The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

lol…i never had linkedin to begin with so cant help…but i am unsure of what you mean if ‘M’ looked out the south facing window he would have seen Crooks…Greg left his south facing window and spotted Crooks at :18:02 (radio coms) from the north facing window

Here are the names of the Beaver County ESU team. I haven’t identified 2 of them. Jason is the one who left early.


hey, nice work…if you need any help with something just ask…

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Right, good stuff, thank you. But do we know about Butler personnel? If not, I bet the people listed here will have Linkedin colleages that work for Butler County ESU.

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I mean he would have seen Crooks on the roof. Presumably if he was left alone temporarily, he would have scanned one window and then the other, back and forth, until his teammate got back.

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thats what you would presume…but he obviously didnt, even though he knew to keep a look out…at some point in the future far far away, we will get a completely redacted report from the FBI…so theres always that to look forward to

Greg Nicols and Jason Wood were the two from Beaver County. I haven’t figured out who the 3rd counter-sniper was from Butler County. This is from a CNN article about that ABC interview.

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ooh, nice…but we need to know who went home early…as i think it was Beaver sniper, because in the text messages he is part of that group

Or Facebook friends.

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I can’t check Facebook either. Someone who feels energetic, please help search this lead if interested. :pray:

i dont have facebook or twitter either…i feel helpless…sorry

I guess this is as good as any thread to drop this in. Blaze TV investigator Steve Baker and their team has been working on bodycam video released. They say it has been digitally altered. One point is the badge on a plainclothes officer has been photo-shoped changed to hide who he works for. Blaze TV may have better equipment than most of us.


I cannot search his contacts on LinkeIn, but here are screenshots of his profile.


You might try Butler County Pennsylvania instead of Butler County Ohio.

Better yet, try Butler Township.

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Nicols does not appear to have a Facebook orofile. At least I couldn’t find one doing a Facebook search.


i think i found something interesting…lol

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The video Scope View proves the S CS team easily had Crooks in full view prior to shots fired!


Oh well, at least I’m trying to provide some sort of proof instead of claiming nonsense about a local police department using an out-dated rifle that they had stockpiled for 30 years like that other guy claimed. I posted a rifle that matched, so I’m going with an AX308 being used

Actually, Butler Township Police only had 9 patrolmen directing traffic. This is the best I could find so far for the Butler County ESU. The site is from one of the 9 participating agencies.

Its the furthest to the right of Building 6
Is the picture above visible to you? I drew a red circle around. The flash is visible, it is a bright line. You see it?
Thanks for reading and replying to my post :pray:t2:

Sorry seems I am not smart enough to upload the picture… but I keep trying