish the road to finding the truth was more easy but its rocky and exhausting. You are great! Keep it up. With endurance to the goal!

Has exact timing of Trumps Ear shot been established?

OK, how can they say he was shot in head from hercules 1 sniper. Blood streaks from back his neck, but no blood around his face and head, no entry, exit. Where is the blood trail from other pics when the first Leo went up there.


I count 8 posts within this topic when searching for “ubb” by index. The post numbers shown to the right of the scrollbar are somewhat off, but I can reach each one of these eight posts. When searching directly within the browser window, almost none of them can be found.

Thanks. I had talked with tech. and it was their system. I was making it go haywire because I was new and posted too many times. It triggered their anti-bot security, ha, ha!
Thanks for the info, I was having trouble using the the browser “find” feature myself.

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Dont think snipers hit him. I think a shot from the back of the head. Not much blood on the back. no splatter. perhaps why the body had to be cremated quickly.



From the video - cant remember who - PiperGrimley may be you can see crooks was looking at the crowd in the yellow line angle with his head pointing towards the trees when he got shot.

So it could be sniper from the roof arnd the water retainment - red line or the LEO’s from the back (but no sound registered in any cams) or the 2nd shooter himself took the shot from wherever he was.

So if it was snipers, then left eye entry and right ear back of the head is exit.
If LEO’s climbing up, then Right ear back entry and left eye exit.

Only trouble is 2nd shooter couldnt hv shot him if those are the entry and exit wounds.

I am sure one of the witnesses have that video of him getting shot but its held by FBI or erased off.

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But what is it “over” his head?
what is it

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