Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Wait a second! GN’s post was at western side, but he left his post (at least once). So I’m not sure he had seen the backpack man from west or north facing window. Someone sgould ask him additional questions.

Would this be the first alcove you are referring to?

I saw in the conversations that they said he had a range finder. Could they have assumed he had a backpack because of that?

According to the Butler ESU Detail for Jul 13, sniper positions occupied by 11am. Might be though they didn’t follow the timeline but that would be just another deficiency.

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there is a difference between specifications and reality…

they may have been around by that time, but they did not get up these barns shortly before Trump arrived…

as far as I know “sniper positions” can refer to any of the 6 snipers (2x2 behind Trump, 2 halfway the green opposite to the AGR site) and the snipers/watchers inside the buildings…

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True, I have misinterpreted this part, sorry.

Undoubtedly he would have seen him there picking up his gear, IF he happened to be watching out of one of these windows at exact this timeframe. But couldn’t it be GN reached the window just after Crooks got his stuff and only saw him walking towards the HVAC unit on the other side of this courtyard. And because he was under stress and didn’t study the situation plan enough beforehand, just said he’s going direction of Sheetz?


Interesting videos the last 2, didn’t see them yet so thanks for sharing.

GN is Greg Nicol, he was assigned to the 2storey building on the west of AGR6. According to the police radio transmissions he reported at 6:02pm that he saw crooks with a backpack, that was on the west side of the AGR complex.

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He should definitely be asked additional questions.
Police radio traffic shows failed search for Trump rally shooter - The Washington Post (

I speculated in my analysis it could have been to scout out a walking path, but who knows. What the reports tell us are that he was:

  1. At the rally site on July 7, day after registering, 20 min ((no mention of Drone) - Speculation:: Preliminary scouting, how to get there, where to park, where to shoot from, what to research from home, etc.? No stage area erected at that time. It was Sunday so AGR likely closed.

  2. At the site the morning of July 13th for 70 min (no mention of drone) - Speculation: Sees stage area setup and other general setup like security fencing. Possibly scopes out AGR grounds up close to confirm research from home. Checks for places to park, drive various routes around the rally site.

  3. Arrives back in Butler at 3:45 pm, and 6 minutes later flies drone for 11 minutes such that the drone is around 200 yards from rally site (to avoid detection?)

My point being there were likely a few details he hadn’t fully figured out, hence the drone so he didn’t have to waste valuable time walking or driving around an area where a Trump rally was being held.

Since I’ve never flown a drone I have a question for you.

What is the range of control for a model Crooks likely had? I have to assume based on the timeline he flew it from Sheetz, if AP was correct, or very close to it. The furthest point on the 200 yd circle around the podium is ~870 yds. I can’t imagine not having that much range, but it is a detail I never looked up.

You let me know when those cows come home. In the meantime, I’ll work with the evidence we have, good, bad or indifferent, and analyze it the best I can with logic and reason.

Since I gave you three chances to answer a simple question that poke holes in your hypothetical view; and it is hypothetical since neither of us were there, and you couldn’t answer those, I decided it wasn’t worth communicating with you since you’re interested in your own view, not what could be true.

Cows are asleep for the night .

Apparently, a couple of compliments from Chris have gone to your head

That’s possible, because during the same 20 minutes he lost sight of Crooks, we lose track of him.


And you obviously haven’t read my analysis and followed the timeline. If you had, you would see that I already did explain it, as that was the whole purpose of the analysis. I’m done responding to your speculations and critiques until you start providing some evidence to support your hypothesis like I did. Good day.

Good I will be happy to ignore you hence forth😊

At least 5 Secret Service agents placed on modified duty after Trump assassination attempt |

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They’re pretty much like everything else…you get what you pay for. Some have a very limited range (a few hundred yards) and others can reach out there (miles). I have a DJI model that is middle/low-end. It was $600 and has a 1-mile range in any direction from where you set its home base. The only thing I can do with it is take pictures and videos… My buddy has one that cost $4500 and it has a 2-mile range with additional features. He uses it for deep-sea fishing. He flies his bait out offshore and drops it.

Crooks being a kid was probably much more adept at flying than someone like myself who grew up without technology and is trying to learn. I still struggle with what he could learn in the ever-changing landscape of thousands of people.

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The “special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh field office” would be Kevin Rojek, who anchored the initial press conference on the evening of July 13th:

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First of all, thank you for always sharing your findings and thoughts with all of us here in the forum. I feel that is a fruitful exchange and brings us closer to where we want to be at the end, the truth.

One thing that just caught my eye, now that I see the enpargement. I probably missed that before but what makes you state that GN was in the 1st floor at 6:02pm? Somehow I didn’t read that from the WP article. My understanding was, that he’s been in the 2nd Floor then (radioed his sighting). Am I wrong here?