Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Bike also seen in Jon Malis video

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Have you seen this questioning? With Shaffer (who was at the scene) Dan Bongino, and Eric Prince testifying? What do you make of it?
To me, it seems they did not reveal anything that everyone here already knows. They have the same questions that we do and no answers. I do appreciate Cory Mills though. It really did send a chill thinking about Prince saying thank God it was a 20yr old kid and not a 12man hezzbola team that day.


This is a plot of average bullet velocity in feet/second vs range in yards that results in a snick-boom delta time of .22 seconds (using a speed of sound=1153.7 ft/sec). For an AR-15, a 55 grain bullet with a muzzle velocity of 3240 ft/sec will be at 2900 ft/sec at 100 yards, and 2590 ft/sec at 200 yards. A heavier bullet will have a lower muzzle velocity, but will retain velocity better downrange.

At ~150 yards (Crooks location), average velocity is 2646 Ft/sec, at 170 yards (second floor window?), average velocity is 2296 ft/sec.


According to a chief sniper a thump rule is: the shooter might have the first shot, but the second one must be from body guards.

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Why we cannot see the surveillance footage when the shooter climbs to the roof? Perhaps we could also see the 2ns shooter? Let them put the cards on the table!

If Crooks climbed up where we think he did, there is no “nearby business” that could have recorded it. I’m not holding my breath for that video.

Think what the business was nearby…the rally. I was fooled myself until some said maybe it’s AGR. And the FBI confirmed it.


I think you’re right, but I think they deliberately mis-explained it because otherwise we’d want all the surveillance footage, exterior and interior if it exists.

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I think they were just keeping the business name confidential, even though they reference AGR in the same sentence.

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I made a post in the “Audio Analysis is Most Consistent with two Shooters” topic. What jumped out at me was 1) the testimony from the Washington county sniper saying that his team did not make the kill shot, and never even saw Crooks, and 2) Erik Prince saying that he didn’t think there was a second shooter because a second shooter would have shot Mr. Trump once he stood up.

I don’t agree with Mr. Prince because a second shooter might not have signed on for a suicide mission. If the second shooter had reason to believe the patsy was dead he wouldn’t want to take any more shots and be tracked down to be either killed or imprisoned for life.


That position on the south-east of the AGR complex would be the best position for a sniper with the right equipment. So why wasn’t it the first place examined for evidence of the presence (or non-presence) of a second shooter.
The highest priority of the security service teams around the AGR buildings that day didn’t seem to be the protection of President Trump and his audience. Rather, the priority was to pretend the whole AGR complex roof didn’t exist as a security issue.
Was there something on the AGR building, something not directly related to Tom Crooks, that was so important that a president’s life was risked to prevent its discovery?

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If not AGR itself, the only 2 places I see a camera could possibly have been filming him climbing up the roof. Do these building have cameras on high enough elevated position directing the HVAC spot (assuming he did really get up there). Have they been recording at the time of him getting up? Can the quality of this footage be good enough to see/identify him around 400 yards away?

I agree those questions need to be answered. But I have questions about Crooks on the roof as viewed from the news helicopter. This is after he’s been shot and the gun is already laying four ribs over from him and you don’t see the blood running down the roof. This image and video from the news helicopter is before any law enforcement has made it to the roof. My question is how is the gun that far away from him already.

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I think this idea is wrong. I’m not sure when the helicopter took that footage, but it had to be much later, because police were on the roof very quickly. They moved the rifle, cuffed him, etc.


Oh, I finally see what you were getting at, that the FBI just has rules about what they can say to try to avoid harm (or for whatever reason)

Exactly. They can’t name whose security camera footage was used, but they can say where the shooter was located.

Welcome to the forum!

This topic has been covered, dare I say ad nauseum, in the forum. Removing the firearm is police protocol for their protection, even if they think the suspect is deceased. The helicopter flew over a few hours or so after the event. The body was left on the roof over night it was recently discovered, hence no police near the building. As for the no blood, They did hose the roof down with a fire hose, there’s a photo of it, but I’m not sure if that was same day or the following day. If same day, that would explain the clean roof. You wouldn’t see the deceased in that photo due to the angle, if it was there.

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New information about the footage. It seems it was from the King Cone icecream shop. This is according to information in the media.

This would suggest that the FBI did not actually see Crooks use the HVAC, but only getting on the roof in that area where the HVAC is.

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