The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

Not possible IMO. Everyone on the scene seems perfectly comfortable with bearded Volcom shirt guy running around wherever he wants with his gun drawn. There’s a resemblance, but it’s just not the same guy.

If bearded Volcom shirt guy turns out to be Antifa and he just bluffed everyone into letting him run into buildings with his gun drawn by putting a fake badge in his shirt, then he needs a book written about him, and probably a movie, and he should be given some kind of mad lad award.

And if I’m right about that, then it seems like we can chuck George Webb in the toilet.


Obvious differences:

  • ear gauges
  • different eyebrow hair structure
  • no glasses
  • different hair part, Crooks parts hair on left
  • probably a different right ear profile
  • plus a rifle tied to Crooks’ father by serial number

For starters

And, IF Crooks was innocent and alive his parents would presumably produce him on every news and talk show, declare his innocence and by default their own innocence. They’re probably facing civil and criminal lawsuits and a smeared family name otherwise.

So these nonsense Yearick theories need to end unless there’s legit evidence of it and that Crooks is alive.

This is Crooks:
High School. Same glasses, same left side hair part, same hair color, same underbite, same face structure as 2 years later. Also same body type and build as the dead guy on the roof, thin and weak.




Well, you may be right, but you are also missing the point that Webb tries to make, namely, that Antifa is used by certain elements within the government. His thesis is that they were present at the rally as semi-official “volunteers”. Which might explain why several people were dressed so similarly, and which otherwise is quite an oddity. This could also explain why the bearded “undercover officer” has some kind of badge AND why, according to Steve Baker, this badge has been deliberately obscured in the photo that was released (see the video at minute 3:20


You’ll have to take that up with Crooks. All I know is he was spotted looking at his phone and rangefinder by Beaver ESU.


Regarding the rifle in the window you referenced today @cmartenson it is my opinion it is a M14 SOCOM variant, shorter barreled model, likely chambered in .308 or 7.62x51mm. It is and was a very common military and law enforcement semi-auto rifle dating back many decades. Would provide excellent semi-auto hard-hitting anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, and anti-materiel coverage out to 500+ yards with very good accuracy and reliability. The odd look of the barrel end, likely reflects a bunch of additional tactical attachments like a white light, laser and/or infra-red lights and lasers. These would account for the bulkiness near the end. Also looks like there may be a small bipod on the end of the rifle too, I see little legs in the folded position. Here’s a few internet images.
M14/M1A SOCOM in a very similar but not exactly the same stock.




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The guy sitting on the concrete retaining wall certainly looks like Thomas Matthew Crooks in high school. But the problem is that the guy on the roof does not look so much like Crooks, especially after he is dead. I don’t see, for instance, the underbite that you mention. Do you know of a profile photo of the dead guy that does show this? (BTW, what happened to his glasses? Are they lying somewhere on the roof? Has anyone spotted them?)

On the other hand, the dead guy on the roof does bear a close resemblance to Yearick, even though rationally it seems impossible that it could be anyone but Crooks. However, tracing the gun back to Crooks’ father is not the same as positively identifying the body. We think we know approximately what Crooks did between sitting on the retaining wall and climbing on the AGR building, but it turns out that most of this evidence is based on reports by Greg Nicol, the number one fishy character in the whole plot! If Nichol was the mastermind in the whole plot, he would certainly have an interest in cultivating a story about the patsy. Or perhaps there were actually two patsies, dressed similarly and roughly resembling each other. This is just the kind of confusion that a sophisticated plotter would relish. Both Crooks and Yearick seem to be MIA (I read that someone is offering a substantial reward for any evidence that Maxwell Yearick is still alive). Still to be explained is why Crooks is connected both to a car (his own vehicle) and to a white van (containing explosives) as well as possibly to a bicycle. Seems like too much for a lone gunman.

In any case, I think it is best if we hold our theories lightly and are not too dismissive of alternative theories.


bicycle guy was identified and detained by local PoPo and later released.


Nice post, man well structered and good to read, thanks. I would argue against:

  1. If you had a key it didnt matter if the doors were open, it would rather be an advantage, to get a calm shot
    → if so I conclude, the sniper had to take the shot in a hurry because he noticed the cop running towards the line of fire.

  2. it is the nature of reflections to reflect what emitted the light.
    ->In case of the sun or a car light, you can see shape of the source: round if it was a reflection of the sun / car light, even the colour distribution would match the source, just as you see them in the 2nd window to the right (it was civilian recording i think)
    → in case of the 1st window to the right it is a very thin white almost gas like stripe at exactly 18:11:22 (/23/24) BODY CAM of the „fallen and running cop“

  3. I will try to provide a video but I dont have the newest computer and I am no expert by any means, so I beg anyone with experience to compare the lights from the 1st and 2nd video.

After all thanks for your reply. I think Chris Audio analysis is trustworthy so we know there must be the 2nd shooter somewhere, and there are only a few places where he could fire from. LETS find him!! To me thats the most important issue, if we dont find him I fear Chris work will not have any impact on the trial.

What do you think?
Kind Regards!

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The Original photo is not from the site or could it be? Where is it from? Daylight and trees Seen to Match. And what is the device at the window frame?

if you’re going to keep pushing this theory, can you at least find a U.S. SWAT team that uses these for their sniper team? can you find a picture of a M14 on a tripod set up like that? Accuracy International rifles fit better, hell even Ruger bolt-action rifles fit into this better than a semi-auto M14 LMAO

One point.

what we know of Crooks, his parents and who owned guns comes from the official report? do we assume its true?

I agree.
The patsy on roof does look mor like yearick. not crooks.

And I doubt the identity of “crooks” CIA MO is to sheep dip people. official narrative from authorities, is suspect, because they aren’t to be trusted. There is so much deflection and misdirection.

Id the shooter in first hour, is suspect. They had their story ready. like JFK, OK city bombing.

Good Post,


Or they did some really Deep State stuff, like look at his drivers license.

Is that how they ID him??

What do you want them to do? Produce his birth certificate and DNA test? What would satisfy you in this instance?

You missed to point

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Any time you want to explain it, feel free. The condescending attitude is getting annoying.

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Just call me annoying


How did they identify Crooks exactly and when?

How did they identify Crooks exactly

No idea, but the FBI made it all the way to his house.

You said he’s some CIA MO, can you explain how you got that information?

and when?

Early Sunday morning from what we’re told.

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