The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

there’s nothing suspicious about it’s just the glare on the window from the sun/sky…

here is just one bodycam example of it out of many, just open full screen and look at the windows…

The reflections are visible longer, smooth and round.
The muzzle flash are straight lines and are not visible if you dont slow down to 1/4.
at the exact time when the shots were heard.

Trust me its the shots, or lets have Chris look at it.

I think they came up with the rather „stupid“ idea of showing the reflections to distract from the muzzle flashes. The videos shown are not even from a cops body cam. Took em quite long to come with that.

Thats the second devine intervention, that the cop fell and ran around the building.

cool, I have watched the HD bodycam footage multiple times now, this same thing happens on almost all of them when they walk by the windows or around the building. it’s not my problem you won’t look at any of the evidence yourself Dropbox

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On the contrary, I’d be very surprised if the clocks of a video documentation system installed in a police cruiser aren’t precisely synced to time of day, just because the footage and audio streams need to get presented to courts as ultimate facts.

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sometimes it happens where the time is off, but usually it’s not by much. Worst I’ve seen the delay is like maybe a few minutes off, but usually that issue can be corrected easily when we have access to so many other sources where we can just sync up the audio.

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I will look at it Bro, promise. I already looked at the Chris Cullen Video on it.

See Chris is able to distinguish shots to differ two shooters. Lets do the same with the flashes.

I will look at it Bro, promise. I already looked at the Chris Cullen Video on it.

It would help to see the unedited video footage yourself. I promise the effect you’re seeing is there throughout the entirety of all the recordings, just focus on the windows.

See Chris is able to distinguish shots to differ two shooters.

He’s able to hypothesize two shooters based off of evaluating when an echo is recorded on an audio track. We’re still very far away from proving two shooters, right now there are just a few building blocks established for that.

Lets do the same with the flashes.

Trust me it’s one of the first things that stuck out to me when I watched all the bodycams. But I quickly realized it’s just the glare/reflection on the windows.

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Sorry I cannot follow, the windows were open.
At least the one I am referring to. So it cannot be a window reflection.

  1. If you zoom in you see the flashes and the reflections have different shapes.

Q: Why dont you just zoom in on the picture I posted and explain the shape (straight lines!!!)?

  1. If I am wrong I will feel a little stupid but thats okay.
    If Nobody100 and me are right we will learn more about how manipulation at this level works, right? The reflections videos killed the topic
    I bet a dime its the shooter
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This has been hashed out and analyzed for weeks now when these “white flashes” first presented. TLDR: It’s not gunshots. They are not synced to gun shots to my knowledge, and the ground floor AGR#6 do not open, were not opened at any pertinent time before, during, or immediately after, and were not broken at any time. This is plainly evident from many contemporaneous videos and pictures, including officers actually inspecting them immediately after the shootings.

There are very plausible explanations including a combination of explanations:

  1. Glass imperfections and different angles of recording/photos and the sunlight or other reflective surfaces like nearby car windshields, etc.
  2. There is a video, I think it’s DJStewarts, that shows a SUV parked facing the S. facing AGR#6 that turns on headlights which reflect in the windows.
  3. People taking pictures or vidoes with cellphones or cameras, possibly camera flashes.
  4. Someone on the interior shining a flashlight to search a dark area/room.
  5. Other unknown but more likely answers yet to be determined.

Sorry I cannot follow, the windows were open.

On the ground floor? No.

On the upper floor? Sure. You can see the windows are open. That’s the really weird part.

At least the one I am referring to. So it cannot be a window reflection.

How about look at the HD videos linked in the DropBox account instead of your grainy screenshot?

  1. If you zoom in you see the flashes and the reflections have different shapes.

Yes, we call those clouds.

Q: Why dont you just zoom in on the picture I posted and explain the shape (straight lines!!!)?

Why don’t you just look at HD video see the reflections in the windows?

If Nobody100 and me are right we will learn more about how manipulation at this level works, right? The reflections videos killed the topic
I bet a dime its the shooter

Yes you’re another person claiming a shooter came from inside the building, but magically no one smelled freshly burnt gunpowder indoors. Make it make sense?

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this window can be seen in the video from inside door 9, and it is closed in the picture this person posted…the reflection is too low in the window to be from the sun etc etc…this could however be a computer screen.just of to check now…no question is too stupid or dumb, as i have proved myself…

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Sorry for poor quality but here’s some stills. Immediately after the shooting we see these windows with various obvious glass imperfections, reflecting light from different directions/angles. Also, there’s a police car with the lights on facing these windows, which could explain reflections. Notice, this cop walks past the windows moments afterwards, and there are others that follow this path too. Any open or broken window would be observed.

Notice we also see the ceiling lights in one window.


New discovery, for me anyways. I never opened the “Picnic Table” link in this timeline entry from the Grassley documents. It shows the picnic table the LEO stood on at the SE corner of AGR 6. So, Jason Woods must have left through door 9.


lol…yes we have all done that…but this is more mistakes accidental or deliberate disinformation given to Grasley…hence the misleading paragraph with the link embedded…this is not the picnic table Crooks is spotted at when Jason Woods left…as has been explained in a few posts further up in this thread…

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I’m going to have to reason through this some more. Crooks walked onto the site per dash cam videos, so how could he park near their cars. Unless a new car was there and Woods assumed it belonged to Crooks. “Directly to the right” clearly applies to door 9. The picnic table by door 14 would be closer to straight ahead if exiting door 13. Unless he meant directly to the right of the parking lot. Given that other evidence Grassley obtained was from Butler County, I would assume this image of the picnic table came from them too.


Another bit of reasoning. If Crooks was sitting at the door 14 picnic table, he would only have line of sight to the north wall of building 2, so how could he know the other counter-snipers were there. He would have visibility to the sniper nest windows from the door 9 picnic table.

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check your time stamps and the after action report PHOTO timestamps (not text) and then the Timeline…you will get a sense of Crooks movements…and the ABC interview of the ESU…that shows Crooks walking around the front of building 1…and remember, he has already been at the AGR building flying his drone, he knows which windows are going to be open…he then takes back his drone and presumably then puts his AR into his backpack broken down…and walks back…take note when he walks around the front of the building he has no back pack…

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I am looking at the after report documents. The timeline does not mention the 4:26 text from Woods about spotting someone at a picnic table. It may not be referring to Crooks. The after report shows Crooks spotted at the other picnic table at 6:05, so those are two separate sightings. They could both be Crooks, too. Then there is the mention of the rangefinder. That only makes sense to use at the door 9 picnic table, not the door 14 one, unless he was getting it ready to use on the roof.

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Why would he use a rangefinder at a picnic table if his shooting position was the roof?

This “undercover officer” - dressed just like Crooks! - has been identified by George Webb as Kennon Hooper, a colleague of Maxwell Yearick, the ANTIFA member who very much resembles the dead shooter on the roof (aka “Crooks”).

George Webb believes Yearick, Crooks, Nicols and others all knew each other through the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club and that they were all ultimately recruited by Tony Guy, the sheriff of Beaver County.

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