Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

AGR building has a boxed in corner facade, NE corner TOTALLY concealed from ground observers… Escape path concealment at tree…
Why have so many images from media excluded areas of interest???
Shot path to far bleacher victims may be very similar to AGR6 line…

There’s another user on the forum who liked that spot too. But it doesn’t work with the snick-boom times at Trump’s mic unless the shooter was using a historical weapon like a musket with a very low muzzle velocity.

Maybe confirming the location and site lines of Hercules 1 and Hercules 2. Neither of them were on their respective roofs when he flew his drone (if indeed he did fly it)

Can you please explain this in more detail or link to where it has already been explained?

@bumblebeeez Exclusive: County Officer Warned Of Seeing Man With Rangefinder Before Trump Was Shot -

Maybe this explains it for you?

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A suupressed weapon shooting subsonic loads might do the trick of overlapping sealth shots… But the extended range may be the limiting factor with that scenario.
Chris had mention audio featuresthat seemed like shooting from a box and very close echo signals, so that criteria calls out for some options…
But i don’t know the limits of sub-sonic rounds, i just know they can be

I also heard about these: CVA scout 300 blackout
https:/ /youtu. be/OWdjuOodgH4?feature=shared&t=445

I remember reading about a USN Admiral who said he starts with the lowest ranking person in a meeting and works his way up the ladder. That way the little people don’t feel like they have to agree with the big fish. That he would be more likely to get an honest answer that way.


Good approach for a group meeting. During investigations I always interviewed plant operators separately from management, and preferably one-on-one to avoid peer influence during questioning.


Nope. Is that at the time of the shooting or from start of day?

Because everyone knew JW was leaving early.

Per the initial testimony, it was 4 people at start with JW leaving early.

Why lie? That was easily confirmed info.

Have you or anyone else taken drone shots of the area between the two breezeways between the southernmost two buildings of the AGR complex (aka buildings 1 & 2+3)? This area is enclosed on all sides, but must have some access to it at least for maintenance purposes. If I were planning an operation at AGR and wanted an escape route, I would plan to slide off the roof of building 1 into that area, enter the AGR complex, and then walk through that complex and exit somewhere on the north side where no one was looking.


Have you watched this?


I love Paul, he has a great channel!

Only inadvertantly. Here are two clips that I pulled that give you a brief glimpse. There’s also an enclosed space behind building 6 with access from that building (clip 2)


Thanks! The end of your second video clearly shows an access door on the north side of Building 1 into the fully enclosed “courtyard” surrounded by the two breezeways and Buildings 1 and 2+3.

If you are anyone else is doing any further drone surveys, I would examine that area closely. I am not sure this escape route was actually used - perhaps the shooter intended to take that route but was killed instead, or perhaps a second shooter did escape that way.


I’m not going down any more rabbit holes. I’ve already come to my conclusion that Crooks is the “ONLY” shooter with assistance before (planning) and during (rooftop access) the rally. He’s the patsy and blew the shot.

However, they could not have found a better venue than the AGR building to try and pull this off. It’s so close to the rally and there are more nooks, crannies, doors, windows, passages between buildings, and rooftops, you can shoot from one area and within minutes be in a completely different building and point on the compass.

@macd brought this to my attention. The first picture is the location where Crooks is suspected of climbing onto the roof. Note the door across from his suspected access point.

thumbnail_IMG_2968 arrows (Small)

In one door and out the other never to be seen. I believe the rooftop footage of him getting into position discredits this line of travel, but an example of how easy it would be to maneuver around and through the AGR building in plain sight if you were granted access or had the proper credentials.

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Yes, someone evidently took the rooftop route to the position on Building 1, but I was thinking in terms of a quick escape route. Unless it was a suicide mission, any person or persons on the roof would have been looking for a much quicker exit route than along the rooftops.

This is interesting. Former CIA agent. Things probability of a coordinated effort by some intelligence agency to assassinate Trump is low. The probability of some rando 20 year old kid successfully getting 8 shots off toward Trump without assistance is also low. He does not exclude the possibility that some individual within a government intelligence agency working independently, outside of the job and abusing the role that individual has, to assist some rando 20 year old kid in pulling off an assassination attempt.

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I have a question where did they find the drone he flow over the location of the Trump Rally we dont know the time stamp or exact date Chris Wray knew where it flew the time of day and the date how would’ve he know that information if it wasn’t a recorded flight thats not believable. I’m thinking if drone was found in his back pack. Then he probably stashed it behind the AC unit he used to climb on the roof once he finished flying his drone. Or it was given to him by someone who could move completely freely with out anyone questioning the back pack. Where was the drone found if in the back pack. Thats another issue how much could have be stuffed in his back pack it was medium to small in size with limited capacity so all of theses items plus.
Did he also bring a lunch??? There us just so much deception and not telling the truth and lack of information coming from FBI SS and the rest of our government and the other 3 letter agencies that are involved openly or in the shadows. They the same people who stole the election wanted Trump murdered on live tv and for the whole world to see it live that’s the bottom line no matter how much they try to spin its called common secents and that’s the bottom line.


(Why was Crooks wandering rather dim-wittedly near the AGR building about 60 minutes before the assassination attempt)

Certainly plausible, but problems:

  1. He was not worried at all about the snipers given his movements on the roof
  2. He would have known about the tree in the way with the drone
  3. If he was using that line of sight to figure out that one of the sniper teams had a clear shot at him, he certainly did not put that knowledge to use.