Are You Waking Up At 3 a.m.?

Congratulations. YOU ARE NORMAL.

Or your prostate helping the bladder fill up.

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Why would you conflate evolution with random accidents? There’s a set of rules underlying everything. Where did those come from? What are they? How did Octopi develop such robust intelligence along completely different pathways from mammals? How do we account for the predator-prey relationship between the jewel wasp and cockroaches?
This line of questioning, and my conviction that what we call ‘consciousness’ is evident in many quite dissimilar species, suggests that it is one of those underlying design principles. It emerges from the rule-set somehow.
Which is why, maybe, we ought not to be monkeying around with accidentally creating the conditions where AI consciousness could emerge, or trying to engage with the quantum world without really understanding what all that means and implies?


Thanks you are 100% right. :slight_smile:

I made this video public. Hence the two threads. We’re working to resolve that in the future…soon.


“I also suspect the Oligarchy knows how this works (gosh, what a great way to control the herd – a herd-version of MKUltra), and they use this to their advantage. Namely, I’m guessing they know how to send “signals” down this channel.”
The Oligarchs also know one very important thing that has always the same outcome. If 6,000 years of recorded human has taught us anything, it has taught us that when The Plebs finally realize they are the frog in the pot boiling to death, that’s when events tend to get violent and the Oligarch’s have noted that outcome that it never ends well for them.
That’s why the Oligarch’s are trying their best not to awaken the masses and put in place obstacles that will be difficult for The Plebs to overcome, such as Digital ID’s, CBDC, 15 minute cities, etc before The Plebs figure out they are the frog.
Forecaster Martin Armstrong’s prediction models of world events leading up to 2032 have been eerily accurate. He predicited a couple of years ago based on his computer “Socrates” models that we would see a rise in civil unrest around this time including wars which in 2011 his computer predicted that war would start in Ukraine 2014. He says by 2032 the United States along with the entire financial and economic systems will have collapsed and governments around the world will have been toppled because the people by then would have had enough of the misery imposed on them.
He then says that post 2032 we get to start over and China will become the financial capitol of the world. It all sounds far fetched except this guy has one helluva track record on being right and has been advising governments around the world for over 40 years.


I even looked at all my replies. I didn’t see my first post. I really did look. “Ghost in the machine” (or “the mandela effect”). Maybe I was too distracted by my crude oil model. Or gold’s breakout. Its hard to know.

Trust Your Gut?

This outpouring of twittering fear porn that contains no useful information is disappointing to see on this site. I thought Chris was all about the data. Trust your gut is bad advice when most people are victim to a prescribed, fabricated illusion of reality.

Cleansing The Heart: A Path To Heavenly Communicaiton

Are you sure you aren’t being triggered?


The Super Soul

or Paramatma is described as the Lord in the Heart of every living entity. That “gut” feeling is the Lord in the Heart prompting us. Sometimes Paramatma manifests as a guilty conscience, sometimes as that nagging feeling about unfinished tasks, and sometimes that “feeling” is screaming at us to RUN!
I’m still pinning the sleep disruptions to the weakening magnetic field around Earth. That magnetic field protects us from a LOT of space weather and when it weakens more space weather reaches earth which is not good for people or animals or plant life.


Time To Act

I have been feeling the same, hard time sleeping, but the feeling is more specific, than a general feeling of angst. It is an intense feeling of no time to waste, I feel an immense pressure to build things and get things done.
Of course, I have been on this project for forty five years, I think we all need different things, think what I needed was a kick in the pants. The message I am getting loud and clear, (lets leave it as from the gut, though I would characterize it differently, but lets not go down that rabbit hole), you have known about this forever, what the F’ is taking you so long to get this stuff done?
The excuse I would give is living life, raising a family, working to support same is no joke. And unfortunately, I have a little bit of the reputation of the boy who cried wolf in my own family, having talked about this impending crisis for 45 years! And when something starts to fall apart in the broader world, mostly what I hear is, “a stopped clock is right twice a day…DAD!”. But quietly, without admitting it, they have all made sensible lifestyle changes.
I am just about off grid, large productive garden, about to upgade windows in the passive solar house built around 40 years ago, have a hoop house and some deer fencing, sitting waiting to be put up. Will be retired in a month, so what do I do, start a Youtube channel to share what I’m doing or stay under the radar and just work with neighbors? How can I help this community?
The rich and powerful will be doing their thing, loved the framing the threat from AI, is not what we think it is, but arrogance and ignorance, Chris did you coin that phrase? But since they (TPTB) are not connected to “the world” in a deeper and more meaningful way, their efforts will perish. But they will surely create a hell of a lot of chaos in the meantime. So we need to build life boats and not embattlements.


It’s my understanding that quick-release melatonin can help you get to sleep, but to stay asleep more reliably use the “time release” version. Switching to “time release” has made a difference for me.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I find that I function quite well on 6 hours of sleep and rarely have trouble going to sleep. Since I still work a job and am working our land, 18 hour days are one of the ways I manage to keep things reasonably caught up. Besides, 4:45am isn’t so bad if you no longer have to do the morning milking.

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Maybe I was too distracted by my crude oil model.
Go onnnnn…say more?

For the last few weeks I have been finding a lot, and I mean a lot, of feathers. Initially I looked up what the different colors mean, black is “you are protexred” white is 'everything will be ok", then it was green feathers, then stripey, grey, black an whit mixed, then back to black. Everywhere. I’ve given up trying to work out what they mean

Waking Up 330a

My wife and are waking early too.
This was not a thing until the last number of months

Waking Up Between 1 And 3 Am Every Night For Years Because Of ‘gut’ Feelings

My 2 Turkish Kangal dogs also wake up then like they know something is amok and when I let them out they bark and nervously patrol our farm and then come back in. I actually have felt that I should be prepared for the evil doers by getting PV, thermal solar, solar storage batteries. a solar operated gate, and solar attic fans and lights since 2011. Even though I have prepared and have been devoted to community resileince as well, too many do not believe this. Having worked in ‘SilliValley’ for lots and lots of years, I interfaced with most heads of the large companies plus startups and am aware of these malevolent monsters and what they are capable of. So I trust my gut and you should too. Important is not to let it depress us and focus on all that we have to be grateful for. Get prepared for no internet, investigate Above Phone and prepare for what is to come.

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Focus on what you can control and help your neighbors to get prepared. Strengthen your community for resilience. Don;t get discouraged by those who do not believe you. Surround yourself with positive people who are willing to take action so you can develop good working relationships with them.

Shucks, now, don’t be too judgmental! America’s favorite singing cowboy needs his best Palomino by his side.