The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept

i started of the same way as you Brian…but went through with google maps and used street view to see what matched…i will add a picture that i used when i find it…brb

picture taken from after action report…note concrete bike is on and the thing sticking out the ground behind…very top of picture)…

Has anyone been able to determine who this officer Is walking below the shooter as he runs along the roof

at what timestamp please…

I think about 4:20 ish

i was going to post this yesterday…i thought it was Greg being locked out…but i wasn’t convinced enough
timestamp 4:17 onwards

Ahh. That would explain why the officer never looks up on the roof, even though the running of the shooter would’ve made loud sound I presume. It also explains why that officer doesn’t appear in the dash cam of the officer who eventually gets boosted to the roof.

here is the link to dropbox that contains original bodycam footage with timestamps etc…Dropbox

the thumbnail looks like this (for that officer walking body cam)

Thank you. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

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if you go by the sun rises in the east and sets in the west…then you can use that as a starting point (so picture is taken somewhat facing north)…i checked the entirety of the east car parl, but the only place with a bush at ground level (as can be seen in picture) (with concrete and water sprinkler or hose attachment…? ) rules ou the triangular entrance to the east side car park…

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What is the video source for this image?


the photo taken earlier i presume is time stamped…

Thanks again! I wonder where Spa Guy got the wider view of it than the one you posted from the after report.

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same here…but we are told the bike wasnt his, and he walked in…so the bike itself isnt important…its the timeline of the ESU snipers and their positions…this only shows ESU that departed at 16:20 had parked his car in that car park…and using the timeline of the photo’s not texts in the after action report, and the video of the ESU ABC interview we can pice together what they were doing and thinking at certain times…hopefully Chris the host of Peak Prosperity is going to do a video on where the ESU snipers were and when and what they were doing…with a lot of attention in the next few days…

i’m working on my own analysis of the movements of the snipers from the evidence available, that’s why I’m interested in the bicycle photo.

I agree.

I suspected multiple shooters in an operation such as this. it follows the MO.
As to sniper post abandonment; that smells.
The LEO dropping from roof does not match initial chiefs report. but be as it may, the sound is off, so did he call in? if so, that means USSS got that message.

As for reactions. well, it was purposefully arranged so everyone thought all positions were manned(covered). and the one most critical position was conveniently abandoned.



thats great…do you have a time for Crooks walking in front of building 1 (the building he shot from) that is shown in the ABC interview…because it is around 17:15 ish…acording to Greg in the interview

THIS INTERVIEW…@0:40 onwards…after about a minute Greg speeks about seing Crooks.

there is a video playing on the large screen…i didnt see the live stream…so not sure what exact time stamp is.


I’m working on another lead but getting a bit stuck.

This screenshot is when the first sniper left early, as planned.

He’s texting as he’s leaving. Someone whose name (probably) starts with N gives a thumbs up. Someone whose name (probably) begins with M says “Roger that”.

Nicol is known to be the BCESU (Beaver County ESU) sniper. M is most likely the “Butler sniper”. I would like to find M.

According to the after-action report, when Nicol went downstairs, “Bulter [sic] Sniper stayed in place at original position”. The strange thing about that is, if M looked out the west-facing window, he would have seen people frantically pointing and waving and looking at the building he was in (or next to). If he looked out the south-facing window, he would have seen Crooks. So what was he doing?

How can we find M? Do we know the names of any Butler officers involved with this case? I banned Linkedin from my life probably 20 years ago, but some of you probably have it. Can you search for Butler County SWAT? Do we see any officers we recognize? Do they have any colleagues whose last names start with M?

Edit: here’s a candidate. Employer Detail | Open The Books