Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

It doesn’t.

It was specifically stated that there were two teams of local counter-snipers. They literally work in pairs.

The earliest news reports always said that there were 3 snipers in the AGR building at the time of the shooting. Everyone knows JW left earlier than that. That’s 4.

I consider news reports and testimony to be the lowest form of garbage evidence. Stuff like the screenshots released by Grassley are a lot better. I also have private correspondence with someone involved that also says your idea is wrong. So, keep going if you like, but it’s wrong. I just say this because I believe you want to help solve the case.

It was literal Congressional testimony. “garbage evidence” sure, ok.

I already told you.

Whose testimony was it? Not that it matters, but I’d still like to know.

It was repeated by multiple people. I said I watched both, but I watched like 3- First USSS director that resigned, one with FBI, and one with Rowe. That’s why I’m positive they said there were 2 counter sniper teams in AGR, 4 people total and 1 guy left before the shooting. Those testimonies also had some law enforcement guy and the PA State police guy. Nobody disputed 4 local snipers in AGR. Literally no one.


OK, good to know. But it’s wrong.

What do people think is happening in this video? (Screenshot from video as I’m sure you’ve seen it many times… Crooks wandering near side of building…you can see it at msg 133 by sorey above)

Watching the video I have a strong intuition that…

(1) Crooks is gormless. A patsy.
(2) He does not have a tight plan.
(3) He is looking for someone or something.

I know it’s just speculation at this stage, but I do think this video will prove to be very important.

Hi Chris,
The AGR complex is a secured crime scene, now under the control of honest cops performing their required duties. The only secured entry & exit is Building 6 Door 9; none of the other doors are shown open in the body cams & photos.
We should not take everything the press & players say or do as gospel,
and hang on every word, its a fast moving story in the “fog of war”. Remember hearing from FBI?; “he used a folding stock”, “he hid in the buildings” & the white van was found 10km away" etc. etc.

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Well, now that you mention it…(Note: This is pure speculation, and I do not plan to engage in a debate about it. That’s not meant for you, Martini Lover.)

in the screenshot you posted, my first thought was he’s looking at the stage and checking the line of sight (assassination plans.) Or, he’s looking at the audience (mass shooting plans.) If the former, he may have not solidified the roof location. Hence his need to use his cell phone to check Google Maps, and his range finder to confirm distance. If he is part of a larger plot, perhaps he’s doing that to pass time until he gets the “go” order. Maybe that’s what he was checking his phone for.

The possible explanations could go on and on with endless debate. That’s why I prefer to stick with analyzing the evidence. But it is an interesting question. Probably one we’ll never know the answer to because he’s the only one who knows. Scratch that, “knew,”


Keep in mind: we don’t know if there was access from the second story building directly to the AGR Bldg 6 (Bldg 6 is Bldg 1 on the security planning map- the one story building that the shooter was on).

There probably was access between buildings because of the covered connector passages.

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How could that be him by the way?

Dude has an enormous dark full tattoo sleeve on his right arm…

Those aren’t the same guy.

The guy leaving AGR might be the Butler sniper, but he isn’t that Beaver guy making the awesome angry faces at the interview.

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I was shooting for good face and hair pictures, not tattoos,
anyways took some more snaps from the poor quality images for tattoos,
knock yourself out looking for the target tat.
Dude would probably get Reaper droned on ID this good in Afghanistan. LOL

Local means not federal - within this context.

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As I understood the testimony, there should be 2 snipers and 2 uniform officers associated with.

I believe you if you say that’s what you understand from the testimony, but I just give testimony very little credence, or I give it more credence the lower a person’s status is.

If there was somebody besides Nicol, Woods, and Butler sniper “M” in the AGR building, it has been kept a careful secret in every piece of evidence aside from the testimony. For example, when Goldinger was trying to defend his guys, he didn’t mention the additional guy at all.

But let’s say he was there. Then it’s even exponentially weirder that none of those guys saw Crooks, or the agitated crowd members, or shot Crooks.

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At some organisations the first person (who should be asked first) little knows anything. As I mentioned a few days before: plausible deniability (1999 film Independence Day). If there was a conspiracy, I strongly beleive that Doritos Cheatle did not know anything about it, because she ougth to be the first one be asked. So it is easy to deny if she knows nothing. There must be an Underdog who arranged the things fine.

Hi everyone. I hope I am doing this correctly as I haven’t posted before. I found some very interesting channels with great footage. I hope someone finds the information as helpful as I did. I look forward to hearing back from you guys.

This footage is from a channel called Allegedly Innocent. I am sending 2 because they need to be seen back to back. The footage is slow moving but I’m sure you all will know how to get what you need as we all know how to fast forward The first channel has one other footage she posted and the other channel has so many more and still waiting with my notification on for the next footage he adds for us. I do pray this helps Chris and I’m sorry I’m sending you 4 links to look at, but better than I was going to send. There is so much more information on these channels. I am praying for our Country, our Veterans, our Patriots and our country!
God Bless DJ

The next 2 I am sending comes from a channel called Reel Justice. He has so many clips and I had a hard time deciding which footage to send as so many are interesting. As with the other channel, I’m sure you all will go to this channel if you find this footage helpful. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me for you to see what I see and what the content providers think also.
Here are two links:

Just… no. The beard isn’t even the same…nor is the hair.

The guy coming out of AGR does not have a full buzzed sides and back.