Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Nicols maybe got confused with the backpack he sighted with the bike. The bike that wasn’t Crooks’ though.

That bike was still at the exact same place at 18:25:14 (BWC2-122109) as pictured by GN and sent in the group chat. Looks like the Backpack is still with the bike but I’m not 100%sure.


Thanks for sharing.
Interesting, the guy with the megaphone is also part of this video.


Cremated together with the glasses and the weapon? What a picture!

BTW, have the bullets from the counter snipers been accounted for? Were they ever found?


She wasn’t the first attending Crooks. Michelle hits the roof at 6:29pm and reaches Crooks position around 30 seconds later. That’s about 15 minutes after the first officers wearing bodycams reached the roof.

By this I don’t want to indicate or say she doesn’t know about a possible bullet, possibliy shot against Crooks by her husband Greg. I’m just clarifying she wasn’t the first to see Crooks at the roof.


Did we already challenge the option that he placed his backpack (with a rifle inside) behind the AC unit (or another sheltered place close by from where he went on the roof) during one of his earlier visits. Assuming here, the reports about him picking up the rifle and telling his parents he’s off to the shooting range are false or it was another gun he took along there. As it seems the USSS didn’t personaly sweep the building where the gunman was perched. Maybe the locals also didn’t.


Well, based on him being spotted at 4:26 PM and then again just after 5 PM I don’t think he had time to get his backpack between 5:45 PM and 6:02 PM; maybe I’m wrong about that. Also, you would think he’d feel concerned about being spotted trying to go get it at that time.

I guess it’s still possible that hewent to get it at that time.

I also had suggested maybe he got it a lot earlier and brought it to AGR but I think that would require that he would’ve left it in the morning because supposedly he was there in the morning, but I’m told by another PP person that he picked up the rifle at 1 PM at home. I’m not sure if that’s accurate. I assume it is.

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How do we know the FBI removed the top of the air conditioning unit where Crooks supposedly climbed up? Are there any images out there of FBI personnel removing it?

What if someone who had access to the grounds removed its top, placed the backpack inside, and told Crooks where to grab it immediately before he climbed onto the roof at that exact location?

Spa Guy captured it by drone on his return visit. Benny Johnson was previously told during his visit with Rep. Crane that FBI had removed it. FBI SAIC during a press conference stated: “Our assessment is the subject climbed the HVAC and piping outside of the business, made it onto the roof, and then traversed across multiple rooftops to his ultimate shooting position.”

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I am still trying to find information about when crooks visited the site earlier in the day for 70 minutes.

I don’t see an exact time for that.

I’m also not clear about any evidence as to when he borrowed his dad‘s rifle on that day.

Isn’t it possible that he borrowed the rifle, and then visited Butler with his backpack sometime early afternoon to hide his backpack? Does Anyone have any link to testimony or evidence that speaks to when he borrowed the rifle and when he visited the rally on the day of the shooting?

I guess it’s possible the backpack was hidden where you suggest. However, why would he have to take it and sit out at the picnic table where he could be potentially viewed by law enforcement? Wouldn’t it just make more sense to go to it it out and then climb on the roof immediately?

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If he were wearing reading glasses maybe. I am blind as a bat if I take my glasses off to see far away distances. Because he is pictured with glasses in every picture released (he needed glasses to see distances clearly)there is no way he would have removed his glasses to shoot at Trump.

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Unless, as patsiness works, you are needed to be viewed with a backpack to explain how you managed to conceal a weapon.

You are so right.

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I think the fact that he had a backpack on the roof and a weapon that could be broken down into two easy pieces would’ve proved that just fine

Who saw him with the backpack?

Are there any images of him with the backpack?

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All of the video with him running on the roofs, throwing it and picking it up and carrying it

At 6:02 pm Greg Nicol reported over the radio that Crooks had a backpack. That was a few minutes before Crooks got on the roof. Other than that, the only other report of him having a backpack (no rifle) was at approximately 3 pm at the Secret Service security are where his rangefinder set of the metal detectors. The SS flagged him as a suspicious person at that point.

From video [1], between second 6 and 7, the object in question can be seen moving really fast in the sky. The time at which the officer confronted crooks is around 18:10:55. By the time the officer entered Dave’ video and then the object can be seen in video [1], a couple of seconds have passed. The speed at which the object was passing doesn’t look right to me when you compare it with the time at which it was spotted the first time and the distance it traveled (if it maintained its speed then we shouldn’t see it a second time in the video [1]. The distance looks too short for that speed). It is probably a bird flapping its wings, but it could be a drone that accelerated when passing above crooks.

Anyway, looking forward to your next episode :slight_smile:


The pictures are not mine, I found them on twitter but I don’t remember where, so I can’t credit them.