Answering These Questions May Unlock the Trump Crime Scene

Speaking of Voltaire…

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You know, Apollo 11 mission was called “Successful Failure”. :smiley:

Yess please. I’m interested about fences. I guess there are fences at western and southern side of AGR. But GN saw a man with back pack running toward north (or Sheetz). So the question is, how could he arrived from vendor area?

Here is Mr. Evans, the guy with the bike.

Bike was still at the same spot at 6:25pm, also the backpack on the roof wasn’t the same as the one beside the bike (the one GN took a picture of).

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Didn’t see any woman being shot, some people just had Coreys blood on them because they were close by.
The guy intreviewed is anyway not really credible when he claims he helped carying Corey behind the bleachers to te tent. He did shit, just standing there, watching and walking a bit behind.
Let me know if you found anybody else shot in the bleachers.


If one want to make it complicated for the reader, you write it exactly like this.

Something concerning the rifle Crooks allegedly used in the shooting.
The FBI said he bought it from his father. But I didn’t find any more information on that. Now I found in a NYT article that he bought the rifle in October. I assume they mean October of last year 2023. Might be an interesting addition for your slides.
Gunman at Trump Rally Often One Step Ahead of Secret Service - The New York Times (

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That’s a good catch…and I want to be cognizant of the fact that there are other doors into the AGR complex.

But this is intriguing.

Very nice work!

Sheetz should have had plenty of cameras that were functioning, being a proper chain and all…do we know for sure his car was parked there?

Well, one problem pointed out here before is that if the bullet was traveling 3000 fps (likely slower at 140 yards) and the shutter was set at 1/8000 of a second, then the math is 3000/8000 = .375 feet = 4.5 inches.

That’s not what we see here. The ‘trail’ is longer.

So I’m pretty confident this isn’t a picture of ‘the bullet.’

However, I can’t be confident that it isn’t a picture of a bullet artifact, such as a vacuum-induced vaporization path or something. I’ve never heard of such a thing, but I can’t rule it out entirely.


We don’t know for certain. The AP is the only media to report a specific location, whereas all others and the FBI say it was near the rally site. Because the location meshes with sightings and timelines, that’s where I’m hanging my hat until new evidence proves otherwise.

If not Sheetz, my speculation would be somewhere in the general area, but the only media reporting in that area of a searched vehicle was the white van. Another possibility is the grey Hyundai Elantra parked across the street from the AGR main entrance. The media reported Sonata would have to have been a misidentification. There is body cam footage of a police K-9 team in front of it, but that looks incidental.

It’s very telling that nothing has been released about the car’s location, and it’s surprising that the media didn’t cover anything about it. There must be a reason that location is being suppressed. That makes me think the AP accidentally published its location before the memo went out, so to speak, or they put out misinformation. If he latter, I’ve been duped.

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I think they did a good job in clarifying what they meant by NW to avoid confusion. Anyways, this is the evidence I base my sighting location on.

Thanks for the additional explanation. Since I don’t understand enough in this area of physics and photography, I’ll be excited to hear news about this “bullet picture”

Bottom line for now, no Pulitzer Prize for Mr. Mills


would be really nice to get those floor plans.

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18:18 The boosted officer visits the western side of the biulding.

Where is that bike?

Bike captured by BWC2-122109 at this location (same spot as picture taken by GN before)

Here is that tree. Can you see the bike?

5 cops on the picture, 2 behind the tree.


Bike can be seen multiple times, ie look timestamp 18:25:15

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Ok, checked.

I’m also sure it isn’t the bullet, which if anything would be a dark blur at 1/8000. And I’m also sure it isn’t a “vapor trail,” which even if the humidity was right, would not be distinctly restricted to just a few inches. But why isn’t this trail the “mist” from the bit of flesh from Trump’s ear that has just been atomized?

Even in Brandon Herrara’s video (at 8:00) you can see a few drops of the gelatin following the path of the bullet. In Trump’s case, I think the bullet probably grazed the ear even less than with Brandon’s shot, and of course the consistency of the gelatin is close but not exactly like that of a human ear.