As The World Burns

Bleep: please read below the response to Karen that I took the time to thoughtfully compose (#106) on May 16th under the “Covid-19 A Result of Lab Manipulation? Suspicions Grow…” article. Does this look like bullying to you?!? I doubt Karen even read it, given her comment #192 above. I gave her a respectful invitation to explore participating here. She has obviously declined it, and will as a result, if she follows through on leaving PP, not benefit from learning other perspectives to challenge her belief system. Totally her prerogative. I make no apologies for calling her out in my comments above, especially on her use of derogatory, demeaning language.
If you still think I am a bully after reading the comment below (which got a thumbs up from Chris I might add) then fine. If not, I would appreciate an apology for the insinuation.

Hi Karen, My observation from some of the comments you have made on this site is that you seem to have bought into the mainstream narratives and have not yet taken the steps of exploring alternative world views. The one thing that can be counted on by those of us who have taken a deeper dive to learn and understand how the world really works is that when confronted with 'uncomfortable truths' many people respond by trotting out the conspiracy theorist label. I view this as an emotional reaction to information they perceive as a threat to their way of life, whatever that may be. The best response we can give is the phrase Chris was using early on in his reporting: "If the facts scare you, the problem is not with the facts". I had thoughts like what you seem to have when I first came to this site. I stumbled upon PP after following a link from a more mainstream site article. I was at first intrigued and mildly amused at some of the concepts being discussed. Amusement turned to amazement after following many fabulous, thoughtful, and fact-based discussions, and reading the Crash Course. My world view shifted exponentially; I felt compelled to join. It was like a light bulb turned on… I cannot overstate how critically important it is to be able to open one's mind to alternative viewpoints, no matter how far fetched they may seem at first glance. And to participate in discussions, learn how to cogently make points & provide data, and how to debate well. I never in a million years would have thought that 9/11 was an inside job. But after allowing my mind to be open to such an abhorrent idea, and following that extremely lengthy forum discussion with all kinds of people with wide ranging expertise weighing in and cross-referencing their posts, I was able to come to the belief that yes, that is exactly what it was. Coming to understand and accept that changed how I see the world forever. It woke me up. It enabled me to take steps to change my life for the better – something that is serving me extremely well during this virus induced crisis. With a rather abundant level of curiosity, it was not hard to go from the 9/11 wake up call to wanting to know more - after all, if they could do that, then what the heck else are they up to?!? The more I read the more I developed a deep fascination with geopolitics, macro economics and global finance. I am no expert by any means, but after about ten years of doing a deep dive, I am confident that I know and understand a heck of a lot more than your average person. I have family and friends who ask me why I follow these things so closely. They are the disbelievers; the people who, like you perhaps, are unable to fathom intentional nefariousness and evil. That the world is run by sociopathic megalomaniacs who do not value human life unless it can enrich them further. That, to them, we are not assets, we are liabilities. Their questioning of my motives is perplexing to me. Information is power. It informs decision making across the spectrum of daily living, including, as Covid-19 is showing, decisions that may mean life or death. When this all started back in January I knew nothing about nanotechnology, vaccines, Bill Gates, big Pharma or DARPA until things were mentioned in videos and discussions at PP. I sought to learn more because as much as I want there to be an effective vaccine for this virus, I need to satisfy myself that it will be safe and that there are no nefarious hidden agendas, like nano tracking chips, in any treatment or vaccine program that is rolled out. I would hope that you can agree that we all have a seriously vested interest in what ‘they’ are doing. What I have learned in the past few months is beyond deeply disturbing - far more so than anything I learned about 9/11. I have read enough from many credible sources in the alt media domain to come to believe that the virus, the responses, or lack thereof, and the dystopian things planned are an existential threat to humanity and our way of life. Instead of incredulous disbelief and engaging in uninformed put downs as you have previously done, I would encourage you [perhaps libation in hand since you are being driven to drink by hoax promoters (lol)], to start truly, deeply educating yourself about what is really going on behind the daily news façade presented to the masses. If one is willing to do a bit of work, there is a whole big world out there beyond CNN, Fox, CBC, The Globe and Mail (Canada's so called national newspaper), BBC, the Guardian, and all the other mainstream news that feeds the masses their daily propaganda (as dictated by the ideologies and editorial agendas of the billionaires that own them). There is a great list of credible alt news website found at The Last American Vagabond – well worth bookmarking. I tried to paste the link into this comment but the cen$ors are at work again today ☹ (That, and the fact that I have that problem a lot these days, trying to post links to investigative journalism articles of interest to the PP tribe, is something that should give you serious pause for thought…) In closing I will repeat what I said above in #62: 'for evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.' Doing nothing got us into this mess. It sure as heck is not going to get us out of it! Further, we will not get out of it by remaining wilfully ignorant. Ignorance is not bliss – not in this case anyway. It is dangerous. Respectfully offered, Jan

I appreciated your post. It came straight from the heart and displayed a great deal of awakening. Not to pat myself on the back (I don’t vote) I am with Chris on the idiocy of the left/right paradigm. If anyone were truly paying attention they would have known Obomba was going to win 7 months before the election. All they had to do was go to and look at campaign contributions. Obomba had gotten 4x the money McCain got from Wall St. When did that ever happen, a Democrat getting more money than a Republican from Wall St. ? Also there was a point in the primaries when both Obomba and Clinton left the campaign trail at the same time for three days. It was at the excat same time that the Bilderberg meeting was taking place. Shortly after Clinton dropped out. Obomba ran a very slick campaign which actually won an Addy. Unfortunately his constituency turned out not to be the the people who voted for him but the people who paid to put him in office. Michael Hudson a brilliant economist pointed out the hypocrisy in 2011.
But more to the macro point in discussion Michael Hudson (who btw was the economic adviser to Kucinich when he ran for president) describes what he call Neofeudalism. This is exactly what we are witnessing right now before our eyes. The basic premise is that their is a rentier class who create nothing yet who control everything. This is the aristocracy and the modern day serfs are everyone else. In medieval feudalism serfswere tied to the land. In Neofeudalism the serfs are tied to debt. If anyone thinks this is not the case I suggest one look at the debt levels in this country or better yet talk to someone with a student loan. Student loans thanks to the aristocracy ( Dubya) are the only loans that cannot be cleared in bankruptcy. That is almost perpetual serfdom.
None of this is conspiracy theory. This is all observable, verifiable conspiracy fact. When one understands this simple mechanism everything the government and the Fed do makes perfect sense. There is not one aspect of society that is not under the control of the aristocracy. As was stated centuries ago, reputedly by Mayer Amschel Bauer " Give me control of a country’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws"
I really do appreciate all that you have done here Jim. You have seriously done some heavy lifting. And the origins of the deep state are there to see for anyone who cares to read history. It functions through the CFR, TRILAT, Bilderbergs etc. They are the aristocracy.

Good post . Carry on

I’m going to try to put PP out of my mind today and enjoy my daughter’s socially-distanced outdoor college graduation luncheon, party of 8 max. for no longer than 1 hr. and 45 minutes. Masks optional. Avoid the protests scheduled today on the main drag.
Have a nice day, everyone.

Dtrammel, I hope you will not think I am dumping on you or anyone else. But we need to feel free to say what we think at this site.
I don’t believe nor did I say that ANTIFA was/is the source of all the looting and violence that have surrounded these protests. I believe that most of the people at the protests are acting peacefully and honestly. I honor and support them. I too want swift justice for the murderers of George Floyd.
But there is another element that is taking advantage of otherwise peaceful protests to loot and destroy–some have a political agenda (eg, ANTIFA) and some are just opportunistic criminals. They need to be identified, jailed, tried and punished according to their crimes.
I don’t think we can or should tolerate any violence that undermines the rule of law in our society. We give up some of our freedoms to be protected from mob rule. If those responsible for enforcing the law fail to do so, then they break the social contract that binds us to each other. How much longer before mob rule is not the exception, but “normal”? No, no tolerance at all for destructive and violent mobs. None at all.
The opportunistic criminals can be dealt with through normal processes. The organized, politically-driven criminals, ANTIFA and others, need to be infiltrated, neutralized and destroyed as effective organizations, just as the FBI did to the KKK decades ago.
The US Attorney General, Bill Barr, perfectly summarizes my point of view. His statement is worth reading.
Peace, harmony and good vibes to all. :slight_smile:

Agree with you, Bruce, on the hazard of breaking the social contract. It may be too late for that. Us plebes go to jail or get beat, or worse. The 1% get bailouts. Perhaps MM’s post #121 is the reason. From BB’s press release:

When the rule of law breaks down, the promise of America does too. The Department of Justice is working to restore order in the District of Columbia.....
      That's pretty funny. When do the arrests start? When is he targeting Wall Street? I think we all would agree so many of our problems have economic origins. No change there, no change....Aloha, Steve  

Can we submit it to reddit or Breitbart or politico?

I never agreed to nor signed a social contract. The THEORY of a social contract was a product of the Enlightenment as a means to explain the reasons for government w/o a divine being. This had influence on the founders and thus we have the THEORY of separation of church and state…
Government is in fact a rather recent invention in human evolution. For upwards of 95% of human existence government did not exist. Morals/ethics are not set in stone and are cultural. In certain cultures it is moral to be a cannibal, for example.
Currently the so called social contract is a one way street. The disproportionate number of minorities in prison, the lack of prosecution of white collar crime, the disparity in education, the list is endless. There are no "moral " avenues for many people to enforce their side of said social contract. Even here people complain about the wealth inequality and the largest transfer of wealth the planet has ever seen. This thread is about that inequality in its rawest forms. The system is designed to be unequal.
Barr or anyone going on about “rule of law” and “constitution” blah blah is beyond laughable. It is the height of absurdity.
Bruce Fein a constitutional scholar was recently on Chris Hedges On Contact. It is a laundry list of how invisible the constitution is.
I do not support the violence that has swept the country in protest of the murder of George Floyd. I am sure there were groups who took advantage of the protests to turn them into riots which had nothing to do with George Floyd. I am also sure if there was any shred of equality in ths country and a means to redress grievances this would not have happened.
The following in my estimation is grounds for the non existence of the rule of law, a constitution and a social contract.
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
i think we have had a long enough train of abuses and usurpations.

DUTY. When do we say enough is enough…and then what do we do?

If one enters a search on Google for this subject one will get 16,000,000 entries.
Here are some.

So just curious, how the change of heart between 2008 and now? Because that is quite an about turn, but it has been 12 years, so a lot has transpired, seems you learned something about globalism that changed your world view. Inbox me if you wish and not if you don’t. Don’t want to break guidelines, which I believe are to be non-partisan and to avoid religious discussion.

After only four months–longer than some new members, I guess. I appreciated her posts. Sad that some of our new members (and some long term members) don’t find this community more welcoming.

Chris of CityPrepping is a nonpartisan vlogger covering preparedness topics that are applicable regardless of whether one lives in urban, suburban or rural settings. In this brief video (about 11.5 minutes) he cites historical precedent as he reviews current events that may suggest the US is on a path towards collapse.

Thanks for posting the Declaration, MM. That truly is a fine document…
Perhaps my question, and the discussion that ensues are best transfered over to Adam’s Righteous Revolution thread. But we’re here, so…
I’ve posited that the bones of our government are solid, but the flesh is corrupt. I’ve advocated for voting and petitioning the gov’t for redress. A number have said “forget it, too late, never happen” etc. So if the people were to subscribe to that view, but be willing to accept “new Guards for their future security”, what form of government would that be, given our current time and place in the world? How would a nation such as America in its current form, come up with a new system that would be paletable to most? What would be the results of a elimination or vast downsizing of the Federal gov’t? (Hey, I’m kinda likin’ the sound of that!). Come to think of it, I guess some citizens are petitioning the gov’t right now, in the streets (not counting the looters, even). Aloha, Steve

I agree with thatchmo that the bones are solid, even if the flesh has been corrupted.
While we retain just the bones of the Enlightenment (and/or the social contract) here in the US, provided to us by our imperfect Founding Fathers, even talking about such concepts in other places will result in you becoming a “forced organ transplant donor.” Assuming your organs are still healthy. If they aren’t, well, you just die in prison, following your conviction for “picking quarrels and stirring up trouble.”
Not saying there isn’t corruption in the US; this whole COVID affair has ripped the cover off yet another layer of massive corruption in government, media, science, sickcare, and at all levels in between. Whoever they are, it is quite evident that the gang allegedly in charge of “health” in the US really do not care if we live or die.
At the same time - in America - we are still free to talk about it, without getting turned into involuntary organ donors. And if we are free to talk about it, that allows us to educate others. That’s an opening.
That origin story about freedom - it really does matter. In fact, I think it is critical. It gives us this opening. Those are the bones. They really are critical.
As a result of that origin story, I do have faith that, if enough corruption is revealed, change can occur. I think that change will be an emergent property of the fourth turning.
That’s why the gang in charge is getting ever more desperate. You see the signs everywhere. Things are getting more shrill, more nutty. The narrative is fraying around the edges. One week COVID will kill everyone and we have to be locked down, next week protests are just fine - essential activity, even. The aggregate cognitive dissonance in society - if I could chart it - is screaming higher at an ever-increasing rate.
This can’t last. In market-speak, we will end up with “a blow off top.”
And that’s the fourth turning. What comes out the other end of this process - I am optimistic that it will be better than what we have now.
In this process, we can all play a part, if we choose to. The part I’ve selected: to reveal truth, to the best of my ability. I’ll rely on the Fourth Turning to actually execute the change. That sounds like I’m doing nothing. And yet:
“The master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone.”

  1. An officer concealing his/her name tag or badge number is a clear violation of policy and should be corrected by a supervisor when observed and punished if it continues.
  2. Philadelphia Police are currently wearing mourning crepes over their badges by order of the Commissioner (black bands that shouldn’t cover the badge number itself) in mourning for a SWAT Officer recently killed serving an arrest warrant on a murder suspect. It is possible to wear the mourning crepe properly so it doesn’t obscure the badge number. Supervisors inspect officers in roll call before each shift and most of the time correct these kinds of things on the spot, therefore if you see it on the street it’s because the officer made a change after roll call.
  3. Troublemakers are sometimes able to get personal information about officers (ie. full name, home address, etc) from social media or corrupt cops and use it for harassment, stalking, vandalism, etc. Cops on riot duty often use this fact as a rationale for concealing their identity during that duty which is when it most often happens. (I’ve noticed here at PP almost no one lets the rest of us know their real name and location. Is that equivalent to an officer concealing his badge number? Is your name really Mohammed Mast?)
  4. In big cities where most of the rioting is occurring even the best and most honorable cops are exhausted and demoralized. They believe they are in a no-win situation in which they are “damned if they do and damned if they don’t.” They are starting to mentally, emotionally, and physically withdraw from their duties any way they can in increasing numbers. “Injuries” requiring removal from street duty and “illness” (including Covid symptoms) requiring a stay at home are increasing. Concealing name tags and badge numbers is occurring. But the behavior that is increasing the most by far is the so called Ferguson Effect in which officers simply hide in an inconspicuous place so they won’t see any crime they have to respond to, take a long time to respond to an assignment (long enough for all but the dumbest criminals to escape), and simply refuse to act when they see a crime in progress. What do you suppose should be done about all that now that it’s a reality on the ground?

I think there’s also a certain amount of whiplash that the police are suffering from.
Two weeks ago they were heroic first responders - getting sick in impressive numbers, enforcing “public safety lockdowns” by throwing people in jail for really bad crimes such as opening a barber shop, or lying down at the beach.
Now? Two weeks later, police are so hopelessly evil and racist, they need to be defunded. Everywhere. Unless they repeatedly kneel down, showing their contrition for all those bad acts that they didn’t personally do. It’s called collective punishment. And/or self-criticism.
Like I said, whiplash.
They will remain evil right up until the gang in charge need the next “public safety lockdown” to be enforced. Close down those barber shops! Then they’ll be heroes once again.
Of course, I just see this from the outside.
Nurses & cops are the people in society who get to clean up all the crap that happens in “civilization.” Child hit by a bus? First the cop responds, sends the kid to the hospital by ambulance, who is then taken care of by the nurse, who tries to save the kid’s life. None of the rest of us get to deal with this sort of thing, unless by extreme bad luck. Good friend of mine works Emergency and the OR. I get to hear stories like this often enough. Stabbings, motorcycle accidents, car accidents. Cleanup. And of course, people die.
I can’t remember the last time someone died in the normal course of events at my work. How about you?
Cops & nurses, at the point of the spear.

How many years did you spend in the military? How many times did you deploy? War is not as seen on TV. These calls for revolution will leave a lot of good people dead. Do you really want that? Those people with a few gun and an NRA class that think they can keep out the neighbor and his buddies that did 6 tours in the sand box kicking door are sadly mistaken. This is definitely NOT a good situation. I am all for financial reforms. I am for a crackdown on police brutality again all people. I am NOT for burning the system down and starting over because guess what kids, if the system totally burns down most people will not make it through.

I hope this place stays a place all are welcome, not just right wing people.
LOL Thank you for your attempt to label this place on the left-right axis. It's always fun to see someone try. However, your technique needs refinement. 1/10 on the effectiveness scale. This place relies heavily on facts and persuasion. Best of luck elsewhere.