Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Thanks! The range is less than I would have expected but still more than sufficient for the area. It would be nice to get the model of the drone like we did for the rifle, but oh well.

Thanks again for taking all that footage. I can’t tell you how many times I scrolled through them looking at various angles or grabbing screenshots to use for explanation purposes.

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Maybe this helps to tackle the gordian knot. Read the (SPECULATION) part and consult the picture bottom right.

I’ll dig that up for you. I’m working on a timeline map for Nicol as we speak and I need it myself.


Let’s also be curious if we can see the “Holster Lady” again.

I’m going to try and get back there this week for @roger-knight and anyone else who wants specific drone shots. I think I have an area that I can fly from without the threat of arrest.


Thanks for that. But it doesn’t address the other critical issue which is how in the world four or six LEO’s would have missed crooks, walking up the west side of the building and then coming down the west side again (this time with the backpack) when there was almost nobody else over there to watch.

Also, even though I tried to compliment VP for his hard work, which he ignored, also I tried to explain to VP that he is simply speculating without any “evidence“. His is simply supposition and conjecture. As a lawyer, I know the difference between “conjecture“ and “evidence“, something he probably doesn’t understand. And somehow his conjecture is better than all the rest of ours since he’s had a couple of “at a boys” from Chris.

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From the CNN interview article. It provides more details of Nicol’s testimonies than the ABC article does.

‘Could it have been avoided?’ Local cops detail breakdown in efforts to stop Trump’s would-be assassin | CNN Politics


The antenna is there; it’s just fully retracted. Look at the lower left corner of the object.

The part he did a 20m walk down Meridian Rd/Fortieth St to get to the vendor lane (where he was captured at 4:26pm) was speculation (as VP mentioned on the slide).

For your critical issue, what makes you believe Crooks walked up the west side of the building when getting back to the car at Sheetz. As far as I can see VP didn’t state that. Maybe, and I’m speculating here, Crooks walked up vendor lane to the area of the Entry Security Check (where he was reported around 4:30pm). Maybe he saw that he caught attention and turned around to get back to Sheetz the same way he came from. This takes him about 25 minutes, so at 4:55 he gets the backpack with rifle from his car and walks to the AGR. When he passed the AGR sign he was caught by the dashcam from Jon Malis at around 5:04pm.
Timewise that sounds absolutely possible to me.

Dash cam showed him without a back pack I thought?

How did he get from Sheetz with his backpack to the west side of the AGR complex without being seen?

I’m also confused by the timing you’re referencing.

If indeed there was a drone. Couldn’t he have been checking out where to put the backpack. Put it there and walk around the rest of the day free.

Great, there are some very interesting additional details, not stated in the WP article. So Crooks was running when GN saw him looking out a window on the northwest side of the building (on the 2nd floor).

This is what GN might have seen

He then radioed his sighting (at 6:02pm) and went downstairs to push open door 13. By then Crooks has already disappeared (I assume he was hidding in this very secluded spot where noone could see him). Since we don’t have a floor plan from that building, we can’t exactly say which way GN went and how long it took him. Let’s say it took him 20 seconds to radio and go down. This could have been the situation when he step outside door 13 and saw the 2 LEOs.

After waiting in his hidden spot for ~3minutes, Crooks started to make his way up to the roof using the HVAC unit just beside. At 6:06pm he climbed up the roof, this was filmed in a video the FBI obtained (assumingly a security camera of a close by business building). Then he continued his way along the roofs where he was first captured by a dashcam of a police car.

I also checked on another picture of the remote I found. It’s very hard to see there as well but you might be right.
But I’d still say it isn’t the exact same model/make compared to the picture you showed in the initial post, just because that antenna was much bigger.

One of my favorite quotes: “If you wish to converse with me, define your terms,” Voltaire

When I think of the NW window I’m thinking the western most window on the north side. Perhaps we should number them to avoid confusion. :nerd_face:

I also don’t know if those two windows on the north and south are in the same room. It sure would be nice to have a floor plan.

I wonder if it was these two seen at 6:19 trying to figure out how the hell they missed him.


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I wonder when the interviews were done for the 08/10 publication? Was it after a lot of the “facts” were put forth by groups like us?

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On the web page the antenna is partially extended.

On the photo of the other side of the remote you can also just see the fully retracted attenna on the lower left (camouflaged by the lichens on the roof). It looks identical to the long range remote on the web page (long range Wireless RF Remote Control / Transmitter 433.92MHz – Remote Control Switches Online Store).

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True, he wasn’t wearing the backpack at 5:04pm (Jon Malis dashcam). But thanks to your call I just realised that I mixed something up in my comment anyway, sorry for the confusion.
The part when I wrote “so at 4:55 he gets the backpack with rifle from his car and walks to the AGR.” is obviously false. I’ll leave that Sheetz topic here for the moment, since it has mainly to do with VP’s findings and interpretations.

Like yourself, I also see the option he hid his rifle/gear at/around the AGR beforehand (maybe even the day before). This is what I posted yesterday. If I remember correctly, you replied but I somehow didn’t continue that string. Let me pick it up again tomorrow after I thought about it a little more.

You’re right, it looks like the same device (just different retraction position of the antenna). That bloody antenna was really hard to spot against that roof. Thanks for enlighting me.

Chris, please listen again to your “SOURCE FOUR” audio and note the much higher decibels of shot #1 in comparison to shots #2 & #3.
I still contend that TWO shooters (not Crooks) fired TWO simultaneous shots which sounded like one loud first shot.
One shooter completely missed but struck a bystander while the other shooter nicked President Trump’s ear and then struck a bystander with the same bullet.
Both bystanders simultaneously reacted to being hit by the first shot but, due to their physical locations, could not have been struck by the same bullet. One of these shooters fired two additional shots(#2 & #3) before Crooks began firing shots #4-#8.
Thanks for your dedication to determining exactly how this event transpired.