Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Does anyone know who Eric Heltzell is?
Snap from BWC2-122109 at 18:20:33

Edit: Seems to be the Butler Township Facility Manager

It looks like there is smoke.

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It looks bulletproof.

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The assassination of former President Donald Trump was a planned event.
There was at least one assassin and most likely two. Elements of the Secret Service, the FBI, and quite possibly Butler law enforcement enabled this event to occur. The massive number of incompetent moves by law enforcement lead to the inescapable conclusion of a planned hit.

• The assignment of inexperienced agents to the advance team including Homeland Security agents who had no experience with executive protection.
• The failure of SS to pick up the local radios assigned to them.
• The unexplained failure of cellular service on the site.
• The failure to place over watch on the water tower.
• The failure to use a drone for surveillance, even when offered by local LE.
• The bizarre and unexplained security perimeter, which excluded a building just 130 yards from the stage.
• The failure to station personnel on that rooftop.
• The inability of SS Hercules counter sniper team 2 to see the roof because of the trees.
• The bizarre treatment of Crooks’ body, leaving it on the roof all night.
• The actions of the FBI in hosing off the roof, obliterating DNA and blood spray patterns.
• The immediate dismantling of the bleachers and stage, both of which could have provided important information about the direction of the shots.
• The cremation of Crooks’ body, guaranteeing no independent autopsy could be done.
• The lack of press conferences and the lack of availability to answer questions.
• Many more I haven’t thought of.

This planned hit occurred one day before Trump would pick his running mate. Nikki Haley was invited to speak at the RNC convention at the last minute. I think this was the plan:

Trump would be killed by the assassin. In the confusion that followed, the RNC would select Haley as the nominee. All the right people were in attendance at the convention to get this done. Once Haley was nominated, the deep state would be in control. It would not matter whether the election picked Haley or Harris. Either way, the deep state would have their puppet in office. I believe Haley was their actual choice. Harris is a moron and they know this. She is such a bad candidate, she could be the designated loser in the election. The Trump voters would be satisfied that at least the Democrat had lost. Unfortunately, the spending, the wars, the open borders, and the economic crisis would have continued. We might have even been plunged into a world war with Russia. Unfortunately for the deep state, both the real killer and the patsy missed. All the carefully laid out plans for what would be done and said would now have to be scrapped and the cover up would have to begin. I believe this is the reason for the lack of press conferences. They can’t say anything until the new plan is in place and all their bases and their asses are covered. When they do emerge from their hiding places, expect them to have all the answers to any questions asked.


No. Per their reports, Beaver County provided 3 snipers. 1 left early at 4:20 pm, 2 remained (GN and 1 other).

Butler was a separate sniper entirely: 1 sniper. That sniper was not part of the media interview as far as we know.

That’s a total of 4 snipers in AGR per their initial reports. 3 Beaver, 1 Butler

I think this is the 3rd Beaver sniper.

Per reports, there were 4 snipers: 3 Beaver, 1 Butler.

It is likely that this gentleman is the 3rd Beaver sniper and I think he has important information. He makes faces during the interview.

100% Congress should subpoena him.

It would be nice if they would subpoena GN and the Butler sniper as well.

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Yep, it outlived its wearer.

Are you cherry picking evidence again? You know that’s misleading, right? That’s why I look at the totality of evidence on an issue. Perhaps you missed some of this:

Those are Beaver County in the media interview. It literally says so.

Now your eyes must be playing tricks on you. Read the excerpt from the CNN again more closely, and take a closer look at the image Sen. Grassley was provided from law enforcement. Enjoy the rest of your day, I have a project to get back to.

If it has changed: it has changed from the earlier reports.

The initial report was that there were 3 snipers from Beaver, 1 had to leave early.

1 was from Butler.

If they have changed it, they are trying to cover something up. I’ll locate the info on the initial 3 and 1.

Yep, all the early news reports state that there were 3 snipers in the AGR building at the time of the attempt. 2 from Beaver and 1 from Butler.

That can’t include JW because he left early at 4:20 pm.

So…If they are now trying to change it, are they trying to claim that it was 1 Beaver and 1 Butler? Really?

One last correction and it’s back to my project. I you read the CNN excerpt, word for word, you will see Jason Woods mentioned. If you read my introduction toGrassley’s letter excerpt, I clarified in advance that it was addressing the time of the shooting, after Jason Woods went home.

They talk to 3 Beaver guys during that interview. JW, GN, and the gray haired guy. They don’t talk to the back left guy who makes faces.

That’s 4 dudes total if back left guy was there too. I don’t know what to tell you.

Everything they said was that there were 2 Beaver guys and 1 Butler guy in AGR at the time of the shooting and JW had to leave early before the shooting. 4 dudes. 3 Beaver, 1 Butler.

And: the testimony before Congress said 2 pair of counter sniper teams: 4 local team members total, were initially assigned to the AGR and 1 of those team members had to leave early. That left 3 snipers in AGR for the attempt.

I don’t know why you’re trying to spin it to just 3 for the whole day. And you’ve done this multiple times, which is super weird.

There were three snipers in the AGR second story building. Two from Beaver, one from Butler. A Beaver sniper left around 4 p.m. Greg Nichols from Beaver and Unnamed Sniper from Butler remained.


Then why did the leadership testify before congress that there were 2 counter sniper “local” teams in AGR, 4 people total, and 1 left early leaving 3 at the time of the shooting? I watched both live testimony sessions in full and that was specifically mentioned.

I agree. I was just pointing out that conspiracies can involve many people.

One should also remember that conspiracies need not be all pre-event. If the conspirators have enough control over the situation, e.g. media, leadership, then they can deal with troublesome people ad hoc. If Cop X starts asking questions, then he or she can be called into a meeting, given some bogus reason why keeping quiet is essential, and given a big pay rise to seal the deal. Plus, I think the NSA & FBI would have dirt on all the relevant people there.

Too many people make the mistake of thinking that a conspiracy needs to be completely sorted out in advance.

The gray-haired guy is Mike Priolo.

I don’t know what you mean by “total”. Rich Gianvito was also there. I identified him in green camo gear. ABC also talked to him. Are you counting him?

That doesn’t match what I think. There were 3 people assigned to the AGR building. Two Beaver, one Butler. Please say exactly why you think there was somebody in addition to Jason Woods, Greg Nicol, and mystery Butler sniper “M”.

I have no clue who they were other than JW and GN. It was specifically stated before Congress that there were 4 counter snipers in AGR from local teams. 3 from Beaver, 1 from Butler.

I highly doubt they would perjure themselves.

I think it’s the case that about 50% would utterly reject Haley; at best not vote, more likely riot violently. This would justify a purge of the MAGA movement. Basically, what the CIA did in Ukraine.

To me it seems like just another case of terrible testimony. The idea that there were 4 people in AGR goes against every piece of evidence I know of.