Are You Waking Up At 3 a.m.?

I posted a chart in my weekly market post forum.
Note this is more of a tactical oil model.

3am Waking Seems To Be Basic Human Trait

Some of my friends and I have been discussing night-waking for years. It seems very common. A very clever physicist I know sometimes write down his novel thoughts. A teacher friend sleeps with a notebook by the bed.
I’ve been reading articles about it for a decade or so, too.
Maybe we should just understand that we might wake up for a while during many nights, then stop worrying about it, and stop taking sleeping tablets.
Interesting article:

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about those dogs, I never understood the reason for breeding small yappy dogs, until (years ago) I heard a story from Nepal and the traditional high walled compounds and a long history of being on your own for self defence.They often had 2 or 3 small yappy dogs and one large ferocious mastiff. The small yappy dogs lived a long time, hyper alert, knew routines, ate little and it was their job… to wake the mastiff. (who slept a lot, ate a lot and didn’t live very long.



Being a baker it is not uncommon for me to awaken at 3am, but now that I have been more in a management role I thought the early awakening was out of routine, I have to rethink this assumption.

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2030 Hyper Vigilance

Since the COVID scam began, I felt personally threatened to an extent NEVER before in my life. I determined we were on 7/10 on the genocide clock and acted appropriately. Things have settled a little since then, only for my sense of dread has expanded to realise the Agenda 2030 gang is not going away. They will keep going. Only when they smash into a wall will they stop. For me there is nothing past 2030, we just have to survive that far and reset on plans. I am not saying give up, but I am saying hyper vigilance and protection and counter-intelligence is going to be a constant feature of life for the foreseeable future.


Yes, I Wake Early Most Every Day. There Is Much To Do!

3:00 or 3:14 is when I start my day. Today I found a good red ember in the ashes of yesterday’s fireplace fire. So within a few minutes I had a small fire going. This is the time of year when I allow myself to burn the fireplace; later all fires will be in the stove for thermal efficiency-most heat in the house for least wood burned. I am a very fortunate man to be able to enjoy this room and the memories of other fireplaces it evokes. Advice? It is best to have a large hearthstone set level with both the firebrick inside and the wood room floor outside the firebox.
Then there is reflection upon the lively discussion I had last night with Scott Golden, the chairman of my State GOP; I would walk into hell to help count paper ballots…he advocates machines. As for preparedness, there is a window of warm weather at the end of this week that will allow concrete to be mixed and poured into tubes for the footing of a wooden racking system for solar panels. One string should let me provide a refrigerator and freezer and minimal lights in absence of grid power. We freeze better than can. Time is running out.

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As you probably already are aware, feathers are seen as spiritual totems in various traditions (Native American, Celtic and others). Blessings on your path…

Mapping The Larger Forces

I’ve been working on mapping the forces in motion - specifically, the ones that are not organisations, nor are they following the plans of a leader. The ones I’ve found have all been named before, and for many of them the best-known name is biblical.
Chris says:
“A simple story of negligence [malf]… or just basic ignorance, poor design” - that is Belial. Article coming soon (I hope).
The malfeasance he almost mentioned, specifically people looking the other way and corrupting regulators for profit is Mammon. Article here.
“There is an intention to it. That intention is for you to have less control, for you to consume less” - that is Moloch (article also under construction). We have few defenses against Moloch, because he was banished.
After my article on Satan, I could steel man a point of view of the puppetmasters. The amount of switching off humanity required is troubling, but I think I could melt down the speakers with a rational viewpoint.


That’s a good point. Stress occurs when you have high motivation and many paths with consequences that you might be able to foresee, but probably can’t foresee correctly.
If you have only one path and you simply need to do, that path might be horrible, but it is not stressful.

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Some of the most impressive results occur with opposed pairings. Generative Adversarial Networks in the AI space are particularly amazing. In nature, cats and mice are extremely competent at outwitting each other. In our case, we may have had saber toothed cats to force our brains up to a threshold, and then the excess could be repurposed when the cats were extinguished.
And yes, Lucifer with massive resources and no-one watching is extremely dangerous.

I agree. But it’s worse than that. The fundamental source of our negentropy is The Life Algorithm, with the only durable substrate (that we understand) being the DNA. We may “reload last save” and find that it’s been corrupted by migration.
Back on your topic, if I wanted to set up the scenario to foster “the greatest atrocities in recorded history”, this would be my starting point. I think all the peoples are looking at each other knowing that the first mover nation will get shot by the globalists. But like with opposition to the USA, which is moving quickly now that Russia stood up and survived, it’ll go fast when it goes.
Also, for those looking at the 20th century as the previous worst that we did to each other, I’ll suggest that it’s only worst by number. There are plenty of events of similar, if not greater, inhumanity in earlier centuries.

Breaking: Us & Uk Military Censorship Contractors Exposed—it’s Bad

Matt Taibbi did a brief live summary of more info collected.
Racket News & Public have continued the work re censorship & posted all on Substack. They are testifying again Thursday before Congress.
He pushed vid out early in attempt to get info out before the machine winds up again or shuts down. First time ever at end he asks for support so pls subscribe. Whistleblower provided reams of stunning info. As Matt says, they have poor OpSec


It already won’t play for me at 11:11 am eastern time. ??‍♂️

Reference To Author

In the short clip Tucker mentions the author Gavin de Becker. His book is “The Gift of Fear.” Everyone in this community should read this book and make sure that everyone they love does the same. I did.
The basic premise of the book is that we should appreciate our “gut sense” and embrace the uneasiness it causes by learning how to harness it for our own personal safety.
Once you understand the mechanism of this sense, you can better understand what triggers it and how to analyze that trigger to deal with it.
As an example in my own life, I felt myself triggered when I interacted with people wearing masks. At first, I thought this was because I identified them as potentially sick. Of course, one might feel anxious when in contact with a sick person.
However, when I analyzed this trigger more closely, I realized that the people who still mask now are exhibiting the same fear based reaction they did before studies about masking and natural immunity existed and became known. This tells me that people who mask now are, 1) likely not people who question and research a problem, 2) likely people who act on emotion and logic and 3) likely people who would act against me if I question the narrative about any future media driven hysteria.
So now, I no longer am triggered when I interact with masked people but I do remember who they are and am respectfully cautious around them. Not for the fact they wear masks but because their choice to continue to wear one tells me that they have a personality that could potentially be troublesome in any future “emergency.” They will be the first to turn in any coworker, friend or neighbor for infractions against government or company directives out of fear or virtue signalling. I continue to like and interact with them but I know that I will never trust them.
And, no, I don’t wake up at night.


I just checked. Search “The Dumb & the Restless” and does come up & plays. Gremlins on your end maybe )

Such people also seem most susceptible to mass formation and totalitarian rule.


My Thoughts At 3am Are Pure Garbage.

My thoughts are worthless, especially in the still of the night. I just watch them go by.

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Tne 3 A.m.waking Willies

Yep! I relate. Brain goes into overdrive in some inspired ways like designs for tea/sweat shirts featuring the Demons of Davos in their best caricatures. Great but then there is the matter of the manufacturing and sales. And then I remember all those blank stares I’ve gotten from friends when I throw out this topic. What?! How could they have missed this menace. If they are this far out of it, not much hope they would buy a tea shirt. Last night was one of the best: the sudden awareness that the internet has become a toxic presence as I have it configured. Email (Yahoo) delivers at least 200 unwanted posts per day. Scan/delete. So going Proton, Brave, and Above Phone and applying Mic-Lock on present iphone. But I sense an ominous undercurrent here- a real manifestation of the distraction, chaos and disorientation and confusion that smells deliberate (note - nose is closely connected to the gut). But the undercurrent of something toxic also greets the day and persists. I look very much forward to the upcoming webinar Chris and want to give a big thanks for your great interview with Alan Booker, As one trained in the biological sciences, he really pulled it all together. Big Ag and all the other “Bigs”, regeneration is coming your way.

My Cure For 3 Am Wake Ups

I turn off the wifi before i go to bed.
As a technologist, i understand the art of the possible.
There are 5g wifi routers. There are patents for 5g texh that enable mind control, emotional seeding, etc.
Knowing this, when i began to experience alarmed wakefulness at same time each night, i conducted an experiment and unpkugged the power to the wifi.
All good now.

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I wake up in the dark, from dreams, my first thought is accompanied by a clear sense of time. I make a guess of the clock-time, i have been within 2 minutes of the real time most of the time. i check it on my phone. This had been happening to me for years. Intuition is a powerful guide when you let it lead you.