The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept


I simply can’t resist pointing out all of your obvious follys. I’m only human.

Get better discipline.

Correct. Leaving a guard post is a serious military/police offense, highly frowned upon is putting it mildly. An offense worthy of termination if not a criminal offense (in the military especially). Leaving a unattended weapon, unfathomable and highly serious, criminal offense. In the US military (from which many police snipers derive and come from) the general orders begin with never leaving your post until properly relieved. And never never never leave a weapon unattended. It’s a very serious military offense to violate this fundamental tenant that every junior enlisted man would have drilled into his head under serious punishment.

This makes GN and his partner’s explanation absurd and implausible to the point of outright rejecting it as totally unbelievable and dishonest. There is no plausible situation as presented that would allow or excuse one, and certainly not both, men leaving this post (and presumably unattended weapons, radios, etc.) under any of the circumstances that unfolded that day. It’s inconceivable.

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So anyways, in reality he was praised by his superior.

In real life, his superior covered for him, as he well knows the officer who left at 16:20 should have been replaced so its on him for leaving the team short…thats why they are all covering for each other…and i may be wrong, but isnt this the guy that said one of the snipers was placed at the first floor window looking south when shown the pictures out of Gregs window from the second floor, and as we all know, the first floor looking out the window is knee hight for someone standing at the fence…let alone useless for anything overlooking the stage…

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Hopefully you understand that’s a coverup. And BS. Nicols leaving is post accomplished nothing, and was actually the wrong move and counter productive to anyone with a brain and ability to observe.

Had Nicols stayed in his post, with overwatch toward the South from the 2nd story windows of AGR #2, here’s what would have instead occured.

  • He’d have radioed to the LEOs on the ground to search for Crooks.
  • He would not have gotten locked out and unaccounted for for some 6+ critical minutes from 6:06pm to 6:13pm or so. During this time Crooks accessed the roof, ran into position, warded off a boosted officer, climbed the roof, and fired at least 5 shots and probably killed 1 and injured many.
  • Had the “hero” Nicols remained in position, he’d have seen 20+ witnesses telling him a man with a gun was on the roof. He’d have leaned out the window with clear vantage to the roof and seen Crooks with a rifle. Then he’d have shot Crooks, presumably ending the threat or at least part of the threat…

No, GN was not the hero. He contributed to the catastrophy.


i would wager a bet GN was never locked out at all, and thats a fairy tale…

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Oh yes, I agree, that GN did not get locked out during the critical 6:06 to 6:12 period. That was a lie. And there’s a finite number of reasons to lie about it and his whereabouts for an inexplicable 6+ minutes.

Notice he did get locked out a couple minutes after the shooting. Guess he wasn’t smart enough to learn he can get locked out… More evidence he lied about it.

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Hopefully you understand that’s a coverup.

Dude, please for a moment snap into reality.

You claimed this is a serious offense. In reality the guy was praised by his superior.

Also sniper teams do split up, but they usually need to make a request for that. We don’t know if something like that was ever done, if Greg or his buddy have the authority to make that decision on the fly, or if they broke protocol but their superior is still covering for them by publicly giving them praise.

And BS. Nicols leaving is post accomplished nothing, and was actually the wrong move and counter productive to anyone with a brain and ability to observe.

I hope you understand I’m not DA Bible.

  • He’d have radioed to the LEOs on the ground to search for Crooks.

Yeah but cop who climbed the wall was on his radio and they didn’t get any back up until shots were already fired. There is no guarantee him going on the radio would have done anything in time.

  • He would not have gotten locked out and unaccounted for for some 6+ critical minutes from 6:06pm to 6:13pm or so. During this time Crooks accessed the roof, ran into position, warded off a boosted officer, climbed the roof, and fired at least 5 shots and probably killed 1 and injured many.

I just have a hard time beveling he didn’t have a phone on him.

  • Had the “hero” Nicols remained in position, he’d have seen 20+ witnesses telling him a man with a gun was on the roof. He’d have leaned out the window with clear vantage to the roof and seen Crooks with a rifle. Then he’d have shot Crooks, presumably ending the threat or at least part of the threat…

His sniper buddy should have seen it then.

No, GN was not the hero. He contributed to the catastrophy.

I hope you email DA Bible with this strong opinion.

i can understand him leaving his post at 18:00 and walk across to the window facing north to see if Crooks was there, which he was and then walking north towards the building gap , and radioing that in, …but its logical then to go to the second floor window facing west (where a sniper was posted in until at least 16:25) which was open already, and gain the attention of LEO’s at ground level, and gesticulate them to where Crooks was heading…then get back to overwatch as the president was walking on stage…its such BS…

I wonder if they’ll start bringing K-9 units to these rallies and stuff. A dog would have changed everything imo

I helieve you mentioned once that the snipers parked in the lot to the northwest of building 2. Can you tell me where you got that from? It makes sense if the sniper who got off work early parked there, because his vehicle would be go e by the time that bodycam captured an empty lot, but not if others claimed to have parked there. Texts show that they were meeting off site and getting driven to the site, but that sniper stated he would drive his personal vehicle.

the sniper who left, parked in the car park located to the north west of the building…we know this because his text message…we know now because of body cam footage there were no other cars parked their…so the 2 remaining snipers came in with the rest of the units…which leaves the question, who’s car sneeked in…? maybe the guy who goes around yelling get out this is private property etc…who then leaves after a Leo unit talks to him…but thats a guess…

I was just thinking about those texts, but I don’t know what they mean. How do we know where “by our cars” is? 50 yards from which exit?

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the bike text he recieves once he has left, that is passed around the group, you will see him saying the bike wasnt there when he pulled out.(note time stamps).also to be seen walking his gun to the car means the sniper was in the west window prior to him leaving…as that is the only position that would see him in the car park…

door 13 at the rear of building 2…you can see the window Gerg looked out of to see Crooks at the picnic table before walking north…you can see the window facing west that would have had a sniper that could see the car park
Screenshot 2024-08-14 at 16.51.39


This window NOT the other (:warning:Red herring)

what window are you talking about. ?

I still wasn’t sure, so I went to the Grassley info and he has a link called “picnic table” that actually goes to one near door 9. This makes “sitting to the direct right” make more sense to me.

it would do Brian…but if he had parked his car there and left he could not have seen the bike…there is a picnic table at door 14.the map shows the table in the wrong place. (as can be seen from the drone flight after the event showing Crooks way onto the roof…door 14 on the left building 4 and door 13 first floor north side building 2

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OK, I see what you mean about the sniper who left early saying “the bike and backpack weren’t there when I pulled out”, so surely he was parked in the northwest lot. But then it seems confusing because he refers to a picnic table 50 yards directly to the right of the exit (probably door 13) when really it’s more like 25 yards mostly to the front.

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