Are You Waking Up At 3 a.m.?

Your tripe is neither fair nor honest. Firstly, your comment has nothing to do with the topic here at all. There is nothing here about ‘gut feeling’ etc. You have other threads where you have pushed your narrative, lies and propaganda.
I can also identify with the people of Gaza and their suffering. I feel it is terrible that they have to suffer as they do. It’s worse yet that they have had their society upended by their government that has destroyed their society and damaged their youth. Do you support “Hamas”? Is this a government you can be proud of?
The people of Gaza are in the ‘prison’ that they have brought upon themselves. I support Israel to remain in that area until the area is completely free of the nonsense that Hamas created.
I also identify with the Israelis who are doing what they must to remove Hamas and the dangerous ideology that Hamas represents. The attack of October 7 was brutal and disgusting. The Israelis most not stop until Hamas is completely destroyed. This war may last a while. This war is exactly what Hamas wants.
The Arabs within Israel are roughly 20% of the population and live freer and better lives with equality than the Arabs in any of the surrounding Muslim countries. They drive with the same color license plates (indistinguishable) as every other Israeli. The license plates within Israel are all the same, Jewish or non-Jewish.
Israel didn’t start this war but Israel will finish it and Israel will not lose.


(not) Waking At 3 Am/back To Sleep … Gut, Intuition, Premonition

3 AM – Beginning in 2020, I wasn’t able to go back to sleep when waking in middle of night. Mind started spinning. I was experiencing anxiety, feelings of dread, impending doom, helplessness. Rational basis – I took in lots of truth, was red-pilled - what remaining trust I had was shattered – kinda like an adult equivalent to everyday finding out there is no Santa Claus. Among trusted Covid sources were Dr’s Kory and Marik at FLCCC. Their prevention, treatment protocols include Melatonin which I started to take - game changer 1 for me. 2nd game changer was prayer and giving it over to God - clearly this evil and problems are way above my paygrade, beyond my ability to solve - in fact, too big to cope with had to let go (again and again, and again). Now I’m able to go back to sleep when I wake up at 3 (or 4:30…)
Gut, Intuition, Premonition — about 3 days before 9/11/2001 which was on a Tuesday, I started becoming very anxious. On Sunday I started having this heavy, overwhelming feeling of dread. Sunday night I was camping at San Onofre state beach near San Clemente, CA. I had to pass nuclear power plant armed gate, still operating at time, and rumored to be on 9/11 potential targets…)
Sunday night felt like evil was all around. That night I had an intense dream physically struggling to overcome evil - pressing down on my chest and neck - I was trying to throw it off me physically - finally struggling and shaking evil off and waking up - interestingly, I got up to go to bathroom and my tent and rainfly were unzipped - maybe means nothing, but had always zipped up rainfly then tent whenever I came in tent to go to sleep.
Monday had the same dread that I couldn’t shake with Monday night that same feeling of evil all about - so thick it was palpable. (no dream) Tuesday AM I was making coffee and listening to the radio. (West Coast time so NY, DC, PA events happened earlier) Was thinking maybe the coffee hadn’t kicked in yet - thought I’d heard …" where the twin towers stood…". Probably misheard… or maybe this is a radio play like War of the Worlds. Or, maybe my premonition, gut was right and evil had been unleashed on the world.
In early to mid May 2020, I was beginning to sense evil similar to 2001 pre 9/11 - but it wasn’t as strong, or concentrated as 9/11 – it was more diffuse. A couple weeks later Minneapolis and then one city after another erupted. Mixed messaging abounding - legitimate concerns, first amendment … and “Mostly peaceful” protests that were clearly violent riots (don’t believe your lying eye of flames on screen). “Wear your masks - outside!” except these rules relaxed for the mostly peaceful protests… Virus didn’t come from a lab…vaccines are safe and effective…Ivermectin (safer than Tylenol or aspirin by far) is horse paste… At different points in 2021 and 2022 I was still sensing the evil. I respect other opinions and appreciate trying to understand and respond to the madness, for me. here is an underlying spiritual component of what’s going on.
2021, 2022, 2023 more and more truth out, more cause of anxiety – leads back to 3 AM awaking above. Have been waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop for over a year now – now I feel like there’s just a constant stream of crises - manufactured or manipulated - both? Doesn’t matter, always a chance to shock us rats in the cage.


Mysteries Of Evolution

I have had an uneasy feeling for most of 2023. I can objectively look at many of the unsolved issues coming towards us. My intuition has rarely been wrong.
I am simply playing devil’s advocate here. It is possible that we are being spooked by a monster in the closet or under the bed. I listen to my gut but I also need to have objective facts to backup my concerns.

darn… can’t edit.
I am paying attention to Europe. You will need to think about the human species as being a collection of different breeds to understand the context of what I am about to say. I am a mutt that is also the progeny of western European humans.
I do believe that there is going to be a violent blow back event soon in western Europe. The biological programming is going to reassert itself and there will be righteous violence against the invaders that are victimizing western Europe. This blow back will be over whelming and extremely violent. You cannot suppress this genetic programming forever.
We are seeing it starting to metastasize in Ireland. When this gets going in earnest, it will spiral out of control and nothing will satiate the masses until the threat has been utterly destroyed. This is one of my gut feelings and I don’t understand how the invasion was tolerated for so long. I saw this knowing full well how I would respond to these threats with the goal of protecting my family and country.


That’s beautiful :slight_smile: So nice to read something that’s not fear porn


I agree that there is going to be much more violence in europe from this.


Been Feeling It For A While

Wrote this about a year ago to describe the looming sense of unease. This is an excerpt:
"You may have felt it — a looming unease, or that things are not right, or a general feeling of danger. To say that the last few years have been anxiety-inducing is an understatement, but the full cause of that anxiety may be mysterious.
Well, let’s dispel that mystery. The truth is simple: We’re at one of the great turning points in history. People may not know it directly, but they feel it in their bones. It’s like genetic memory tells us when these things happen.
That’s because there have been many times of great change, and so far our species has successfully navigated all of them. We’re still here, after all — so that’s reassuring. You are the descendant of the smartest and luckiest people to have ever lived, and your existence is evidence of their triumph. Before we get too deep in the weeds, let’s take a moment and remember that.
So, here’s where we are: We’re at the tail end of the largest growth in population and wealth in human history. Our countries are the most powerful to have ever existed, and our technology would be magic to previous generations. But our limitations are visible on the horizon, and the trend towards infinite growth is slowing — and in many ways reversing.
It’s hard to digest the big picture all at once, so we’ve got to cut it into bite-sized pieces. A large part of this turning point is due to what I call the Hobbesian Dilemma, named after the 17th-century political philosopher Thomas Hobbes. It goes like this:

  • Governments must grow and centralize increasing amounts of power to counter both internal and external threats
  • Governments then grow too large to be efficient and eventually collapse under their own weight after mismanaging threat responses
This trend is one of the dominant cycles of history, and we’re seeing it play out in real time."

Calling You Out As A Friend

Hi Chris, yep your presentation was spot on… funny I had just watched the Tucker Carlson video before watching yours on YouTube.
Hey, calling you out as someone I respect immensely, so this comment is out of respect, love and kindness…
The slide you have at the 18:03 mark that says, “Evolution Gave You the Gift of Your ‘Gut Sense’”. Really? 100 billion neurons in one small millimeter and this just happened by accident of nature? Show me where a complex system just built itself by accident. I think it is intellectually dishonest in 2023 of what we know about science and complex systems to perpetuate the falsehood that there was not an intelligent creator behind the creation of humankind.
Just my 2 cents… as I really don’t believe that you believe we just happened to evolve without a creator.


John Beville wrote,
I find contentment in the pre-dawn. In that time before the sun’s first rays begin to spill over the horizon it seems that the world has, at least for a few moments, forgotten how to be dysfunctional.”
My police career in Philadelphia started and ended with half decades of working the midnight shift. I agree with your perspective on the time before dawn. Actually the only thing I genuinely miss about Philly were those hours before dawn and the sunrises even though they were highly urban. No matter how tense or frantic the shift had been the quiet leading up to sunrise was rejuvenating with the opportunity to start a new day fresh. OTOH, the circadian rhythm was not helpful from about 3:00 - 4:30 am as the desire to lay down and sleep was often nearly irresistible. Often the only thing that kept me from nodding off was that I can’t sleep sitting up (as in a police car) and the occasional drama on the street during those hours. Now that I’m retired I enjoy sleeping with the rest of the world. It’s very unusual if I wake up and can’t get back to sleep.
Have you all tried Melatonin? I attribute some of my blissful sleep to Melatonin even though being awake at 3:00 am still seems normal to me.


Ordinary World

Every day - 4am - since about mid August…


I Hope……

I hope that at least one of you, while playing devils advocate, presents the cause of the direction the elites are taking is the result of the fact that they know that the things you have been presenting (Crash Course) for quite some time are true. If these things are true (and I believe they are) and became common knowledge then there would be bedlam. Systems would crash, people would start hoarding but most of all people would be looking for someone to blame for not taking action sooner. I think the general consensus would be that our leaders and the elites have been lying to us for quite a while. They have been much more interested in finding ways to maintain their own power and position.
So, what is the best course to take? Well, create a ‘climate change’ crisis where the plebes are blamed for using too much of everything. This way the plebes have to sacrifice and not the elites. CBDC will be introduced to further control towards these ends. This scenario, unfortunately, is the only one that makes sense.
I hope this possibility is at least part of the upcoming webinar. Thanks much for all you do.


Waiting For The Inevitable

I feel it! I am seeing it in others too. I am seeing in behaviors and paranoia. So, I am ready for it to happen anytime, whatever “it” is.
I have been going so hard at all preparedness tasks, I can’t stop, it’s frenzied.
We have another big COVID outbreak here, lots of financial pressure with inflation and rate rises but it is something way more than that, way bigger.
Importantly I can see lots of ‘stalling’ on big decisions occurring by companies, government etc. Why? What to “they” know?

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I am a nightly 9mg melatonin user for decades. I discovered its value during my years of traveling constantly, in and out of our all our worlds’ time zones. High quality melatonin at the correct dose provides me the most peaceful and healthful sleep. It’s important though, to wean oneself on or off it. And for me, excellent sleep is as important as healthy air to breathe and foods to eat.


3:00 Am - Could It Be Your Liver?

Back when I was studying shiatsu and traditional Chinese medicine, I was taught that the period of 1:00-3:00 am is related to the liver, which is typically paired with the gallbladder.
If one is consistently waking up during this time period and having a hard time falling back to sleep, it may be that one’s liver is not balanced and/or processing things correctly.
Below is an example I found of the ‘body clock’. (I don’t have any affiliation with this website. It’s just a simple example that I found and thought I would share here to illustrate what I’m talking about.)
Our liver has to processes everything - the good, the bad, and the ugly - including food, pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, sugar, environmental toxins, stress, anger - you name it.
Add to this all of the anxiety, depression, and grief caused by what’s going on in the world - just the events and experiences that we know about and can clearly see and name - and it’s no wonder that many of us are having a very difficult time literally processing what one is seeing and experiencing, just from a mental health point of view, as well as physically.
Now if we take all of this and add to it what we cannot see - what we know in our heart of hearts is unfolding, but has yet to be revealed - all that is unseen and not yet visible and much of which we are still having a difficult time even wrapping our minds around, never mind knowing what to do to about any of it - well, it is no wonder that our sleep is deeply disturbed and many of us are waking up in the wee hours of the morning.
Just saying.
There is much that one can do to help balance/detox/support the liver. Perhaps there is already a discussion thread on this in the forum. I am of the mind that this is just part of what we need to do to take good care of our bodies anyway, regardless of what we believe may be the root cause of the sleep disturbance.
Personally, I am also aware of many friends who are waking up in the wee hours of the morning. When I asked them what’s going on, it often comes down to increased anxiety and stress going on in their lives and in the world right now.


Thank you for sharing this. Quite beautiful, even sacred.
I especially love what you wrote beyond just considering possible meanings regarding numerology and where this has taken you.
For me, seeing particular numbers repeatedly has been like a finger pointing to the moon and not the moon itself. Looking back now, I can see that these experiences - which sometimes just felt silly or random initially in the past - have often led me to open up important doors in my life. Some of my experiences have been extremely powerful and cannot be articulated well to others.
Below is a website that shares some insights on the meaning of certain numbers. (I have no affiliation with this website. I am just sharing it here because it is a simple illustration with insights that everyone can understand. One can make of it what one will or use these as catalysts for your own further research. I am sure that there are other resources that have information on the deeper knowledge related to numerology.)
This might be a wonderful discussion in the forum, how some of us are seeing or have seen certain numbers repeatedly.

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why Buddhism is true by Robert wright. I am not a Buddhist but I appreciate the wisdom contained. One of the thoughts is to be careful of what you feed into your brain; the fear porn, alarmist media and the neocons trying to create world conflict… do not help,


The Human Herd

Ok, posting for the second time. Don’t know what happened to my first version.
My guess is, this shared impulse in humans is the same sort of thing that causes a flock of birds to suddenly shift to a new direction, all at once, for no visible reason. No doubt it is an evolutionary advantage, or it wouldn’t exist in so many species.
I also suspect the Oligarchy knows how this works (gosh, what a great way to control the herd - a herd-version of MKUltra), and they use this to their advantage. Namely, I’m guessing they know how to send “signals” down this channel.
Why would they do this? If we are all scared, hiding under the bed, we aren’t doing something potentially really dangerous-to-them, such as creating something new and disruptive that might risk bringing them down.
Basically when we are afraid, it stops us from creating. We are at our most powerful when we are at peace, and things come to us, and we create/invent something new.
Oligarchy has maintained an iron grip over energy, medicine, “climate” inventions over the most recent hundreds of years. They don’t want anything to change. They are coming to the end of their reign, so now they’re digging into the toolbox to keep things in stasis as they approach the endgame. No extra variables allowed.
I feel it too. My fix - evolved over the past 8 months:
niacin at night
when its bad, 1 hour of trauma release meditation
That usually does it.
My best ideas come when I’m at peace. They don’t come when I’m scared and hiding under the bed. My suggestion: get to a place of peace, then sort out “what needs to be done” - if anything. It could just be the Oligarchy running interference among the little-people-herd.


I had put in my “solutions” of a sort, but feel overly privileged in options. One commentator recently voiced that it is a grieving for the world we imagined we once lived in. my solutions?: distance swimming, building rock walls, good food, people and pets. makes me think of:


Heh for many, the more you have (“the more options you have”), the more terrified you are, because you will lose everything that makes you “special” if things really go to shit for real.
I really do trust my guidance. Its been pretty good for my major life decisions. But I hear it best when I’m not scared and hiding under the bed. I hear it most clearly when I’m in a state of relative peace.
And sometimes, even when life gives you lemons, it may be part of a larger plan to make you into a Lemonade Kingpin. Or something like that.


Dave, I know what happened to your first version. It is on this same topic on the forum. I don’t think this is supposed to happen. We have 2 separate threads on the same topic. One is on the home page and one is on the forum.

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