Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

That is not the same guy as the one leaving AGR. The beard, moustache, and hair are completely different.

I dunno, these are all identifying factors that can be manipulated. Looks to me as if he’s gotten a nice touch up on his hair, beard, and moustache, possibly even because he knew he was having an official interview and wanted to look fresh. I can see an A to B, 15 days later, knowing in advance he was going to be filmed on an official interview of this magnitude.

You think the man completely altered his hairstyle, moustache, and beard before an interview?

Seems unlikely. A trim? Sure.

A whole makeover? Doubt. He doesn’t seem like that kind of guy.

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May be, may be not. Face shape is pretty spot on. Nose pretty similar. Mohawk seems trimmed and slicked back. Facial hair appears a trimmer and cleaner version of guy on J13. I’m more than welcome to other ideas to his identity but it looks to me to be the same guy with a fresh cut.

The guy in the AGR has hair all the way down the back of his head… the interview guy’s hair does not do that.

The beard line is completely different.

And the interview guy looks more fit.

I don’t even think the AGR guy has tattoos like the interview guy.

Like that? Kinda like a mohawk that grew out like hair does? And if he got a haircut in between this shot and the interview, he would have less hair than here. The same goes for the beard and moustache. From what I see, he has plenty of hair to trim down to match interview hair/beard style.

As far as the tattoos go, it is very hard to tell from these pictures one way or the other.

And as far as I’ve seen we haven’t another face that looks more similar to his yet. I’m not 100% certain it is him, though to me it does seem possible if not probable.

Even their forehead shapes are different.

If you go to the DropBox and open the 2 hour video at 18:58 (54 min in) on 720px you can see the tattoo matches on some un blurred frames. I could not stop video on the best frames & don’t have the reliable band width to D/L a 2 gig file. In VCL media player (free) you can advance frame by frame & zoom in.

[BTPD Body Cam footage 7.13.24 - Dropbox] Dropbox

Can anyone zone in on this name tag.I have gone as far as I could.
bodycam2022 2

On a funny note: Walked into the store and guy coming towards looked like a guy in one of the photos. I am losing it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

What is the source of the image? That patch doesn’t look like any of the ones I’m tracking for local police supporting the rally.

BTW: I’m finishing up additional recognition slides for local agencies with uniforms and patches.


It is friday 13 AND this is also 60-days anniversary. Did Secret Service reveal the so called final report?

I looked for major depressive disorder description and some other mental diseases. At the first glance it is a mess. The classification itself is disorder. But wait!
When I show you a picture of farm animals (cow, horse, donkey, sheep, duck, cat, dog etc.), you will immediately recognize - without the catalog data. I got it.

if we quote Jul 13 as day 0 the 60day period would have been on Sep 11.
if we quote Jul 22, when Cheatle had her final appearance as Director of the USSS at the hearing, the 60 day period will be on Sep 19.
So they still have some days to copy/paste here…

…but I can already hear them say when asked “where is the Report”.

  • holdidays
  • new Acting Director
  • lack of personnel
  • we’ll eventually getting it ready soon
  • getting the report ready is our utmost priority
  • we can’t give you a report yet but what we do know for certain: it was a lone gunman and we did a great job at large. Nobody needs to be fired. We take full responsibility.

I ran across that myself. It’s Butler, New Jersey.


The deadline fulfilled by ex-agent.

9,510 views - Sep 10, 2024

But no evidence (photo taken) with range finder, nor lurking behaviour.
(He was sitting on the retaining wall - what’s wrong with it? The plain clothed cop was sitting there too.)

Nobody was born to be evil. That’s from the interactions with other people.

He 3D-printed chess pieces - for his mother?

The instructor, who declined to be identified, said his homework responses were thoughtful and his emails polite. He excelled at an assignment to redesign a toy for people with disabilities. “He did a chess set for the blind. He 3D-printed it. He put the Braille on it. He talked to experts in the field”

This guy has nowhere near the understanding of the evidence involved with the event that’s needed to accurately analyze it. Having experience in Secret Service protection details does not an investigation make.


For me, anybody who 2 month later is still coming up with a graphic that shows Crooks on the west side of AGR6 has lost all the credibility right away.


Right? Unbelievable! He’s proof of the lack of competency in the SS, if anything.

For me the question is now, who has contacted him.

What is the credential/possibility that Crooks made the first contact with LEOs, maybe paid them for information? Seems almost impossible. Way more probable the service had contacted him.

Mistake? Negligence? Intentional deception?

What might be behind? Does he worry about someone might find a 2nd shooter from 2nd level open window?