Are You Waking Up At 3 a.m.?

Glad to hear of your experience as a professional! I installed a kill switch for wifi which I turn off at night.
My husband and I also have 3 Tesla Biohealing ( cans. They have dramatically improved our sleep. Deep sleep has never felt better! Overnight guests who we let use a can while staying with us have experienced deeper sleep, as well as more dreaming.

Dr Micheal Nehls

Have any of you heard of this fellow ? His latest book is titled “The indoctrinated mind “ .
He has a very interesting take on wth is happening around us

The Fourth Watch

In the Bible, 3-6 am is known as the fourth watch of the night. I frequently wake up during this time. I used to hate it. Now I embrace it. I find it a great time to talk to God.

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If you want to have a good morning, talk to God first. If you want to have a good night, talk to God last. If you want to have a good day, talk to God all day.


Search For Root Causes

Your video on waking up at o-dark-thirty is timely. My internal, impending-doom-o-meter is pegged. In my quest to understand some of the root causes for what’s going on in America. These are the things that I’be been thinking about lately. I don’t know if there is merit to these musings, so I’m putting them out for public comment:
1.) People have been conditioned to think there’s a single *correct answer to every question. This simplistic/naive model is reinforced every time someone makes a search request that can be verified. Behind the scenes, Google responds to search requests by interrogating their search indices - which links to root cause candidate 2
2.) Google is acting as THE ‘Social Curator’ Western Civilization. After the 2016 presidential election, the folks at Google decided they *must direct social evolution by managing/restricting information. Unfortunately, as THE world’s search engine, they have the power and means to do this. It is not necessary to modify search algorithms to restrict search results. It is far easier to control the data the engine operates upon, which is the ‘index of the Internet’ (massive) the search algorithms operate upon. The web crawler can exclude or minimize the indices for “misinformation” sites or by pruning the indices based on information content (approach I would take)
3.) As we observed in Nazi Germany, indoctrination was foundational to the formation of mass psychosis. Begging the question, “was mass psychosis really necessary to the formation of a brutal, oppressive totalitarian regime?”. This is an important point to ponder has the grapple with fixing the ills we see in Western culture.
1.) in a specialized society only “experts” can formulate legitimate explanations
1.) this simplistic mental model impedes understanding of science & technology topics AND it leads to all or nothing
1.) exacerbated by Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME) which is estimated to be the strongest mechanism of behavioral modification ever discovered
2.) Gone are the days of “Do No Harm”
3.) Do those with the cognitive ability have the collective capacity to effect change?

There’s a lot to unpack there.

  • Scientific understanding of consciouniousness still eludes science. David Chalmers posited that understanding consciousness is a 'hard problem'.For me, this website was useful understanding the "Hard Problem of Consciousness"
  • Cognition vs Consciousness - per ChatGPT which is phenomenal at aggregating content: Cognition refers to the mental processes that allow us to think, reason, and understand the world around us. This includes processes such as perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making.Consciousness, on the other hand, refers to the subjective experience of being aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. It is the subjective experience of being alive and aware of the world around us.In simple terms, cognition is the mental process that allows us to understand the world, and consciousness is the subjective experience of being alive and aware of the world.
  • While AI is creating a great deal of economic value, it's prudent to take a Goldilocks approach to AI
  • Too optimistic: Sentient / super-intelligent AI killer robots coming soon
  • Too pessimistic: AI cannot do everything, so an AI winter is coming
  • Just Right: AI can't do everything, but will transform industries

Rather churlish response to an honest post Mark
People bear the consequences of the actions of their government. Where government is defined as the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated. This fact was most evident in World War Two. Conservatively, over one million people of the Axis nations (Germany, Japan, & Italy) were killed. Undoubtedly many people felt as if they were prisoners within their own countries.
Civilian casualties in the Israel/Gaza conflict are amplified by the defensive strategies of Hamas. The use of civilian shields only serves to highlight the fact that people bear the consequences of their government. Objectively, Israel has done far more than any nation in history to mitigate civilian deaths.
The thing I find most astonishing is the ability of Americans to ignore Ukrainian military casualties that some estimate may be as high 500,000. Only politicians with diminished mental capacities are interested in a proxy war with Russia – and - potentially a direct confrontation with China. Perhaps “We The People” who will bear the consequences of OUR government’s actions, need to vigorously push for a government that is more adept at avoiding conflict with nuclear superpowers!

3 Am

Referencing a pre-dawn restlessness (albeit 4:30 am), this poem by Charles Bukowski has meant a great deal to me over the years.
I too wake nearly every morning.
My mind plays existential whack-a-mole with the myriad and ever evolving (yet never fully resolved) crisis du jour.
Mostly, it sucks. It’ll age me faster than an incumbent President if I let it.
I won’t let it.
This poem and this specific poet remind me of the beauty and wonder in the common. There’s still good in this world.
It’s a prayer for me when bad dreams and dark imaginings threaten to consume me.
May it be for you, too.
Some Notes on Bach and Haydn
by Charles Bukowski
It is quite something to turn your radio on
at 4:30 in the morning
in an apartment house
and hear Haydn
while through the blinds
you can see only the black night
as beautiful and quiet
as a flower.
and with that
something to drink,
of course,
a cigarette,
and the heater going,
and Haydn going.
maybe just 35 people
in a city of millions listening
as you are listening now,
looking at the walls,
smoking quietly,
not hating anything,
not wanting anything.
existing like mercury
you listen to a dead man’s music
at 4:30 in the morning,
only he is not really dead
as the smoke from your cigarette curls up,
is not really dead,
and all is magic,
this good sound
in Los Angeles.
but now a siren takes the air,
some trouble, murder, robbery, death . . .
but Haydn goes on
and you listen,
one of the finest mornings of your life
like some of those when you were very young
with stupid lunch pail
and sleepy eyes
riding the early bus to the railroad yards
to scrub the windows and sides of trains
with a brush and oaktie
but knowing
all the while
you would take the longest gamble,
and now having taken it,
still alive,
poor but strong,
knowing Haydn at 4:30 a.m.,
the only way to know him,
the blinds down
and the black night
the cigarette
and in my hands this pen
writing in a notebook
(my typewriter at this hour would
scream like a raped bear)
knowing the way
warmly and gently
as Haydn ends.
and then a voice tells me
where I can get bacon and eggs,
orange juice, toast, coffee
this very morning
for a pleasant price
and I like this man
for telling me this
after Haydn
and I want to get dressed
and go out and find the waitress
and eat bacon and eggs
and lift the cofee cup to my mouth,
but I am distracted:
the voice tells me that Bach
will be next: “Brandenburg Concerto No. 2
in F major,”
so I go into the kitchen for a
new can of beer.
may this night never see morning
as finally one night will not,
but I do suppose morning will come this day
asking its hard way –
the cars jammed on freeways,
faces as horrible as unflushed excreta,
trapped lives less than beautiful love,
and I walk out
knowing the way
cold beer in hand
as Bach begins
this good night
is still everywhere.


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Wish having the wifi off helped my insomnia. I slept horrifically all last week and my wifi is on a timer.
My husband has a science degree and believes any and all of my concerns about wifi, bluetooth, etc. are absolutely insane and that there couldn’t possibly be anything to worry about. Sigh.