As The World Burns

No I think she’s wrong, and I think you are wrong to throw in that “virtue signalling” dig. That’s uncalled for and low. At this point I will end my participation in this.

It is not all conspiracies… Just stuff directed at anybody who does not support Trump.

I will see how the page goes for a few days.
I did come here for the covid stuff.
If it is still to hot in the kitchen, I will get out, lol.
I hope this place stays a place all are welcome, not just right wing people.
But I would also like to win the lottery and have a pool boy bring me drinks all day. I don’t always get what I want.

I appreciate your replies and from what I am seeing ANTIFA seems to be more concentrated around traditional liberal universities like Cal. I have never heard about the FBI or other law enforcement organizations locating an ANTIFA training camp, but right-wing training organizations appear to be ubiquitous and have been around for decades. When they start locating ANTIFA training camps and I am seeing good, hard data, I will pay attention ( I promise). By the way, we have one female pullet that our oldest cat brought home for us (we live in an environment that has lots of wild chickens) unharmed and are expecting 6 female-sexed baby chicks to arrive next week. We are building a large coop. How many roosting spaces will we need for 7 hens? I spend about 1 hour per week on here. I spend most of the rest of my time with clients or gardening, playing with pets, or walking to the coast. I appreciate the work/life/PP balance that you appear to demonstrate! By the way, your post Yes, triggered was one of the more humorous on this thread. Whatever side of the fence you come from it is nice to see humor here, and I have never received any funding from Soros or Gates either. Keep the humor coming and I wish for you an abundance of eggs and healthy chickens!

Since you put in a quote from my post directly before saying this :

There's doubting the established mainstream media story and there is pushing ill informed, biased and false stories in a post here.
Then it sounds like you are refering to something I posted ? If I have pushed an ill informed, biased or false story in a post here, please point it out so I can correct it. If that is directed to another post, you were not clear. So, what I am saying is if there is an ill informed, biased or false story, please address that in a clear way so we know what it is    

Can one erase their account? I cancelled my subscription but cant figure out how to erase my account.

You aren’t the only non-right-winger on here (I like Chris’ Chaos vs Integrity continuum better than R vs. L. anyway). I thought you were going to give it a few days. Not al of us are MAGAs.

But I would also like to win the lottery and have a pool boy bring me drinks all day. I don't always get what I want.
And that, Karen, is privilege shining through loud and clear, and exactly why we need these honest, open, painful, self-reflecting discussions. A couple years back I was vacationing at a Mexican resort. My companion told me (because I do not hear well), that the man at the next table had summoned a waiter with words to the effect of "hey, boy! we need some more water". I can tell you it is a good thing I did not hear it directly or I would have gotten in that guys face big time, and it would not have been pretty - for either of us I might add. But holy shit, I would absolutely have shamed that asshole in front of the entire restaurant, consequences be damned. I tell you this explicitly, unceremoniously, and with rage and extreme contempt: DO NOT EVER CALL ANOTHER HUMAN BEING A 'POOL BOY'. And to think you refer to Jesus in your comments.... Okay, calm down Jan.... All we at PP ask is that you be willing to learn, Karen; to open your mind to different perspectives. To allow the under appreciated trait of curiosity to roam free, unimpeded by the hold of rigid, set belief systems. I hope you can see the light. If not, I pity you. I hope you can ponder that while you sip your drink poolside with the pool boy at your beck and call. I dearly, dearly hope you can see what you have said, and how you have identified yourself as being part of the problem. Jesus indeed!

I thought politics and religion were not topics for discussion here…just sayin’

We are far more than Covid-19, Karen. That is the current prime focus, but if you took the time to explore you would find a richness and depth of (factual) information here that is simply astounding.
Seriously, you should check it ALL out before deciding the site is no longer worth your 30 bucks.

I voted for Obama in 2008. My wife at the time went to a neighboring State to campaign. We cried when Obama was elected because we saw it as a watershed moment in US history, which in fact it was. I grew up with openly racist parents and it was and remains my hope to live in a world of equality. This was a step forward, or so we thought.
Today I feel like I was lied to in so many ways… but that has nothing to do with Black or White… is about the Globalist agenda to destroy our country, which I did not see at the time. Members of both parties have signed onto this agenda - and literally the only thing that stands in the way is our Nationalist president. You don’t have to like him, but it’s not left vs right, it’s Globalism vs Nationalism. Trump is pushing the US away from the Globalist technocracy… NATO, The WHO, weaponized immigration. I want my kids to inherit a US with a functioning constitution. As someone said earlier, ZERO bankers went to jail in the wake of the GFC under Holder’s dept. of justice. We still live with the remains of that system - a system where Flynn can be railroaded for nothing and made to plead guilty by dirty cops threatening to pull his son into the mess.
I said we look for truth here… well here’s a big giant dose of truth offered by lawyer John Titus. If this doesn’t wake you up as to the degradation of the rule of law in our country under the Obama admin… then you need more serious deprogramming than I am capable of providing… and remember… I voted for Obama.

The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime If you understand how the deep state works, you can see what they are setting up next. The DC mayor is pulling back her police from the White House, kicking the National Guard out of DC hotels, and asking that the barriers be moved back in closer to the White House so protesters can get closer. It's almost like somebody wants to create that scene where protesters finally breach the barriers and start rushing the White House, where surely mass carnage will ensue. This video will then play on an endless loop on CNN and CNBC.  

Ran a relief project for earthquake survivors in China funded heavily by the WHO (6 figures) and saw no evidence of globalism. It was wholly directed at relieving suffering. Stop getting info from Yourube, get off your butts and talk to people out there in the non-cyberspace world!

Jan, You are not speaking for me when you say “We here at PP. . .” That sounds like bullying to me as and that your intent might be to make Karen feel like she doesn’t belong here. Something like “Our beliefs are better than yours and you don’t belong here.” It seems pretty obvious that she felt bullied and you were the main one leading the charge. How is your attitude toward her any different than her language around hypothetical pool staff? I think Sam Keen sums up what I am trying to say better than most:
In the Denial of Death, Becker took any reader who could bear the anxiety on a shamanic journey beneath the façade of personality where he revealed the defense mechanisms we use to construct our “character armor” in an effort to deny the terrifying awareness of our animality, the unpredictability of life, and the inevitability of our death. In Escape from Evil, published posthumously, he went further and showed that humanly caused evil results from our attempt to deny our creatureliness and overcome any insignificance. He unmasked the glorious claims of nations and the warfare state-the promise to provide us with meaning for our lives by giving us enemies whom we can destroy and thereby prove that we are the chosen people of God-and showed them to be a demonic form of heroism “The horror we regularly visit upon each other comes not from any innate sadism or desire to act cruelly toward others but our desire to belong to an in-group. . .And to achieve this intimate identification it was necessary to strike at strangers, pull the group together by focusing it on an outside target. . .It is not our aggressive drives that have taken the greatest toll in history, but rather unselfish devotion, hyperdependency combined with suggestibility.”
By identifying the false heroism of political claims of absolute righteousness-any crime is justified so long as it is for the fatherland, the motherland, the revolution, democracy, the people of God-Becker raised the question of authentic heroism. “the most exalted type of heroism involves feelings that one has lived to some purpose that transcends one.” Both his writing and his life force us to ask how we can achieve a sense that we are used for divine purposes, without falling into dangerous forms of self-righteousness.” Sam Keen, Fire in the Belly pp. 164-165
I think it is a shame that Karen probably left the site. I liked her humor, she seemed very down to earth - spent a lot of time building a chicken coop. I went back and read a majority of her posts. Most of them are quite humorous and having to do with her struggles with gardening, raising animals, and dealing with the pandemic. I was looking forward to hearing from her about chickens and now that possibility is probably gone. I can’t say that I haven’t made the self-righteous mistakes that Keen calls out above, but I am trying to be better.

Like any large organization, I am sure there are good people with good intentions inside WHO. In case you have been living under a rock since Covid-19 broke, the WHO has been front and center in the attempts to suppress the life saving medication, hydroxychloroquine. I have been a very active foot soldier in the information warfare going on in this regard, especially as it relates to outing the false data upon which the Lancet study was based. The WHO stopped all HCQ studies under it’s jurisdiction on the basis of this study whose findings flew in the face of a growing body of clinical data from around the world. The WHO is corrupt at the top and I am glad the US has stopped funding it. I would not have known it was so corrupt had I not seen it with my own eyes.

I am aware of the studies and agree that HCQ has been treated unfairly mainly because Trump supports it… I was just trying to make a point. Realistically I hope the world is more complex than being able to boil it down to Globalism vs Nationalism. Are we the only woke place in the world? I suppose Bolsonaro is a hero too? Anyone who criticizes or disagrees with This Nationalist vs Globalist dichotomy is wrong? Man, I sure hope the world is more complex than that.
“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

I didn’t know that “The Left” had an Antifa left. Must have made that turn while I was counting the turnings. People seem to think we’ve made the fourth turn and a right turn but all the talk is about how bad it would be to turn left. Personally I prefer LaMans. On the bucket list, if it ever happens again. But I’m sure people will be holding on to the their left and their right like to brothers in a nest, just in case they were to find that in the end the other was the best. And yes this is a lot of trouble for a species going extinct within a generation or two but lets not quibble.

HCQ study was retraced

I see parallels between the leaders in the Medical Establishment (WHO) and leaders in CIA and FBI, and leaders in Government. They seem to be overcome with emotion to promote a cause to the detriment of following fact and truth and simple logic. My hypothesis (disclaimer: I am just a chicken coop builder and vegetable grower) is that the media by virtue of repeating propaganda day in and day out is able to successfully program the minds of our leaders. Plus…they program their own minds…where they actually begin to believe themselves. They repeat their propaganda more and more enthusiastically because their colleagues are saying the same thing.
Also they have learned that the headline carries more weight that the retraction. So there is a tendency to put out a lie (ie. HCQ is a dangerous drug that kills people) …reap the benefits of programming the masses, and then when the lie is sufficiently propagated, to issue a retraction…or maybe not.
So …as someone who doesn’t have TV…I get my news on the internet. I try hard to look at a variety of sites…Fox…CNN…MSNBC…RT…BBC…PP…and others. I refuse to be programmed.

It is at times ironic that some folks who’s grand parents fought and died fighting fascism are faced with techno-hegemonic power for which we have no words. The pursuit of truth is a slippery thing. That’s why I read Shakespeare; for the truth, and Mr CM & Co. for reportage, analysis and opinion. Pronouncing or looking for truth on a comments forum seems self-defeating. Too much ego. That’s what my ego thinks anyway. Robot love is the answer, and of course Turnings 1-4 and left and right. [mic drop] [moonwalk stage right]
I know a vivisectionist who has fled upon his experiments being exposed and has moved to a remote island in the Pacific Ocean to pursue his research of perfecting his Beast Folk. OK, it’s Bill Gates.

Wow, you give us a generation or two before we are extinct? (sarcasm by me). I figure we are the generation (being myself old) going extinct via global warming/resource collapse. Thanks for your writing!